Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

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Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

Howdy folks, I have begun work on my first era, it'll probably take a long time to finish, but that's why I want to make this post, for feedback, and any assistance possible. So, i present to you,

The Era of Empires
The theme of the era, is a fantasy 19th century, with guns and artillery, but also magic, and a similar roster of creatures to the world of wesnoth. Set in the world of Antsulmor, 6 factions fight for dominance or survival, in a rapidly changing world.

The overall Gameplay, will be mostly similar to standard Wesnoth, however, generally, units will have lower health, and higher damage. The goal being brutal and decisive combat. And, as it is the 19th century, there will be more focus on ranged weaponry, however melee is not totally out of the game yet.

There will be one unique feature to this era, you will be able to toggle it on and off
HQ Units
HQ Units, are three loyal units that will spawn adjacent to your leader at the beginning of a game, different factions will have different HQ units, they will be level 1 and are units that cannot be normally recruited. They will serve as support units, for example, the Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire's HQ Units will be:
30 hp
melee 4-2 shortsword, blade
Rally: adjacent units will always have a 70% chance of hitting while defending

26 hp
melee 3-3 short sword, blade
Marching beat: units that are adjacent to the drummer at the end of his turn will receive one extra Movement point for their next turn, does not apply to mechanical units, or cavalry.

Army Chaplain:
movement 5
24 hp
melee 3-2 fist, impact
ranged 6-1 Heavenly ray, magical, arcane
Heal +8

This should give you an idea of what these units are meant to be, you only have one of each, so you must use them wisely. However, not all of the HQ units will be purely ability based, some of them will have special attacks, and will be used more offensively, for example, the dwarves will have as one of the HQ units, the artillery guard, when he is adjacent to mechanical units he receives a major defense buff, that, along with his large health bar will be useful in keeping your precious and expensive artillery alive.

Also as for the name of the era, it is very similar to the Imperial Era, if their are any other names you can think of, which match the theme, please post them down below.

Currently, the only progress made on the era, is a handful of sprites, from varying factions. I intend to animate this era as much as possible aswell. There will be custom traits and abilities for this era, but nothing Era of Magic levels of crazy.
The Six Factions
Displayed along side some of the faction descriptions will be some of the sprites i have already made.

The Pyrrho-Weinburgish Empire:
Pyrro-Weinburg Faction.png
Pyrro-Weinburg Faction.png (44.43 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
An old, conservative, and decentralized empire. The Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire is a confederation of princely states, dominated by the personal union of the Kingdom of Pyrrhia, and the Archduchy of Weinburg. Ruled by the aging Emperor Franz-Constantine XIII, the empire struggles with internal division and rivalries, as it lags behind Camaria and Zwergenland economically and militarily.


The Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire is one of the two human factions, they are lawful, and will have a heavy focus on combined arms, with decent artillery and strong cavalry, they may use outdated equipment, but they sure do know how to use it well.

The Weinburgish Infantry while seemingly inferior to their equivalents in other nations, armed with repeaters and breechloading rifles, unlike the old muskets used by Weinburg, this very disadvantage, proves to be one of their strengths, as because of their slow reloads and disadvantage at range, they are much better trained and well versed, in the art of bayonet combat.

Republic of Camaria

The Republic of Camaria is a relatively young nation, rising from the ashes of the old Kingdom of Camaria. The republic has inherited the kingdoms vast colonial lands and a powerful navy, but also it's age old rivalry with the Pyrrho-Weinburgish Empire. It's army, is built up out of soldiers from the colonies, some human, and many of different races, subjugated, either by force, or trickery.

Gameplay: The Camarian army has a large selection, of lawful, neutral and chaotic units, dealing strong ranged damage, it's best to keep the pressure on aslong as possible, otherwise your force may be crushed in the heat of an enemy melee offensive.
Zouave.png (2.27 KiB) Viewed 4615 times
A Zouave brought from the colonies, skilled in foraging and tracking, carrying a large backpack they can go days on end without any resupplies. Renowned for the laser like accuracy.

