Five Fates 1.11, Dungeon crawler

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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Five Fates 1.11, Dungeon crawler

Post by Heindal »

Legends about a mysterious warlock who created a powerful artifact roam the lands. An artifact powerful enough to break the frontier between the world of the living and the dead. Many treasure hunters, adventurers, paladins, knights or even foul sorcerers tried to get their hand on this artifact, but ended dead or even worse, possessed by it.

The artifact was hidden in a cavern deep below and guarded by five deadly guardians each on one of the levels of this dangerous dungeon. These once powerful heroes became possessed by the artifact and now end anyone foolish enough to enter their domain.

Why should anyone even try to enter this hellish maze?
Greed? Love!? Hope??! Order!!? Honor???


This campaign is designed as a dungeon explorer game such as net hack or its clone Diablo :wink:. I'm proud to announce that I finished the development. It is not meant to be perfect, but it works and has different endings. Even though I have tested it very well, I can't test it in all kind of operational systems such as linux or os.

Actual version 1.12 for Battle for Wesnoth 1.16.6

Note that this characters can be played with five different characters. You select them by using the difficulty option.


Five Fates offers:

- five unique characters with an unique amla path for each of them
- spell casting enemies
- negative effects and consumables to heal them
- over 30 right click spells that allow you to summon units, slow down, poison or damage enemies or change your own status, teleport around ...
- character based story parts such as intro, dialogue and ending
- character based decisions, that allow you to behave differently each time you play
- random loot system and random generated dungeons and random generated side missions (--> each game will be completly different)
- a help menu inventory system
- equipable loot such as rings, armors, amulet, shields, shoes (around 10 rings and 10 amulets, 4 shields, 4 helmets, 12 armors, 4 shoes ...)
- your equipped artifacts can grant special abilities
- weapons with unique specials such as slow splash, poison splash or drain splash
- a variety of consumable items
- new factions: wolf pack-, deat helven-, dwarven machine, rat faction
- a cheat system that the player to quickly test the amla path, jump to special levels, use the enemy factions and units and many special things more
- the wesnoth worldmap with 7 random generated always changing missions that allow almost infinite game play (until you get bored)
- it should be bug free (if not - tell me asap - you will be granted with a statue in the hall of fates)


actual version 1.12

- fixes for the boss loot
- stable port to 1.16
- added additional features for the world map and extra endings and avatars for bad guys

version 1.02

- Randomdungeon have been upgraded, featuring different dungeon types such as castles, swamp and basic caves and random treasures
- warlord should now spawn
- fixed Harmspell1 Spells, which caused them to not work when you had one mana left
- added Fords to the Worldmap, allowing you to get to several positions without using naga soldiers only.
- fixed issue that caused problem with 11.7 version

version 1.03

- arrowrain and other massivedamagespells will now work properly consuming mana
- portals are now animated
- the scavengerbug should be solved - you will now be able to enter the airship - I renamed variables and this should work now
- I repaired some problems of the world conquer decision, wording and imaging

version 1.01

- bugfixes: repaired picturepathes, reduced save game size and repaired skillpath bowmaid

version 1.0

- bandages repaired
- graphic pathes repaired Dwarvish Tank and Dwarvish Engineer, bombs
- improved spellsystem: will fire last breath events, defence Animation of attacked units, increases damage against guardians and other 'resistant' units which can now be killed with spells
- repaired not working spells such as Masslifesteal and added a damage to the Masseffectspell
- replaced a link to "Trader" which caused a Problem, when Strange Legacy was not installed (it was just a single link that caused the problem :( )
- minor map and scenario changes and additional spells in worldmap
- more gold for cheaters
- enemies will now just attack side 1, so they won't attack Traders

version 0.99

- random generated side missions resulting in two additional dungeon levels
- more story elements
- enemy bosses now cast spells
- spellprojectiles will now fly
- 2 additional endings (worldconquer and bossfight
- several bugfixes (Dwarf Skilltree will now show, rebalanced levels)
- added new units, spells, specials, skills, weapons, armors and abilities
- spellbooks and new kind of spells: randomsummon, masseffect and massdamage spell (effects all enemies!)
- extended worldmap (the real wesnoth map!)
- negative stats (wounded, heavywounded, venom, drunk, weak, infected,cursed)
- additional consumables (medicine (cures infected), pango (cures everything), coffee (cures drunk and slow), bandages (curse wounded), antidote (heals venom))
- new helpmenu option use items on allies (you can now use the above items on units, curing negative stats or heal them)
- randomgenerated caves with doors and traps


