How do you compute the cost of new units?

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How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by erelsgl »

I am studying game development, and particularly interested in mathematical methods for balancing units.

In particular, I would like to ask the faction developers in this forum: when you invent new units, how exactly do you determine their cost? Is it just intuition, or is there some formula or rule-of-thumb that you use?

I understand that the cost may be modified after playtesting, but how do you determine the initial cost (before playtesting)?

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Re: How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by Ravana »

Comparing it to existing units.
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Re: How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by erelsgl »

OK, and what if you have a unit with stats that are not identical to any existing unit?
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Re: How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by Ravana »

Look closest weaker and stronger units cost. It only gets complicated with unique abilities and specials, then it is just guessing.
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Re: How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by lhybrideur »

Same for me. I look at similar units or if it doesn't exist look at 1 stronger and 1 weaker and do some kind of mean of both.
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Re: How do you compute the cost of new units?

Post by IPS »

Well , there are various things you have to consider about balancing.

First of all, not all units have to be cost efficient, some units are intended to be intentionally cost ineficient because it's part of the faction's gameplay (Mages in loyalists are highly cost ineficient, but that is countered by the real high cost efficiency of loyalist spearmen); this is a case in which loyalist are forced to be mostly a pierce attack type faction and Mage an unit that is a powerful fire attack unit but that is not cost efficient. Why is this like that? Default era has something particular that not that many people noticed ... in that era there are no units that are resistant to both fire and pierce (apart of dwarves) ... drakes being weak to pierce but very resistant to fire, woses very resistant to pierce but very weak to fire, skeletons being the same case as of woses, silver mage is the same case as of drakes, BOTH pierce and fire elements in that era complements almost perfectly being the only exception dwarves that are just slightly resistant to fire (10%) and resistant to pierce (20%) , double if steadfast dwarf.

So I did somewhat overextend about that topic, but found necessary to explain why some units are cost efficient and why others not. But I will give you things that always you have to consider whenever designing units and defining costs.

1) Not all attack types have the same rarity
2) Too many stats to consider:
3) The Use of Specials and Auras
And well, rest depends in your own balance criteria, creative and intution, but it's best to study various example at some eras and comparing them to units that you're really sure why they cost what they cost. Best non-default era to study to learn balancing actually are **Extended Era** and **Rashy Era** which are two of the eras that are monst inspired in default balance.

Edit: balance notion is adquired by becoming a more skilled and attentive player and knowing how to use well various factions and their challenges. It's important that for certain time you use as many factions and recognize which units or strategies may be over-rewarded or too ineficient.
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