The Kingdom of Zwergenland
Zwergenland.png (38.24 KiB) Viewed 1687 times
United by King Ottokar II, the Kingdom of Zwergenland, is made up out of the many formerly independent Mountain Homes. In the past, the Mountain homes were very formidable, and were never conquered by the humans, but they were never powerful enough to expand their territory and influence. Now, the combined power of the Mountain homes is equal or greater to that of the humans. the new King Oldrich IV, has begun a series of expansions and conquests, hoping to live up to the glory of his father Ottokar.

Gameplay: the Dwarves, are a neutral faction that makes use of their many powerful invention; mobile artillery, hot air balloons, and much more. With their Infantry serving more a support role, to their heavier hitting war machines.

While the Dwarvish trooper, may come from the poorer class of Dwarves, they are no less patriotic and prideful. Often bringing with them to combat, the hammers and broadswords that their ancestors brought into battle, along with their heavy handcannons.

The Last Horde
Picture_thing.png (24.25 KiB) Viewed 1614 times
The era of raids and pillaging is over, with the dawn of professional militaries the orcish barbarians did not stand a chance against the Human Kingdoms and Dwarvish mountainhomes. Their homeland was taken from them during the second orcish war, leaving the population of orcs devastated and small, Goblins making up a majority of the species. Left in inhospitable land, too barren to grow crops in, the Orcs have prepared for one last conquest. With all their eggs in one basket, it’s kill, or be killed.

Gameplay: The orcs use very outdated and old equipment, most of it trophies from former victorious wars against the Humans. They are a chaotic melee focused faction, with a selection of very cheap Goblin units, and a handful, of very strong, yet very expensive orcish units, with no in between, you must make a balance between your Goblin and Orcish soldiers.

These Goblins were formerly only farmers, to feed the massive Orcish army, but now, with a lack of true bred Orcs they have been thrust into combat. Given equipment too large for them, and long pikes to make up for their short stature. Alone, they are easy pickings for riflemen, but, if supported and well used, they become a vital tool, to the horde.

The Revolutionary Brotherhood
(name suggestions welcomed)

"There is only true freedom, in death." is the motto of the Revolutionary Brotherhood, a band of Necromancers, cultists, and anarchists. Who rally for the downfall of the old regimes, opting instead for a "utopia" Where a select few, of virtuous brothers, will lead society to "awakening" the senses are a shackle to the mind, and everyone must be awakened, whether they want to, or not.

Gameplay: The Brotherhood is a chaotic faction, which is seemingly rather weak, but makes use of many tricks and special abilities, to weaken their opponents.

The Guardians of Aldanor

Throughout the years, the Elven people have been in much conflict, with outside forces, and within. As the Humans and Dwarves have rapidly progressed technologically, they have cut down and destroyed nature to fuel their machines. Some elves, have lost hope, and they believe that you must fight fire with fire, leaving the woods and plains. But, those who stayed, still fight and hold off the industrial powers. They, are the Guardians of Aldanor.

Gameplay: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not really sure how to distinguish them from the normal elves. This is the least developed faction as is.

seventh and eighth factions

These two factions will be added after the full release with the base 6 factions, they are more ambitious and bizarre factions then the base 6 and I won't work on them in a long time.

The Ratinheim school of magic

An influential university of magic, it will be a mixed faction of neutral, liminal, lawful and chaotic units. Should be a fun and interesting faction.

The Royalist Alliance
The grandson of the deposed king of Camaria wishes to restore his family to the throne, and he enlists the help of the Fir Bolg, genetic brothers of the orcs. They will be Scottish (with pieces of all British Isles cultures) and bring to mind the real life Jacobite rebellion. You will have Neutral Fir Bolg (who's attacks will deal more damage the less health they have) and lawful human units in a bizarre and wacky faction.
Want to Help?
It will be quite the task, to animate this era as much as possible. If you like the idea of the era, or want to help, I could use some help animating, I will try to make all of the base sprites myself however. I can very well use simple 1 or 2 frame animations, but, I would also like to have some higher quality and well made animations, which, if need be I'll try to make myself.
So, if you'd like to help animate this endeavor, feel free to contact me, if you do, I would very much appreciate a sample animation, so any previous work you've done, i'll gladly find something for you to do.

As for coding help, I'd like to do it all myself, but, I will need help sooner or later, especially with traits and abilities. As I am not very well versed in doing such things. But, if I need help with it, I'll simply reach out on the WML Workshop.
More will be edited into this top post later on, future replies to this thread will include:
A post for each faction, going into deeper depth, for gameplay and lore.
A post going into detail on any custom abilities or modding i have to do
And whatever other posts need be made ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Feel free to respond and make any suggestions.