Version 0.242

- Several Bugfixes (dynamic maps in banditcamps and monsternests)


Actual Version 0.24

- new spellform - transformations that allow your character to turn into annother creature, adopted some spells from strange legacy
- new spells: convince, befriend, fear (teleport away a unit), flee (teleport to a random position), lifesteal, combat focus, bless weapon, lifecurse; transform into a: berserker, demon, angel, bear, wolf, dread bat and last but not least into an dangerous and godlike hare; summon spells for all characters as you improve in this path
- graphics improvements (mainly icons), updated skilltrees (enhanced readability)
- new mosters: improved the wolfspack faction, bear monster, angel and demon
- bosses drop randomequipment (rings,helmets,amulets,armors,shoes,shields)
- more rings, amulets, shoes and helmets + macro to create them fast
- avoidgiving macro for creating those kind of items, those add defense
- changed shields - these will now give two stats resistance and defense - so they raise your chance to block
- changed armors - they now only will give an overall resistance
- scavenger skill (the bowmaid starts with this skill when played in normal mode) allows to harvest leather and other goods from animals in the dungeon and sell them at the speaker - other characters can learn this spell for a price (except halfvampire).
- changed and improved speaker (less blabla and some more options to get equipment, mercs)


Version 0.231 Bugfix release for 1.10

- fixed a tool problem, that deactivated the pick and lockpick
- the portal scroll will allow you to teleport back to the position from where you teleported to the traders (this was realized as right click option - like the teleportscroll.


Version 0.23 uploaded
released for 1.10

0.23 'Shadows over Elensefar'

- wording changes - typos and unpleasant words have been corrected
- 7 random mission for the worldmap and new monsters due to this missions
- Steamgates are now monsters


Version 0.22 uploaded
released for 1.10

- Bugfixes: Saving should now work (tested 2 times full play) - it was caused by variables (mostly weapons) that contained apostrophs and divis.
- Bugfixes: Strikeincrease will now be safed and transfered to other equipped weapons (Faster Reload a.s.o. should now work as intended)
- Code Improvement: reduced unnecessary code, added explainations and macro zones

- Game Changes:
- a setting menu allows you to change music (musicplayer) and deactivate encounters and tutorial texts
- the tutorial texts explain skills and they will now just come up once and not every time you level up
- changed wording for Storyline Vampire and added animation for the peasants attack
- Halfvampire can now access one of the stores (Consumables): this allows to buy picks and lockpicks, making the game slightly easier for him
- Halfvampire can now get unlimited reincarnation (the price for this amla option has been reduced)
- reduced the hitpoints of the first guardian
- the dwarven now refuses to dive - you have to find a different way to get him over the water in level 2
- added some dwarven jokes
- added annother lefthanded weapon (plus a new Special extrastrike which is a kind of defensive strike) and a new shield
- added some more secrets and passages in the first map
- rack with consumables
- Lootchest that contains random loot
- name changes of weapons

- New graphics:
- updated Bandit and Halfvampires Skilltree
- naga catcher - unit + animation
- Mechanical Steam Guard and the Steam Guardian are now animated
- added selfmade animation: for Fire Dragon (Bite, Fire, Tail and Defend)


Version 0.21 uploaded
released for 1.10

- new abilities (Bodyguard - Dwarven, Splashdrain - for Vampire, Weapon Poison/Splashslow - Bandit)
- splash added to shotgun, simple blast and rain of arrows
- new enemies (Bloodelven Mage, Flame Mechanical Guard, Epical Monsters)
- death elven sprites and portraits for all four units
- changed wolfghost sprites - just coloured an existing wolf
- changed sprites for mechanical guards, using clockwork area
- new armors with armorabilities (armors might grant a special ability)
- many new rings and amulets
- new boots that grant trap immunity
- new weapons, abilities and specials: charge, splash, splashpoison, splashdrain, splasgslow, splash knockout (slow and stun), invisible
- extended surprise (encounters, taverns, epic fights, missions)
- mapchanges adding several villages to maps or improving maps
- difficulty changes - more dangerous types of enemies/more gold for enemies


Your reasons for searching this artifact are different. There are so far five starting characters - thats why it is called Five Fates. Your starting character can develop in different ways.

The Bandit

A powerful melee fighter, that has learned to deal and take damage. His mayor intend is greed and he wants to become rich and loot the treasures in the dungeon.


