Legend of the Invincibles

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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Which of these units you find worth advancing and gearing heavily? Unpopular ones will be reworked.

Shadow Prince
Siege Troll
Sky Goblin
Snow Hunter
Soul Shooter
Troll Boulderlobber
Werewolf Rider
Zombie Rider
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by powershot »

I love RPG alma era and how you can upgrade past you normal alma, it's a great idea. :D
My new account is: Power_Pixel_Wannabe. Yea. Yea.... Why are you still reading this? What the heck m8? You have some kind of problem? Yea. I draw. NO I'M NOT 5 ANYMORE!!! Little brats.
The heck m8? I thought you left... No seriously... go... serious...
ok bye m8. I'm serious.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

Oops, I was so stupid that I haven't noticed that this topic has also a page 2 and 3. Really sorry for this.

I wanted to update it all to be compatible with Wesnoth version 1.9.x, but I got addicted to Diablo 2 and put it aside. I am overcoming the addiction now.

I have already made it compatible with 1.9.4, but then I decided to remake it entirely, making it possible to proceed from chapter one to chapter 2 etc and then to chapter 3.

I guess that I will have to start using spell-check when writing the dialogues to avoid the typos.

Answering the questions:
@Konrad2 - The units Efraim and Lethalia will be completely remade, I need them to be capable to participate from chapter 1 till chapter 3 or even more. During the Battle for Ogira, Delly is very hard to hit, so it was no luck that she was a low priority target (I don't remember, maybe she was also made a low priority target). In the Gods scenario, when you approach the humans, the first time they tell you that you have to kill some (evil) elves hiding in a forest south from the town, and they tell you where the priest Jacob is when you kill the evil elves' leader (right when you kill him, not when you return to the town). The only five years' time between chapters 2 and 3 pause will be fixed in the release for 1.9.x. I know about the broken artifacts in the Lost scenario, but I haven't figured out why is it yet. The scenario objectives in the Twilight scenario are not messed, with the phrase 'Death of any Garcyn`s soldier by Efraim`s hand', I meant that any Efraim's follower cannot kill any Garcyn's soldier. I will better change it. I see that you like my campaign a lot, please send me a PM if you are interested in collaborating with me (because I have some issues with imagining what is gonna happen later, I have a plan, but the storyline has a lot of flaws; I could not send you a PM somehow).

@salsaman - Fixed.
Thanks for telling me what difficulty it is, I have passed the Under the Burning Suns scenario on hard difficulty, so I have difficulties to tell a beginner one from an intermediate one.

@moony Fixed.

@w4yl4nd3r Fixed.

Message for everyone:

I made a new version from my campaign for 1.8., fixing all the fatal bugs, but I will work on the lesser bugs in the release for 1.9.X, because most of the buggy things here will be changed there.

Sooo, version LotI 1.03 changes:

Code: Select all

Lilith scenario should work now on all difficulties.
Wings of Doom scenario should work now.
Where the Sun Does not Shine should work now on all difficulties.
Reported typos fixed.
Images under scenario descriptions now work.
Everyone, thanks for feedback. (And sorry for the downtime.)
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Sobyv »


I haven't read the entire post, so please forgive me if it's already been addressed. I have updated to the latest version, 1.5.0 and am running it in the stable version of Wesnoth, 1.8.6, and if it matters, I run it in linux installed from the Debian packages.

Using RPG AMLA era in World Conquest (Nightmare Mod) results in random factions being assigned to leaders. So as an example, I could take the Drake Flare and get an undead faction, resulting in a different recruiting list (and this persists across the various successive maps, giving a larger list of the faction assigned at the start).

All in all it's a minor bug for me and my friends, though it means that most of the time we will play in XP Era, unless we're in the mood for random factions.

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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

This is not supposed to work. World Conquest, like a lot of other multiplayer campaigns, is designed to be used with one particular era (usually the default era). Sometimes, the scenario is simple enough that different units won't matter, but World Conquest is definitely not one of them. It is rebuilding the factions completely, and when the units are different, it is hard to foretell what will happen.

This problem is quite unsolvable, you can persuade the author of World Conquest to make his add-on work with my era instead of the normal one, but that is not too likely to happen.

All I can suggest you is to insert ' rae' behind each unit name in its .cfg files. Just pass through all the 20 files with the find and replace function changing 'Elvish Fighter' to 'Elvish Fighter rae' etc, and do this for all the units available (most of the files contain no unit names, so you will probably end up editing 3-4 files). This should make World Conquest use RPG AMLA Era's units instead of the units of the Default Era, and therefore perfectly compatible.
Last edited by Dugi on November 14th, 2011, 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Sobyv »

Thanks for the quick reply!

