A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

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A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by inferno8 »

Hello, I am in a process of porting my campaign to 1.13~1.14 and I have noticed a lua error related to a piece of code which was working well on the stable version of the game.

The error looks like this:
And it sends me to this particular line of my animation.lua file:

Code: Select all

return string.format("%s~CROP(%d,%d,%d,%d)",image,x,y,w,h)
Here is the full content of animation.lua:

Code: Select all

Author: Alarantalara (username on the Battle for Wesnoth forum)

animate_path is a new tag that allows for movement of an object along paths not restricted by the hex grid

Required keys:
x,y: a sequence of points relative to the center of the reference hex in pixels through which the animation will travel
hex_x, hex_y: a hex on the map for which all other coordinates will be relative to
image: the image to display. It should have a 72 pixel transparent border surrounding it
frame_length: the amount of time each frame will be visible

Optional keys:
frames (default: number of images specified in image): the number of frames to display in the movement, must be at least 2
linger (default: no): if yes, then leave the final frame visible
transpose (default: no): if yes, then the interpolation methods marked function will calculate based on y-values rather than x-values
interpolation: (default: linear) The method used to travel between points. Allowed values are: linear, bspline, parabola
Method Details:
    Methods marked (function) require that the x values (y values if transpose is yes) be distinct and sorted (increasing or decreasing)
        Currently this is not checked, provide points out of order at your own risk
    bspline: requires that at least 4 points be specified
    parabola (function): requires exactly 3 points be specified
    cubic_spline (function):


Note for those who want more options:
This file returns a table of interpolation methods
You can add an initialization function to it to provide your own path function.
The initialization function receives a list of x values, a list of y values and the total number of locations
The number of x and y values are guaranteed to be the same

Your initialization function must return 3 functions:

The first function returns the length of each segment of the path, the number of segments and the total length of the path
It takes no parameters
<lengths>, num_lengths, total_length = length_function()
<lengths> must be an array indexed from [1..n] where n is the number of lengths
All lengths must be positive

The second function is called for each point of the path specified by the user
It takes one parameter specifying which segment in the path was reached (0..n where n is number of segments)
There are no return values

The third function is called containing the distance travelled along the current segment
This value will be in the range [0..length[segment_number]]
The function must return the absolute x,y coordinates of the associated point
x, y = get_point_on_current_segment_from_offset( offset )

local helper = wesnoth.require "lua/helper.lua"
local items = wesnoth.require "lua/wml/items.lua"

-- Linear Algebra
local epsilon = 0.0000000001

local function solve_system(A, b)
    -- solve a system of n equations in n unknowns
    -- A is a square matrix
    local size = #A
    for i = 1,size do
        -- find largest element as pivot
        local largest = i
        for j = i,size do
            if math.abs(A[largest][i]) < math.abs(A[j][i]) then
                largest = j
        -- swap if larger element found
        if math.abs(A[largest][i]) < epsilon then
            -- largest element remaining is 0, no unique solution
            return nil
        if largest ~= i then
            A[i], A[largest] = A[largest], A[i]
            b[i], b[largest] = b[largest], b[i]
        -- reduce
        for k = i+1,size do
            local m = A[k][i] / A[i][i]
            for j = i+1,size do
                A[k][j] = A[k][j] - m * A[i][j]
            b[k] = b[k] - m * b[i]

    -- back substitute
    for i = size,1,-1 do
        for j = size,i+1,-1 do
            b[i] = b[i] - A[i][j] * b[j]
        b[i] = b[i] / A[i][i]
    return b