- can carry one melee weapon more, can unlock more melee weapons and skills for all his weapons
- can get a variety of passive abilities when leveling up (more damage with melee weapons, slow down enemies, more hitpoints, immunity to poison, berserk)
- can recruit footpad, thiefs and thugs


- can not use/buy ranged weapons

The paladin

A magical fighter with a variety of abilities that can help him and his followers. He is on an mission for the king, that wants the artifacts for himself. However your order has given you the mission to destroy it.


- can learn magical attacks when leveled up (ranged and melee)
- can learn a variety of skills such as unpoison, leadership, healing, illuminate (yeah auras the classical paladin thing),
- can recruit archer, fencers and spearman, mages


- his troops are worse underground
- weaker starting character


Your mother and you have been hunted down by the people of your village. In a final attempt to save your mother, who is a powerful sorcerous, the character discovers that he is capable of powerful magic. Sending a hoard of undead zombies against the villagers, he hopes to free his mother, but the villagers have already slayn her. In his agony he uses his magical skill to stabilize her body, so that she is between the frontier of living and death. Getting word of the artifact he wants to use it to save his mother.


- can learn livedraining attacks and vampire skills (ranged, defensive and melee)
- can learn necromancy, that allows him to be capable of summoning zombies, skeletons and ghouls
- can learn magical skills that slow down or hurt enemies


- can not buy anything in the store (the people are frightened and refuse to sell anything, except for consumables)


As your family blacksmith companies busts you try to recover the artifact to restore your families wealth and reputation - maybe there is even a treasure chest on the way.


- can smell treasures and secrets (this is done with labels and events that just are shown, when you choose dwarf)
- can learn a variety of attacks, from thunderstick, hammers, bombs and so on ...
- can break walls allowing him to change the terrain and finding additional and easier ways to the lowest dungeons


- hm he is a dwarf (easy difficulty)
- just a few spells

Bow Maid

Skilled in the arts of ranged weapons, the Bow Maid was even teached by the elven in the eastern woods. After several elven were found dead in a nearby wood and strange shapes and spirits haunt the elvish inhabitants, the Bow Maid is sent to recover the artifact and save the elven tribes.


- gains additional gold for killing specific creatures (such as wolfs and bats ...)
- can learn new ranged skills and upgrade them
- can recruit ranged, animal and elven units


- weak in melee ...


The first scenario is the introduction, showing the different storylines - the characters are placed in different locations and you will see why they try to get the artifact. The artifact dungeon has five levels different monsters and a boss that has to be killed to unlock the next level. In these five levels you have access to a store that allows you to by different items, weapons, shield, armors and more.

You will be forced to make decisions during your journey influencing the level or your inventory.
Last edited by Heindal on September 15th, 2022, 9:11 pm, edited 24 times in total.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
Dungeonmasters of Wesnoth, Wild Peasants vs Devouring Corpses, Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
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Re: Five Fates

Post by powershot »

Wow! This sounds real cool.

So, are you going to use these sprites:
There are no words.
There are no words.
masterbowman (2).png (3.18 KiB) Viewed 14952 times
SO righteous!
SO righteous!
paladin-attack-sword.png (6.18 KiB) Viewed 14952 times
Big muscles :}:D
Big muscles :}:D
bandit-defend-1.png (1.27 KiB) Viewed 14952 times
Scary dwarf with big hammer.
Scary dwarf with big hammer.
arcanister.png (1.32 KiB) Viewed 14952 times
Oh, strong vampire.
Oh, strong vampire.
noble.png (1.03 KiB) Viewed 14952 times
My new account is: Power_Pixel_Wannabe. Yea. Yea.... Why are you still reading this? What the heck m8? You have some kind of problem? Yea. I draw. NO I'M NOT 5 ANYMORE!!! Little brats.
The heck m8? I thought you left... No seriously... go... serious...
ok bye m8. I'm serious.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Great_Mage_Atari »

Powershot, don't spam this with pictures...

This does sound very cool. I do question a leader's ability to berserk, as this can lead to the epic downfall of them in a quick instant.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

Actually working on:

ToDoList for version 0.25

- balancing
- true portal scroll
- changes to the difficulties (done? needs balancing) and more decisions
- more spells - spellmenu available in the heromenu
- bugfixes (save game problem?)
- strikegain should be transfered to weapons that will be equipped later - got to check that!