Last edited by The_Quixotic_King on May 20th, 2021, 6:56 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by Atreides »

The first 3 seem to be Austro-Hungary, France and Germany. Perhaps a little too obvious? I don't mind per se, just pointing out that their inspiration is obvious.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by Temuchin Khan »

Sounds like it could be interesting.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

Atreides wrote: September 30th, 2020, 6:28 pm The first 3 seem to be Austro-Hungary, France and Germany. Perhaps a little too obvious? I don't mind per se, just pointing out that their inspiration is obvious.
For the dwarves, the inspiration should be very obvious, and I will make them look very Prussian.
As for Camaria,if anything they'll probably end up more british, but they are simply just meant to be an ambiguous colonial empire.
As for Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire, besides the name, which is a double just like Austria-hungary, they won't have much in similar with them, if anything they will be more Holy Roman Empire-esque, once again, they are simply meant to represent some continental empire, nothing really in specific.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

:eng: Pyrrho-Weinburgish Empire: faction overview

I'd love some feedback for this faction. More faction overviews will be added later.
An old, conservative, and decentralized empire. The Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire is a confederation of princely states, dominated by the personal union of the Kingdom of Pyrrhia, and the Archduchy of Weinburg. Ruled by the aging Emperor Franz-Constantine XIII, the empire struggles with internal division and rivalries, as it lags behind Camaria and Zwergenland economically and militarily.

Places in the empire:

The Archduchy Weinburg:
The Archduchy, while not the largest state inside of the empire is certainly the most powerful for a couple of reasons. The soldiers of Weinburg, are well renowned for their discipline. Weinburg was one of the first states in the world to create a professional military, putting them leagues ahead of their opponents, who either had the levy system, or hired fickle mercenaries. In more recent years the commanders of the Weinburgish army have become old, and refuse to adapt to modern technology. More importantly Weinburg has always been rich, known for the export of fine wines, but also of silver and precious metals stored within it's mountains. for the most part the dwarves always had a monopoly on the finest metals, among the human states only Weinburg rivalled them. The Human princes always preferred buying from Weinburg, even if the quality was slightly lower than that of the dwarves, for among the northern duchies and principalities of the empire, there has always been a distrust, and often hatred towards the dwarves. The Archduchy is almost home to the Adlesteins, the most influential family in the empire, holding the position of emperor uninterrupted for a long time.

directly below the mineral filled hills and mountains of Weinburg lay the vast plains of the Kingdom of Pyrrhia, the largest of all of the states, it has had a tumultuous history, the original royal family of Pyrrhia, the Sigaleions, were originally extremely successful, using the famed Pyrrhian cavalry they dominated the empire for many of it's early years. But, their conquering caught up with them, and they were brutally defeated by the Principality of Rotertum, at the battle of Märzfeld, where Rotertum first made use of it's famed pyromancers, obliterating the Pyrrhian cavalry, among the fallen of the battle was the last Sigaleion King, and his three sons, the only males of the family. Sense then, the counts of Pyrrhia founded the Sabelrat, a council where they elected among themselves a new king, however foreign monarchs in order to gain power married into the families of the Pyrrhian counts, thus putting themselves up as potential kings of Pyrrhia, whichever duke was elected as king of Pyrrhia dominated the empire and potentially had more control than the emperor himself, after many civil wars and conflicts over Pyrrhia, in the 16th century, Gottfried von Adlestein III, Archduke of Weinburg was elected as King of Pyrrhia, he dissolved the Sabelrat in order to secure the kingdom for the Adlestein family, this caused outrage and the empire broke out into a bloody civil war, after two decades of conflict the Adlesteins secured Pyrrhia, and thus created the Pyrrho-weinburgish commonwealth, which has lasted to this day, making the Adlesteins the most powerful family of the empire, allowing them to hold the position of emperor uninterrupted for years.