-- Image Placement Functions

local function get_image_name_with_offset(hex_x, hex_y, x, y, image)
    -- since halo doesn't have a key to offset an image, use the CROP
    -- function built into the wesnoth image placement to fake it
    -- requires a 72 pixel border around the image to work properly
    x = x*2
    y = y*2
    local w, h = wesnoth.get_image_size(image)

    w = w-math.abs(x)
    if w <= 0 then
    h = h-math.abs(y)
    if h <= 0 then
    if x > 0 then
        x = 0
        x = -x
    if y > 0 then
        y = 0
        y = -y
    return string.format("%s~CROP(%d,%d,%d,%d)",image,x,y,w,h)

local function calc_image_hex_offset(hex_x, hex_y, x, y)
    -- given a reference hex and an offset in pixels
    -- find the hex closest to the target and adjust the offset to be relative to that hex
    -- returns the new hex coordinates followed by the new pixel offset
    local hex_off_x = math.floor((x + 27) / 54)
    local k = 0
    if math.abs(hex_off_x) % 2 == 1 then
        if math.abs(hex_x) % 2 == 0 then
            k = 36
            y = y - 36
    local hex_off_y = math.floor((y + 36) / 72)
    local new_x = x - hex_off_x * 54
    local new_y = y - (hex_off_y * 72) + k
    if new_y > 36 then
        new_y = new_y - 72
        hex_off_y = hex_off_y+1

    return hex_x+hex_off_x, hex_y+hex_off_y, new_x, new_y

-- Miscellaneous Utilities

local function load_list(list)
    -- this loads a comma separated list into a 0-based array
    -- the 0 base simplifies later modular arithmetic
    local items = {}
    local num_items = 0
    for item in string.gmatch(list, "[^%s,][^,]*") do
        items[num_items] = item
        num_items = num_items + 1
    return items, num_items

-- Interpolation Functions
local interpolation_methods = {}

function interpolation_methods.linear( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )
    -- encapsulates the linear interpolation algorithm
    local function calc_linear_path_length()
        if num_locs == 1 then
            return {}, 0, 0

        local total_length = 0
        local lengths = {}
        local last_x = x_locs[0]
        local last_y = y_locs[0]
        local cur_x, cur_y
        local num_lengths = 0
        for i = 1,num_locs-1 do
            cur_x = x_locs[i]
            cur_y = y_locs[i]
            lengths[i] = math.sqrt( (cur_x-last_x)^2 + (cur_y-last_y)^2 )
            total_length = total_length + lengths[i]
            last_x = cur_x
            last_y = cur_y
            num_lengths = num_lengths + 1
        return lengths, num_lengths, total_length

    local function reached_point(point)
        start_x = x_locs[point] or 0
        start_y = y_locs[point] or 0
        delta_x = (x_locs[point+1] or start_x) - start_x
        delta_y = (y_locs[point+1] or start_y) - start_y

    local function get_location(offset)
        local x = (delta_x * offset) + start_x
        local y = (delta_y * offset) + start_y
        return x,y

    local start_x, start_y
    local delta_x, delta_y

    return calc_linear_path_length, reached_point, get_location

function interpolation_methods.bspline( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )
    -- implements uniform cubic B-splines
    local function calc_uniform_path_length()
        local lengths = {}
        for i = 1,num_locs-3 do
            lengths[i] = 1
        return lengths, num_locs-3, num_locs-3

    local function reached_point(point)
        index = point

    local function get_location(offset)
        local u3 = offset*offset*offset
        local u2 = offset*offset
        local u  = offset
        local b0 = (-1*u3 + 3*u2 - 3*u + 1)
        local b1 = ( 3*u3 - 6*u2       + 4)
        local b2 = (-3*u3 + 3*u2 + 3*u + 1)
        local b3 = u3

        local x = b0*x_locs[index] + b1*x_locs[index+1] + b2*x_locs[index+2]
        local y = b0*y_locs[index] + b1*y_locs[index+1] + b2*y_locs[index+2]
        if index < num_locs-3 then
            x = x + b3*x_locs[index+3]
            y = y + b3*y_locs[index+3]
        return x/6, y/6

    if num_locs < 4 then
        helper.wml_error("[animate_path]: A B-spline path requires at least 4 points be specified")
    local index