I'll try changing unit names to see if that works, and I'll take up the issue with the author of World Conquest.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Cluesen_Mz »

Seasons Greetings,
a really nice campaign that is. I downloaded it dec-10 and am on the 3rd part now having fun.
However I stumbled upon some bugs you may like to fix.
1. scenarios1/08_Where_the_Sun_Does_not_Shine.cfg : The moveto event x,y=18-26,29-33 creates a Tentacle of the Deep at x,y=36,7 , i guess that should be x,y=7,36
2. units: Will`o`Wisp - the game does not really like the aposts(') used, least not under Linux. As an effect everytime one loads a savegame with active willows you get a bug, however it still loads. Best would be if you remove all aposts.
3. units: In several unit descriptions i found the include {~add-ons/Legend_of_the_Invincibles/utils/utils.cfg} which tends to mess up things. Works perfectly without.
4. utils.cfg : In the advancement "gain better defense in forests" you set forest_defense to 80 , that should be 20 unless you want to make the elves really vulnerable in forests.
5. utils.cfg : In several advancements you set defense tags which are (at least for v1.8.5) incorrect.
a) "mushroom_groove" should be "fungus".
b) "coastal_reef" should be "reef"
c) "swamp" should be "swamp_water"

*edit* the further i come the more i find:
(as long as noone replys i'll simply keep editing my post)

6. scenarios3/02_Journey_South.cfg :
a) The moveto event making the necromancer_gal flee fires on x,y=37-44, the second set of coordinates (like x,y=37-44,47-52) is missing.
b) The moveto events making both the necromancers flee also can trigger after they joined you.
You can put them inside if's and check if the event still applys i.e. for the guy
... (your code)
c) The moveto event for the secret path near the trolls triggers on x,y=22,92,93 that should be x,y=22,92-93 i guess.
d) The moveto event for the secret path also did not open the path for me, use "terrain=Uu" instead of "terrain=Uu|" :

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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

Thanks for your feedback, I will look at it as soon as my exams finish (the exams are also the reason why I haven't reacted sooner). All feedback is useful, it is just impossible to test everything (nor to write a flawless code).

Just for short. The tentacle, seems so, I haven't seen that one is missing and I haven't noticed it was somewhere far away. The will'o'wisps - weird, I have made the whole campaign on Linux, and had no issues with that - what exactly does the error log say? The extra include in units' files, I pasted it into all unit files to make sure that I wouldn't have problems with it when quickly adding a feature. The defence stuff - thanks for letting me know, I usually play very offensively, and I might have forgotten to test defence. The necromancers' events worked properly once when I was testing it, but I haven't tried all the possibilities, I wanted to go on while I still had ideas.

Thanks for feedback.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Cluesen_Mz »

Hi dugi,

happy new year and good luck for your exams.

I'm getting forward slowly ...

7. scenarios3/08_Lost.cfg: There is a bug in the last_breath of the fire_dragon event. The event is not closed. Some events later there is an extra [/event] making the moveto events in between inactive. Thus death of the fire_dragon would not only put the "Blue orb" into game, but also the 300gp at 45,38. I doubt that was intended.

8. I also encountered 2 problems with advancements of the stormrider, i have no solution for yet.
a) He doesn't get the {ABILITY_EXTRA_HEAL}, I guess one must remove the {ABILITY_HEALS} before.
b) The {ABILITY_ILLUMINATES} works, but the halo is not there. In other units it is directly inside the unit description (see ../core/unit/Mage_of_Light.cfg halo= ), but one cannot alter the halo in an effect.
However in "Heir_to_the_Throne" there are different images for Konrad used with and without the scepter. It's done by using a [variation], i guess something likewise could turn the illuminates-halo on.

About the (') thing, i'm not totally sure what triggers the bug. It only pops up when you try to load a saved game with Willows, maybe put the id in quotes. (I'm on OpenSUSE 11.4 )
The necromancer-events, well, actually i saw that possibility in the code first and tested it then. Usually there is no need for moving into the triggering area again after one of them was killed.

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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

Hm, thanks, I have done the first exam quite well... and happy new year to you too.

The illumination was intended to be like it was, the shining circle was an extra animation, and it would require creating a new unit variation and I did not consider it important - but I may fix it if you want (there was a lot of stuff of this kind in RPG AMLA Era, the [variation] tag can practically create a new unit type).
I fixed the rest of errors. Just use the 'Update add-ons' option. The Will'o'wisp was renamed to "will'o'wisp" everywhere, if it won't help, please tell me about it, it does not cause any problems to me.
The problem with that healing aura was that that aura was not defined (or it was defined, but not in a file that was included).

Thanks a lot for helping me.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Cluesen_Mz »


for the time beeing i just march on, maybe i'll replay the complete campaign once i'm completely through.
However i keep finding bugs...
(For progress i just hack the saves with the correct values, so i immediately see if they work instead of starting over and over again.)

9) scenarios3/08_Lost.cfg: The "Heavy_Armor" is buggy.
a) Instead of apply_to="defense" use "resistance"
b) Instead of blunt="-20" use impact="-20"

10) scenarios3/08_Lost.cfg: The "book_of_fence" is buggy.
a) It references mushroom_groove, swamp and coastal_reef as well. Best may be you grep for all occurrences of these and correct them.
b) Did you omit mountains="-10" on purpose?