Rotertum, and the University of Rotertum:
the principality of Rotertum is most well known for it's university of magic, and it's famed pyromancers, the principality was founded in the 9th century by the Hohenritter family, who built an extremely impressive castle, well known for it's massive red tower, from which the principality gets its name. It was a relatively uninteresting state until Prince Hieronymus became monarch in the 10th century, he was the first magician, to become a monarch, he was not intended to become a ruler, until his older brother was killed in battle against Pyrrhia, the small state was the next target of the Sigaleion expansion, when he inherited the throne he was old, and had already established his own school of magic, things were bleak, the famed Pyrrhian knights were almost upon the capital, almost all of the army of Rotertum perished along with the Princes brother, in a last ditch attempt of defend he marched out with his small army of 1,500 men, consisting of the scattered and weak remnants of his brothers army, and peasants, but also including a unit of magiciains from Hieronymus's school, to face the Pyrrhian army of 8,000. They met at Märzfeld, in that field the remarkable happened, gathering the magicians upon a hill in a tight formation, they gathered together their combined magical power to create a hailstorm of fire, with this power they were able to destroy repeated pyrrhian cavalry charges, eventually routing the weakened force, in the storm of fire they destroyed the myth of Pyrrhian invincibility, and the Sigaleion family. This victory shook the world. The concept of using wizards in formation during combat was unheard of, and this began a new era of magical warfare. Prince Hieronymus is still renowned as one of the greatest magicians to ever live, and also one of the finest politicians. Hieronymus did not use his new tactics to fight his opponents, he realized that eventually his enemies would make their own forces of wizards, and any advantage Rotertum had would be lost. Instead, he made a close alliance with Weinburg, as a gift donating his collection of Phoenix's, along with their trainers to the Adlesteins. Rotertum was valuable to Weinburg, as the only other source of skilled magicians was the Ratinheim school of magic, well known for their Machiavellian machinations and backstabbery. Sense then Rotertum has flourished under the protection of Weinburg, being a valuable asset and ally, despite it's small size.

for now we will stick with the recruitable roster, if you want to make suggestions please do so! This list is definitely not set in stone, especially with specific damages and the like. I won't mark the XP required for a level up for now.

Weinburgish Infantryman
Weinburgish_Infantry.png (2.49 KiB) Viewed 3606 times
Melee 6-3, pierce,
Ranged 12-1, pierce

Purpose: The Weinburgish infantryman is meant to serve as a unit who is capable of taking on ranged and melee units alike, a jack of all trades but master of none, he is a mix of a thunderer and spearman. I want his ranged attack to serve as a tool to be used alongside that of another infantrymans bayonet, for exmaple: One Weinburgish infantry charges and bayonets an enemy unit down to 13 health, then the other weinburgish infantryman pops out and blasts the enemy to smithareens with his musket. in the end the attack will probably end up only being used as a means to dissuade ranged units from attacking. Unlike default Wesnoth, this is a more range oriented era, so his bayonet attack will prove vital at displacing enemy units.

Light Cavalryman
Pyrrhian_Light_Cav.png (3.31 KiB) Viewed 3606 times
melee 5-2, Charge,

Purpose: The Pyrrhian cavalryman's main purpose is to serve as a scout, however, he can also serve as a good unit to finish off weak or retreating units. Attacking a full health unit with your Light Cavalryman is surely a mistake. He will also level up quite quickly, he has 3 different level ups, all focusing on a different aspect: the Hussar will be the standard among the three level ups, not much will change, he will just have more damage and health. The Lancer will focus in on his charge attack. And finally the Dragoon, who will drop the charge attack and gain a ranged attack.

Cuirassier.png (3.42 KiB) Viewed 3409 times
HP=38 (Remember resistances, so he'll be tanky)
Heavy Saber
Melee 10-2, blade
Ranged 4-2, Pierce

Purpose: I want the Cuirassier to be one of the principal units of the Faction, Strong, fast, and deadly. He will probably change quite a bit between now and the final product.

Rotertum Pyromancer
rotertum_pyromancer.png (1.93 KiB) Viewed 3093 times
(Not entirely happy with how the sprite turned out, his red shirt will probably be changed to teamcolor)
Flame Burst
Melee 6-1 Fire
Fire Surge
Ranged 8-2 Magical, fire

Purpose: The Rotertum Pyromancer will serve as the fort buster.