Actual Version 0.21 uploaded
released for 1.10

- new abilities (Bodyguard - Dwarven, Splashdrain - for Vampire, Weapon Poison/Splashslow - Bandit)
- splash added to shotgun, simple blast and rain of arrows
- new enemies (Bloodelven Mage, Flame Mechanical Guard, Epical Monsters)
- death elven sprites and portraits for all four units
- changed wolfghost sprites - just coloured an existing wolf
- changed sprites for mechanical guards, using clockwork area
- new armors with armorabilities (armors might grant a special ability)
- many new rings and amulets
- new boots that grant trap immunity
- new weapons, abilities and specials: charge, splash, splashpoison, splashdrain, splasgslow, splash knockout (slow and stun), invisible
- extended surprise (encounters, taverns, epic fights, missions)
- mapchanges adding several villages to maps or improving maps
- difficulty changes - more dangerous types of enemies/more gold for enemies


Version 0.20 BETA

- heromenu: consumables, status, inventory, skilltree review, mercenaries
- true inventory allowing to equip and unequip any weapon
- rings, shoes, amulets, helmets
- skilltrees (see above)
- consumables: portal scroll, weed, herbs, antidotes
- mercenaries
- different bugfixes and changes
- damage increase will have an effect even on weapons that will be equipped later
- added weapons
- weaponsracks and armorracks containing a random weapon
- unique artifacts that give special abilties (vision helmet - will give you clairvoyance)


Version 0.16

- portraits for death elven, machineguards - they are done - I'm really proud - even though they are not perfect!
I morphensteined (changed colors and hair of kittys original pictures)
- graphics for wolf fraction (these are existing graphics - I used direwolf, greatwolf, brown wolf and hellhound)
- last level is now called "Splitter"
- create steamguard monster (done)
- added loot and randomloot from Strange Legacy --> also added tools, reincarnate potions and secret weapons that can be found while looting
- add story elements and decisions
- add details to all 4 existing levels (traps and characterbased stuff)
- mana concept/spell concept
- new shop - having real punchy weapons instead of upgradeable weapons
- rightclick menu (abilities, status, drink potions and level help)
- activatable abilities (over rightclick menu - need mana):

maid: summon a wolves, sharpshoot (20 damage on target), heal unit, slow unit
vampire: teleport, slow, assassinate (kill unit), summon zombie
dwarf: sharpshooter, grenade (still buggy)
paladin: last stand (summons as many spearman as possible - consumes all mana), Heal, Holy Hammer (40 damage on target)
bandit: poison target, assassinate, send scouts

This is realized and took a lot of time. Especially those nasty animations when clicking on a field. Assassinate might be changed, as there are several bugs, concerning the guardians.


Version 0.152


- bugfix shield and resistance
- increased resistance gain by the shields
- added abilities:
darken (vampire - vampirepath),
time manipulation (vampire - magicpath),
improve bite (vampire - vampirepath max.),
presence of fear (bandit - thiefspath),
poison all melee weapons (bandit weaponspath),
hire druids - (bow maid - elven and befriend path max),
Berserker Aspect (dwarven - weaponpath),
Hire Thunderguard (dwarven - dwarvenpath),
Aura of Defence (paladin - aurapath)
Hire Mages and Red Mages (paladin: mages=magicpath, red mages=supplypath and magicpath max)

While darken increases the damage of chaotic units nearby your hero, the time manipulation and the presence of fear simply decreases the damage of the enemy units around your leader by 25%. The aura of defence is tricky, I used the original steadfast ability and than changed it: it is intended to twice the resistance of all units around your hero, up to a max of 60%. Each unit that has resistances beyond 30% is not affected. I want to make this an activateable aura. You can decide to shift between different useful auras, but just one can be activated.

The Berserker Aspect however will not only result in a very strong attack for the dwarven, but will also allow him to recruit dwarvish berserkers, to upgrade his troop strength - maybe this berserk attack is too strong, but after all the dwarf should be easy to play. The rest should be clear.

- amla standard advance, each hero has now an extra standard advance.
bandit (adds resistance), dwarf (adds damage to melee weapon), paladin (adds damage to primary weapon), vampire (adds damage to fist), maid (adds damage to ranged)
- changed abilities: Blood Strength will now give you additional hit points
- changed traits: vampires undead trait has been replaced, but you will later have the option to get this trait.
- check equipment: talk to the leader about your equipment, he will tell you your actual resistance/equipment - this will be part of a status report, that can be opened by a special menu, later.