11) scenarios3/08_Lost.cfg: The "Blue orb of dragonflame" is buggy. The PICKUPPABLE_ITEM macro does not support a list of races (it uses the race as filter inside a [have_unit] which actually does not support the list).
As result none is able to pick it up.
If you want anyone to be able to pick it up, simply use side=1 instead.
Also, it changes every attack a unit has to fire-damage increasing the number of attacks.
Was that intended or did you only want to enhance attacks already dealing fire-damage?

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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

Wow, you must be a professional program tester to see all of that.

I have fixed the heavy_armour bug, the book of fence bug (I tried to fix all of that defence problems, but I did not remember that it was used also in that scenario). The blue orb was intended to have such effects as it has.
I have reuploaded this, but I did not increase the version number, so you might need to download it manually (I did not think that an increase of version is needed when 3 non-fatal bugs get fixed).

Thanks again.

I have also upgraded RPG AMLA Era, fixing the terrain defence stuff and several other bugs.
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by PeteVine »

More RPG AMLA era findings (cont. from the other thread): ranger & huntsman - forest defense advancement has inverted values: 70,80 instead of 30,20

longbowman has hp's of bowman

rogue has 10 fewer hitpoints than the default unit, is that intentional?

Dwarvish Lord's stronger with axe advancement doesn't work, needs changing "axe" to "battle axe"

Same unit's horror special doesn't show next to the runic hammer once it's chosen (upon being selected in the amla menu it's showing just fine), works correctly though
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Cluesen_Mz »

well.. yes i work for an IT company, but my main tasks are neither programming nor debugging.
However i gathered some skills in these fields ;)

I but decided to reinstall and restart.
Directly in the Legends_of_the_Invincibles folder i grepped for mushroom and still found many occurrences.
grep -r mushroom *
And in all cases the swamp and reef was still buggy as well.
scenarios3/08_Lost.cfg: The heavy armor still got blunt instead of impact damage protection.
Dwarvish_Lord.cfg: Also contains the battle axe bug detected by PeteVine .
scenarios3/02_Journey_South.cfg : The necromancer_gal still flees after the guy is dead. After you get her, one move and she's gone. According to the code same with the guy.

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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by PeteVine »

Hopefuly the final batch of bugs :)

Saurian dodge advancement is missing [effect] tags containing replace command so it's not working

skill_stickfence has some encoding garbage instead of the letter 'm' in every instance of 'melee' after the first (so it only works the first time)

orcish slayer needs to have his ranged attack renamed to 'knife' for ranged advancements to work

elvish avenger has incorrectly positioned weak ambush ability inside [attack_anim] tag so it doesn't work

faster regen for trolls is currently inaccesible because it requires a leadership advancement which is not on the list

Similarly to huntsman/ranger, better forest defense in amla_rae_elf has inverted defense value of 80 instead of 20 (for units that have a 60% defence it should be bumped to 70% first anyway)

same problem as above for elvish sylph and shyde in their respective cfg files

the way runic hammer is created (adding a new attack with set properties of 23-3) could mean a regression if hammer advancements were taken many times first, damage and number of attacks should depend on the current state of the hammer attack

fireball advancement is redundant for silver mage (already has a stronger fire attack)

mage of light has a duplicate advancement called strong light, judging by different descriptions you meant to give him the DARK_LIGHT ability option (but then alignment change is in order or at least that of affect_self to 'no')

DARK_LIGHT needs to have max_value=0, otherwise it brings the night no matter what

lich gets the ability to produce ghosts with plague instead of 'ghost rae' units

ability ULTRA_HEAL - description still says +8 instead of +16
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Re: Legend of the Invincibles and RPG AMLA Era feedback

Post by Dugi »

PeteVine wrote: longbowman has hp's of bowman

rogue has 10 fewer hitpoints than the default unit, is that intentional?
It was intentional. All units in RPG AMLA Era level-up a bit faster than in the default era, but the higher level units are a bit weaker, in order to increase the importance of the AMLA. It seems that I have decreased the HPs of longbowmen and rogues a bit too severely, so I have increased them a bit.

I don't know what can be that horror thing, maybe there is just not enough space to write it, generally the list of weapon specials is frequently too long to display all of them.

Getting higher advancements in hammer's damage now requires the runic hammer.

The mage of light was never intended to have the dark_light ability. I have probably added it twice and wanted to write 'the one who brings the light' instead of 'the one who brings the night', but I cannot remember properly.

I always thought the silver mages' missile is arcane, not fire. Many things would be crappy if it was fire, so it is arcane now.

The rest of the bugs have been fixed in a way that does not need explanation.

In the Legend of the Invincibles, I have fixed all the bugs mentioned (or I think I have fixed). The necro flee event is now different, if you refuse to join neither of them, they will not flee (because they said 'I will let you live, we are not mortal enemies', but you are not so friendly towards them, if you were, you would have joined one of them, wouldn't?). Now they should not flee if one of them has already joined you, if I had more time, I'd verify it.

Thanks for your feedback, guys.
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