Südenberg mountaineer
Sudenberg_Forester.png (2.22 KiB) Viewed 3180 times
MP=4 (Similar to Dwarvish Scout, He has low movement costs for traversing heavy terrain)
Wood axe
Melee 6-2 blade
Hunting rifle
Ranged 5-3 Pierce

Purpose: The Südenberg Dwarf serves as a rough terrain unit with good defenses in woods and high defenses on mountains. Sense this faction has alot of cavalry and slow moving artillery, rough terrain will be a struggle for them.

Mortar.png (2.96 KiB) Viewed 3237 times
Bombardment (Attack only)
ranged 8-3 slows, impact

Purposes: The Mortar is going to be a support tool for the infantry, it deals damage and can slow, but itself is slow, and will probably get destroyed very quickly if left out in the open

Seventh unit
I need a flying or water unit for this faction but I am not sure what to choose, I do not want them to have a boat, and I hesitate to use a merman because it is yet another similarity with the mainline loyalists. Suggestions are welcome.
Last edited by The_Quixotic_King on February 1st, 2021, 1:12 am, edited 9 times in total.
“Truly I was born to be an example of misfortune, and a target at which the arrows of adversary are aimed.” -Donquixote

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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by MoonyDragon »

Meep meep! Feedback has arrived <3
Anyways, I doodled a little and came to the following results:
Weinburgish Infantryman
- 14g
- 32hp
- 5mp
- Bajonet: 6-3 melee-pierce
- Musket: 12-1 ranged-pierce

Pyrrhic Cavalry
- 16g
- 30hp
- 8mp
- Sabre: 4-2 melee-blade (charge)
- Revolver: 3-3 ranged-pierce

- 16g
- 28hp
- 5mp
- Flaming Fist: 3-2 melee-fire
- Fire Blast: 8-2 ranged-fire (magical)

Weinburgish Mortar
- 18g
- 34hp
- 4mp
- Bombardment: 7-3 ranged-impact (slows)

Südenberg Forester
- 15g
- 34hp
- 4mp
- Wood Axe: 6-2 melee-blade
- Hunting Rifle: 6-3 ranged-pierce

- undecided - it's up to you.

Field Gun
- removal recommended.
Weinburgish Infantry
- spammable staple unit
- bajonet and musket synergize with each other
- not tanky, but deters enemies with mixed damage
- requires damage of P. to make a breakthrough

Pyrrhic Cavalry
- scout
- harasses with revolver
- if an enemy is low hp, charges with melee to finish the kill
- suicide charge with multiple P.C. is a possible tactic

- magical damage dealer
- requires protection of W.I.
- recruited when reliable damage is needed for good terrain

Weinburgish Mortar
- slow glass cannon
- requires protection of W.I.
- creates danger zone for enemies, allies are safe nearby
- smashes enemies once in position, but has a bad time retreating

Südenberg Forester
- tankier but slower infantry
- weaker than W.I. on open terrain, but good for entrenchment on rough terrain
- gives protection to the otherwise squishier P-W-ish units

- i would change this unit, but the direction depends on the other factions, of which only you have knowledge.

Field Gun
- i think it has too much in common with the Mortar and the Pyromancer. Give it to the Zwergenland faction instead, as a 4-8 ranged-pierce machinegun.
And btw, your new profile image is awesome :D
Default L0 Era - Level 1 leaders with level 0 recruits!
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

Much appreciated! I agree that the field gun should go. That would leave me with 6 units in the faction, which isn't a problem. with these 6 units the faction seems relatively well rounded, but if you or anyone can think of a potential 7th unit that would be appreciated.
“Truly I was born to be an example of misfortune, and a target at which the arrows of adversary are aimed.” -Donquixote

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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by Temuchin Khan »

I have to say, I like the idea of the Pyrrho-Weinburghish Empire. But being half Austrian, I suppose I'm biased in favor of any faction based on the Holy Roman Empire!

However, I would recommend making the Pyrrhic Cavalry the scout, certainly not the dwarf. The dwarf is a rough terrain specialist, and should probably be identified as a fighter or a mixed fighter.

Also, maybe should the Cuirassier have charge instead of the Pyrrhic Cavalry. Light cavalry were usually scouts, archers, or skirmishers. Heavy cavalry did the charging.