    return calc_uniform_path_length, reached_point, get_location

function interpolation_methods.parabola( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )
    -- implements simple parabolas
    -- assumes that the parabola opens up or down and that the points are specified in
    -- either increasing or decreasing order (second assumption allows determination of direction of travel)
    if num_locs ~= 3 then
        helper.wml_error("[animate_path]: A parabola requires that exactly 3 points be specified")
    local A, b, index
    A = {{x_locs[0]*x_locs[0], x_locs[0], 1},
         {x_locs[1]*x_locs[1], x_locs[1], 1},
         {x_locs[2]*x_locs[2], x_locs[2], 1}}
    b = {y_locs[0], y_locs[1], y_locs[2]} -- have to copy since input is 0-based
    b = solve_system(A, b)
    A = nil
    if b == nil then
        helper.wml_error("[animate_path]: The provided points do not form a parabola")

    local function get_parabola_path_length()
        return {1},1,1

    local function reached_point(point)
        index = point

    local function get_location(offset)
        local x
        if index == 1 then
            x = x_locs[2]
            x = offset*(x_locs[2] - x_locs[0]) + x_locs[0]
        local y = b[1]*x*x + b[2]*x + b[3]
        return x, y

    return get_parabola_path_length, reached_point, get_location

function interpolation_methods.cubic_spline( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )
    -- implements natural cubic spline interpolation
    if num_locs <= 2 then
        return interpolation_methods.linear( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )

    local M = {}
    local mt = {__index = function () return 0 end}
    local a = {}
    local b = {}
    local c = {}
    local h = {}

    for i = 1,num_locs-1 do
        h[i] = x_locs[i] - x_locs[i-1]
    for i = 1,num_locs-2 do
        M[i] = {}
        setmetatable(M[i], mt)
        M[i][i-1] = h[i] / 6
        M[i][i] = (h[i] + h[i+1]) / 3
        M[i][i+1] = h[i+1] / 6
        a[i] = (y_locs[i+1] - y_locs[i]) / h[i+1] - (y_locs[i] - y_locs[i-1]) / h[i]
    -- TODO: write tridiagonal solver using the Thomas method to improve runtime
    -- O(n) instead of O(n^2)
    -- for now, use metatables to fill in all the 0s the Gaussian solver needs

    a = solve_system(M, a)
    M = nil
    a[0] = 0
    a[num_locs-1] = 0
    for i = 1,num_locs-1 do
        b[i] = y_locs[i-1] / h[i] - (a[i-1] * h[i]) / 6
        c[i] = y_locs[i] / h[i] - (a[i] * h[i]) / 6
    local index, delta_x

    local function get_cubic_path_length()
        -- since I don't want to calculate the arc length at this time
        -- I currently just return the absolute value of the
        -- x differences to provide a constant x-velocity
        local total_length = 0
        local lengths = {}
        local num_lengths = 0
        for i = 1,num_locs-1 do
            lengths[i] = math.abs(x_locs[i]-x_locs[i-1])
            total_length = total_length + lengths[i]
            num_lengths = num_lengths + 1
        return lengths, num_lengths, total_length

    local function reached_point(point)
        index = point+1
        delta_x = x_locs[point+1] - x_locs[point] or 0

    local function get_location(offset)
        local x = (delta_x * offset) + x_locs[index-1]
        local y = a[index-1] * (x_locs[index] - x)^3 / (6 * h[index]) +
                  a[index] * (x - x_locs[index-1])^3 / (6 * h[index]) +
                  b[index] * (x_locs[index] - x ) +
                  c[index] * (x - x_locs[index-1])
        return x, y