Version 0.151:

- added 3 levels,
- additional changes and bugfixes.
- additional upgrades for all weapons

- income concept: (done)

- macros and utils: I managed to create macros for: teleports/portals, shops, breakwall events, treasure chests, recruit lists
- healing potion that allows you to revive a character, you can buy an infinite number of these, but they are expensive
- shields (three different shields each has drawbacks)

- Fractions:

- Wolf Pack
- Death Elven (those possessed elven)

ToDoList for version 0.1

- creating basis for the games: firstmap (done!), first level (done), level concept 4 levels (done),
final map, ending map (same as the first before), a dummy unit (done).

- 8 scenarios (6 dummys). First Scen (done),

- activate amla
o concept (above)
o realisation (done)

- design variables (based on trapped)
o conception (done)
o realisation (done)

- redesign shops (based on trapped)
o conception (done)
o realisation (done)
Last edited by Heindal on May 19th, 2012, 3:35 pm, edited 11 times in total.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
Dungeonmasters of Wesnoth, Wild Peasants vs Devouring Corpses, Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

Version 0.1 has been published. It offers 5 different characters and 5 different stories. You can unlock around 20 unique abilities for each character and choose from one of 3 different pathes (yup that was a lot of hard work :( ) . You can hire different half-selfmade units such as Young Dwarven and Wolf Hunter. The characters in the game (shopkeepers) will react differently. Some characters dont like to buy in a specific store. ... if you play as a dwarf there will be additional jokes ... .

It should be bugfree (versions 1.8.4, 1.9.7) and if you report here - please note that this is an alpha - there needs to be done sincere balancing, but that is a topic for a later version - so you dont need to mention that :P. It is adviced to go right into the trainingroom in the first level. You can not die there and its possible to summon a lich, 6 dummys at level 6 which give 40 exp each and three goblins. If you want to develop one of your units to test the pathes you can simply let it attack the dummys.

If you want a real fight, summon the lich, but you should not do this, if you are not ready yet, otherwise it will get hard to get/or have it killed.

Have you tested it? I would like to know the following things:

1. What character have you choosen and why?
2. Are there any heavy bugs? Did the game break or have you encountered Invalid WML messages?
3. What do yo think about the pathes?
4. Any advices on story or gameplay?
5. What didnt you like?
6. Additional Comments
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
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Re: Five Fates

Post by WanderingHero »

Ok I played a bit of this campaign. It has some interesting ideas and the writing is pretty good, but you really need to playtest this.

Issues I found(first 2 are minor, 3 is campaign ruining):

1) Just about every single story has at least one typo, although fairly minor ones. The paladin's holy blast ability comes up as some weird type (just go with Arcane, and make it like Faerie Fire but with a different name and damage rate)

2) The bandit learns steadfast, which doubles immunities when on the defence... his only immunity is arcane which the enemies do not use. Perhaps a boost to resistances would be better?

3) Big issue here: Bats. Endless bloody hordes of bats. How many did you put in? 20? Is their a spawn point pouring them out? The way the scenario is the player will run into a ridiculous number of them and have to stand or fight them one after another with it seemingly going on forever, and if you try to avoid them, they'll follow you in a big line..... This quickly kills the fun of the campaign and made me unable to play any further.

4) So theirs no turn limit, but their is a gold income.... giving the player the opportunity to get infinite gold by pressing skip turn. Also the weapons in the melee shop are pointless for the bandit, sans the net which he should not be able to buy (probably). Might as well just give him the weapon upgrade options. Actually many of the melee weapons seem a little pointless..

With a bit more work this could be a fun campaign, right now standing around fighting bats is pretty dull.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

The paladin holy blast needs to be fixed, i placed "holy" there instead of arcane (its the same with the holy arrows of the bow maid).
Oh well - when testing it in 1.8.4 it wasnt shown - it just seems to show up in 1.9.7. I will changed that, asap.

The net was intended as the one and only exception for the bandit, I could change that. Melee weapons are senseless? After all you should be able to upgrade the weapons making them weapons with a good punch ... hm, I will check that. Maybe I should finally finish that third upgrade form.

Have you tested the training room? As I said, its intended that you train up your hero there first, before going into the fulltime action - maybe I should have placed an aditional message there. I trained there a little and finished of the bats leader in the 10ths turn - that is the turn when the batcaves (dadadadadadah :) - sorry) opens. If you dont use the training room it is really annoying to fight these bats ... I agree. (in the old version there where those tier2 ghouls and the dread bats with 100 starting gold. Believe me that was annoying, even with a high level.