Just some thoughts. You have the final decision. It's your Era.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

Temuchin Khan wrote: October 21st, 2020, 2:30 pm I have to say, I like the idea of the Pyrrho-Weinburghish Empire. But being half Austrian, I suppose I'm biased in favor of any faction based on the Holy Roman Empire!

However, I would recommend making the Pyrrhic Cavalry the scout, certainly not the dwarf. The dwarf is a rough terrain specialist, and should probably be identified as a fighter or a mixed fighter.

Also, maybe should the Cuirassier have charge instead of the Pyrrhic Cavalry. Light cavalry were usually scouts, archers, or skirmishers. Heavy cavalry did the charging.

Just some thoughts. You have the final decision. It's your Era.
Thanks for the feedback! As for the scout, of course the Pyrrhian cavalry simply by having more move points will serve as a scout, however Cavalry always has the disadvantage of being bad at traversing heavy terrain, so I agree that the Sudenberg dwarf will serve as more of a mixed fighter unit as you say.

As for the charge attack, my reasoning was as follows. The light cavalryman is meant to be squishy, if he fails a charge he will most likely die, but the Cuirassier is more robust, if he fails a charge he can live to fight another day. How much damage a defender does in a charge can vary greatly between what unit is defending, and so rather than give the cuirassier a boat load of health, I'd just rather not have him take as much damage, as a consequence of the charge trait. Plus I want to make him different from the Mainline Horseman. As the Pyrrho-Weinburgish empire shares some traits with the loyalists.
“Truly I was born to be an example of misfortune, and a target at which the arrows of adversary are aimed.” -Donquixote

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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

So, just so it helps me hurry up, I will say it now, a beta with atleast four of the six promised factions will be released in March 2021

Update 1# I definitely won't be able meet this date, if y'all think it would be good to release a highly incomplete era with only lvl1 sprites and 4 or 3 factions please let me know. Otherwise you can expect around summertime for a proper release.
Last edited by The_Quixotic_King on February 20th, 2021, 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Truly I was born to be an example of misfortune, and a target at which the arrows of adversary are aimed.” -Donquixote

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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by The_Quixotic_King »

Kingdom of Zwergenland recruit and lore overview
Feedback would be most appreciated!
this will be filled in later
Feel free to make suggestions!

Zwergenland Trooper
Zwergenland_Trooper.png (2.19 KiB) Viewed 3002 times
melee 5-2, blade
ranged 7-2, pierce

purpose: The Trooper will not be your primary damage dealer, his main purpose is to hold the line and support your more powerful units

Prince Albrecht class Walker, mark II
range 9-3, impact weapon ability: Long Range (no counterattack+attack only)
HE Shell
range 10-2, fire, long range.
trait: mechanical

Purpose: The Prince Albrecht will be one of your best damage dealers, it has good health and resistances and deals strong damage with impunity, but because both of it's attacks have the long range ability it is 100% incapable of defending itself, at range and in melee. This unit must be reinforced with Troopers or other units as support otherwise it will be a sitting duck in combat.

Barbarossa class walker, mark IV
Zwergenland_Barbarossa.png (5.17 KiB) Viewed 2276 times
(Sprite needs some serious work)
Trait: mechanical
melee 12-1, impact
ranged 10-2, impact

Purpose: The Barbarossa Will be one of your principal units, strong and powerful but slow.

Zwergenland_Machinegun.png (3.92 KiB) Viewed 2490 times
(unfished sprite)
ability: steadfast
ranged 4-6, ranged, ability: repulse (can only be used in defense but can be used against ranged and melee attacks.)
Suppressive fire
ranged 3-5, pierce
purpose: The machinegun is a useful defensive tool, similar to a dwarven guardsmen, except the focus is on dealing damage in retaliation rather then soaking up as much.

Zwergenland_Mech.png (1.87 KiB) Viewed 2955 times
special ability: Repair +4
melee 3-2, impact
ranged 3-4, pierce
Purpose: Your walkers are expensive, and without them your army deals little damage, it is very important to keep them alive and well, especially with the Prince Albrecht that can take alot of damage quickly it is very important to repair them.