    return get_cubic_path_length, reached_point, get_location

function wesnoth.wml_actions.animate_path(cfg)
    if wesnoth.get_image_size == nil then
        wesnoth.message("Animation skipped. To see the animation, upgrade to Battle for Wesnoth version 1.9.4 or later")
    local hex_x = tonumber(cfg.hex_x) or helper.wml_error("Missing required hex_x= attribute in [animate_path]")
    local hex_y = tonumber(cfg.hex_y) or helper.wml_error("Missing required hex_y= attribute in [animate_path]")
    local temp = cfg.image or helper.wml_error("[animate_path] missing required image= attribute")
    local images, num_images = load_list(temp)
    local frames = tonumber(cfg.frames) or num_images
    if frames < 2 then
        helper.wml_error("[animate_path] requires frames be at least 2")
    local delay = tonumber(cfg.frame_length) or helper.wml_error("Missing required frame_length= attribute in [animate_path]")
    local linger = cfg.linger
    temp = cfg.x or helper.wml_error("[animate_path] missing required x= attribute")
    local x_locs, num_locs = load_list(temp)
    temp = cfg.y or helper.wml_error("[animate_path] missing required y= attribute")
    local y_locs, num_y_locs = load_list(temp)
    if num_locs ~= num_y_locs then
        helper.wml_error("The number of x and y values must be the same in [animate_path]")
    local transpose = cfg.transpose

    local interpolation = cfg.interpolation or "linear"
    if not interpolation_methods[interpolation] then
        helper.wml_error("[animate_path]: Unknown interpolation method: "..interpolation)
    if transpose then
        x_locs, y_locs = y_locs, x_locs
    local calc_path_length, reached_point, get_location = interpolation_methods[interpolation]( x_locs, y_locs, num_locs )
    local lengths, num_lengths, total_length = calc_path_length()
    local length_seen = 0
    local next_point = 1
    -- subtract 1 from frames to avoid fencepost problems
    frames = frames - 1
    local length_per_frame = total_length / frames
    local x, y, target_hex_x, target_hex_y, image_name

    for i = 0, frames do
        local cur_offset = i * length_per_frame - length_seen
        while next_point <= num_lengths and cur_offset > lengths[next_point] do
            cur_offset = cur_offset - lengths[next_point]
            length_seen = length_seen + lengths[next_point]
            next_point = next_point + 1
        if next_point <= num_lengths then
            cur_offset = cur_offset / lengths[next_point]
            -- avoid rounding error at end of path
            cur_offset = 0
        x, y = get_location(cur_offset)
        if transpose then
            x, y = y, x
        target_hex_x, target_hex_y, x, y = calc_image_hex_offset(hex_x,hex_y,x,y)
        image_name = get_image_name_with_offset( target_hex_x, target_hex_y, x, y, images[i%num_images])
        wesnoth.add_tile_overlay(target_hex_x, target_hex_y, {x = target_hex_x, y = target_hex_y, halo = image_name})
        wesnoth.remove_tile_overlay(target_hex_x, target_hex_y, image_name)
    if linger then
        items.place_halo(target_hex_x, target_hex_y, image_name)

return interpolation_methods
Can someone explain to me how I can fix this error? Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by Pentarctagon »

What are the values of x,y,w,h at the point you get the error? From a quick google, it sounds like you're getting back a float rather than an int.
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by inferno8 »

Pentarctagon wrote:it sounds like you're getting back a float rather than an int.
Thank you for the quick response. Indeed, it looks like I was dealing with floats coming out of wesnoth.get_image_size(image). The usage of math.floor() solved the problem. Thank you! ;)
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by gfgtdf »

inferno8 wrote:it looks like I was dealing with floats coming out of wesnoth.get_image_size(image)
this is not only very unlikeley, it also doesn't match the errormessage, which complains about paramter 4 which is y which comes from get_point_on_current_segment_from_offset not wesnoth.get_image_size
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by inferno8 »

gfgtdf wrote:this is not only very unlikeley, it also doesn't match the errormessage, which complains about paramter 4
I have run some tests and it looks like the game complains about all four parameters: x,y,w,h.
Only by performing float to int conversion on all of them I do not get the error message and the script is executed correctly.
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by gfgtdf »

hmm ok i just saw you code does w = w-math.abs(x) so if x in a noninteger this line will make w a noninteger too.
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Re: A piece of lua code stops working on 1.13.x

Post by Celtic_Minstrel »

It would probably be easier to use %f instead of %d in the format string, instead of manually flooring all the numbers. Or if you want them rounded to integers for display, you could try %.0f.

(Mind you, in my opinion this error is ridiculous. The Lua internals should automatically round if you try to print a float as an integer.)
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