Finally thank you for your time and the feedback.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

I just uploaded the next version of Trapped: 0.15

it contains: 4 different levels with 4 different bosses, 2 fractions (wolf pack/death elven), a new income system, hidden treasures, different "rpg like macros" such as break wall event/chest treasure event, 7 more upgrades for melee and ranged weapons (1 each), 3 shields and ability to sell shields, a classical healing potion (heals you, when you are about to die) and I finally produced a shop macro I will later use for trapped. That took me a while.

I would like to know:

What do you think about the income system?
Rate the difficulty of the levels! Which was to hard which was to easy?
Any advices on graphics and terrains?
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
Dungeonmasters of Wesnoth, Wild Peasants vs Devouring Corpses, Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Jaume »

I get the following error at the end of the introductory scenario:
An error due to possibly invalid WML occurred
The error message is:
A map without a header is not supported

Condition '!(header_offset == std::string::npos || comma_offset < header_offset)' failed at /home/jaume/Downloads/wesnoth-1.8.6/src/map.cpp:163 in function 'read'.
(Five Fates 0.15 alpha / BfW 1.8.6 / Ubuntu 10.04 LTS)
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Re: Five Fates

Post by artisticdude »

Haven't finished yet, but I just chugged a ton of experience in the training room off the first level until I had just about maxed out my advancements, which meant I was practically invulnerable for the duration of the campaign. Not sure the training room is a good idea, or even really necessary. I think at least limiting the amount of times you can spawn enemies in the training room would be a good idea, to prevent experience farming.

Besides that, I found that I eventually became so powerful that even level 3 enemies didn't dare to attack me. I had trouble with that exact issue in my RPG campaign(s), but I've cobbled together a useful AI hack (it's got some garbage code that I haven't removed yet, but it works) that forces all enemies to attack you 'Kamikaze style', that is, they will attack you regardless of hitpoints or attack power until either you or they are dead. Just place it in the [side] definition of the player's enemies. Here it is if you're interested:

Code: Select all


            #insert the id of the player's character below


        {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT combat_ignore_bad_movements yes}
        {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT combat_ignore_bad_combat yes}
        {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0}
        {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0}
It could be a lot cleaner, but I haven't had time to fool with it yet ( the [target] and [goal] tags are probably either redundant or altogether unnecessary). But all I can say is that it works. :P

And one last thing: when the player steps on a hex labeled 'treasure' and gets the gold, I think the 'treasure' label should be removed, to indicate that there is no longer any treasure there.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

@ artisticdude:

Thank you very much for both your feedback and your help. Your AI description is highly welcome! I wanted to make someting like that myself to use it in both of my campaigns. In both adventures your enemies ARE to attack you, doesnt mind how strong you are, so this will come in handy.

The training level is still necessary as it is an alpha version. Its used to the test character amlas path and its pretty easy ingame. Of course with maxed out characters the game will become trivial, but you still can test your options. I am currently thinking about adding upgrades for different attacks and activateable abbilities.

I will change the treasure thing, however its just necessary for the dwarven players.

@ Jaume: thanks again for your bugreport! I will have to test the 1.8.6 version. It seems to be a map problem and I cant figure out, what is going wrong, as I tested every tiny bit (using 1.8.4) - maybe it has somthing to do with these nasty side bug, I had before publishing.

--> Jaume - I just uploaded a version changing the shop macro. Maybe this has caused the map bug (the game seems to have problem when you create a side within the utils). The maps itself are completly ok, as they all contain a header. Could you recheck?
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Jaume »

Heindal wrote:Could you recheck?
I just did, and I still have the same problem.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

Sorry I can´t find a problem. I just downloaded 1.8.6. and than tested downloading the add on Five Fates.
It works without problems, even though I don´t use Ubuntu - maybe its a problem with that version.
Unfortunately that means I cant figure out, what is causing the problem.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Jaume »

Heindal wrote:Sorry I can´t find a problem.
I just had a look, and the problem is pretty trivial to fix actually: in scenarios/02_Dungeon_1.cfg, the map file is referenced as
but the map file itself is named

Always keep in mind that file names are case sensitive in the Unix world. :eng:
(You have the same problem in all the 0X_Dungeon_X.cfg files, by the way.)
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Re: Five Fates

Post by Heindal »

Thanks, I fixed the bug and will keep this in mind.

Have a nice testing.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
Dungeonmasters of Wesnoth, Wild Peasants vs Devouring Corpses, Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
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