Zwergenland_Flame.png (1.98 KiB) Viewed 2955 times
Short Sword
melee 5-2, blade
ranged 5-3, fire special ability: Burn (poison, except it deals 12 damage, only lasts for a single turn and can kill units.)

purpose: The Flamethrower can serve as an effective dislodging and killing tool.

observation Balloon
Zwergenland_Obervation_Baloon.png (4.89 KiB) Viewed 2233 times
flying, out of reach (Cannot be attacked by melee)
ranged 7-2 impact
purpose: The Balloons obvious and main purpose is to be a scout, the only unit of the faction that is fast in anyway. However it can also be used to effectively counter melee oriented units who cannot attack it.
Last edited by The_Quixotic_King on May 6th, 2021, 5:08 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by MoonyDragon »

The_Quixotic_King wrote: January 21st, 2021, 5:19 pm Feedback would be most appreciated!
Here is my take:
Zwergenland Trooper
- neutral
- 15g
- 34hp
- 4mp
- dwarvish
- Shortsword: 4-3 melee-blade
- Handcannon: 8-2 ranged-pierce

- lawful
- 15g
- 28hp
- 5mp
- human
- Repairs +8
- Wrench: 4-2 melee-impact
- Grenade: 8-1 ranged-fire

- lawful
- 14g
- 28hp
- 5mp
- human
- Knife: 4-2 melee-blade
- Machinegun: 4-5 ranged-pierce

Barbarossa Walker
- neutral
- 19g
- 40hp
- 4mp
- mechanical
- Trample: 6-3 melee-impact (charge)
- Turret Gun: 6-2 ranged-pierce (marksman)

Albrecht Walker
- neutral
- 23g
- 42hp
- 4mp
- mechanical
- Bullbars: 8-2 melee-impact
- Chlorine Shells: 6-3 ranged-fire (poison)
- Turret Cannon: 10-2 ranged-impact (marksman)

- neutral
- 20g
- 38hp
- 7mp
- mechanical
- Chlorine Bombs: 6-3 ranged-fire (poison)
- Turret Gun: 6-2 ranged-pierce (marksman)

- removed in favour of poison gas attacks
Some Notes
- zwergenland units lean more towards ranged damage rather than melee
- also, zwergenlanders are generally slow as snails
- dwarvish Z. Troopers are the mainstay and gapfiller of the faction
- human Machinegunners and Mechanics are support for the mechanical units
- Machinegunners hide behind mechanicals at night and storm into the enemy at day
- Mechanics hug the tanks at all times and sometimes throw a grenade or two
- the mechanical units are for steamrolling the enemy, but need support and cost a lot
- Barbarossa Walkers are the cheapest tank and synergize with Machinegunners
- Albrecht Walkers blow apart anything in front of them
- with 7mp, Airships are the quickest unit. it is also a flying fortress
- flamethrowers have been removed. Instead, Airships and Albrecht Walkers got a poison gas attack.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by Hejnewar »

I did take a look thru statistics of unit and I noticed something interesting. Could you tell me how balancing for them was done? Just comparing to default? Because they feel right this way? Or maybe something entirely different?
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by MoonyDragon »

Hejnewar wrote: January 26th, 2021, 5:48 pm I did take a look thru statistics of unit and I noticed something interesting. Could you tell me how balancing for them was done? Just comparing to default? Because they feel right this way? Or maybe something entirely different?
I suppose you mean my version of the units...

The values I used are not really primed for balance. Instead, they are more like a suggestion, in which direction the unit might be changed. My focus was on the faction playstyle and what roles the units will have, rather than balance. Whether the factions will be exactly as strong as default and how their matchups go can only be determined once all of them have been released. Until then, I'm more or less just guessing.
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Re: Era of Empires (Progress and feedback)

Post by Hejnewar »

On first sight they look quite decent for an add-on era when it comes to balance, but I'm here to talk about something different. I noticed this quite fast but balance for them is done like for default environment, for resistances and damage types I guess its ok, it seems like this part of this era will be quite similar, but for melee / ranged its different story. The fact that you were guessing shows me that ranged units are treated like ranged units of default era and melee units are treated like melee units of default era (I can say with confidence that this is the case because it simply applies to all of them), from what I can currently see and heard about this era, this treatment should be reversed. I really find this interesting for some reason. 

For the author:
Also please have melee then ranged attack, it's so unintuitive at least for me right now. 

In general I find this era more climatic than I thought it is going to be.
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