A New Order art

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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

What would be the advantage of such separation?

EDIT: I've just realised that either there was once such separate package, or I created it and never posted. I can't remember which was it. It contained the different versions of all media I made for ANO, that's for sure.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by gnombat »

szopen wrote: August 16th, 2021, 4:31 pm What would be the advantage of such separation?
I think it's just that it would be a good idea to have the high-resolution original images available online somewhere so they don't get lost forever if your hard drive crashes. They don't have to be in the "regular" ANO repository because they are not needed just for playing the game (or for editing the source code) and they would make it larger to download, but it would be great to have a separate "media" repository so people who want to access the originals could get them from there.

This is what the Wesnoth project itself does - it has a main repository containing the images which are actually used in the game, but there is also a separate repository containing high-resolution images and other files that are not distributed with the game but are available if anyone needs them.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

Ok, so here is all I have found in my backups. Well, almost all; the later story images and portraits which I created (ie those not from Zaręba, Iborra or from Wesnoth content) were done by tracing (ie I made photos of myself doing strange things and then traced over it). I really hope I erased all those photos, because some were really weird, hehe. Let me know when I can remove the link, my google drive is permanently full and I would like to delete the file as soon as possible.

WARNING: the original backup had 1GB, i reduced it by half, but it still has 0,5G. Seems to me a lot of art is doubled there, but I just have no time to properly clean it and prepare for download.

But damn, this bring memories. I forgot how much fun I had making animations of akladian clansmen scratching their butts when idle. Or the story images I made for the first version :D Pure gold :D

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ur8bWL ... sp=sharing

I've just looked into your git repo, egalleger, and I've noticed it still has the old sprite animations, it just does not use them, right?
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

szopen wrote: August 17th, 2021, 9:35 am Ok, so here is all I have found in my backups. Well, almost all; the later story images and portraits which I created (ie those not from Zaręba, Iborra or from Wesnoth content) were done by tracing (ie I made photos of myself doing strange things and then traced over it). I really hope I erased all those photos, because some were really weird, hehe. Let me know when I can remove the link, my google drive is permanently full and I would like to delete the file as soon as possible.

WARNING: the original backup had 1GB, i reduced it by half, but it still has 0,5G. Seems to me a lot of art is doubled there, but I just have no time to properly clean it and prepare for download.

But damn, this bring memories. I forgot how much fun I had making animations of akladian clansmen scratching their butts when idle. Or the story images I made for the first version :D Pure gold :D

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ur8bWL ... sp=sharing
OK, I have converted this into a git repo here: https://github.com/cooljeanius/ANO_art
There were some warnings when pushing it, though:

Code: Select all

$ git push -u origin main
Enumerating objects: 813, done.
Counting objects: 100% (813/813), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (808/808), done.
Writing objects: 100% (813/813), 348.13 MiB | 1.32 MiB/s, done.
Total 813 (delta 52), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: warning: See http://git.io/iEPt8g for more information.
remote: warning: File wprawki/battle_horn.xcf is 60.80 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB
remote: warning: File wprawki/before_the_battle.xcf is 61.04 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB
remote: warning: File wprawki/krajobraz.xcf is 67.05 MB; this is larger than GitHub's recommended maximum file size of 50.00 MB
remote: warning: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage - https://git-lfs.github.com.
To github.com:cooljeanius/ANO_art.git
 * [new branch]      main -> main
Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.
I've just looked into your git repo, egalleger, and I've noticed it still has the old sprite animations, it just does not use them, right?
Yes, I'm pretty sure that's correct, although I'll want to verify with wmlscope first to be sure. If they truly are unused, then I guess I can remove them from the add-on repo now that I have a separate art repo, to help reduce the final download size of the add-on for players...
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

So, it turns out that there are a lot of duplicate files in the new media repo: https://github.com/cooljeanius/ANO_art/issues/1
When I encounter multiple duplicate copies of the same file, which version would generally be the best to keep, and which should I delete?
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

Huh, that's a lot more duplicates than I expected after cursory look. Sorry, I should've spent more time in cleaning the dir before the upload - but then, as I wrote above, I already deleted half of the files in the backups (there were a lot of strange files here and there, including compiled .mo files, some old cfg's etc and when I look at the directory now I see a lot of strange files still remains, including my old letter to Turuk which I don't know if I even sent - "list.txt" which should be deleted I guess). This is what you get when you combine several backups into one directory, without any description which is newer.

Unfortunately, the timestamps do not tell me much.

Looking at it now, wesnothUMC are files I picked from other campaigns, can be deleted. Same with modified_wesnoth and drummonds, I have no idea why some have akl- prefix. sleepwalker are new akladian sprites, I think those are ether same or older than the versions in campaign, can be deleted.

"stare" means old, so except story_images (which can be kept for history purposes), those can be deleted. Obviously same goes for all "backup". "v2" probably is newer than other (it includes animation of akladian clansmen "yes!" ("laughing") animation, which was used in past when they killed someone). I think ANO_UMC_art was the version I prepared to sent as a separate package to add-on server and I _think_ it should be more or less same as the files in "finished". ANO_nowe_story should contain same files as distributed now as story_images. I guess that if there is a version of sprite in ANO, then this verson wins; and then you can decide by tossing a coin which version of files to keep.

Sorry I can't help more.

Looking at all those I wished I would have more time, so I could go back to pixel editing and make again all those idle, selected etc animations. They looked so nice in wesnoth in the past, even if my sprites in general really sucked.

Or maybe there is some spriter here willing to do such simple anims? They are less complicated than move or attack: selected can be just rising arm with spear, or rising fist. Idle can be sigh, scrtching head, scratching butt etc.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

Instead of doing what I should be doing, i reached another level of procrastination skill and I checked how good BasicSR would be at rescaling sprites. Well, not very good. Plus the biggest single issue is that no model for BasicSR is able to handle alpha channels. Still, I had some fun. Though those would be not usable for Wesnoth, I decided to post the results here, just to show the possibilities of free AI rescale.
leader, msunpainter
leader, msunpainter
hagarthen, lollypop
hagarthen, lollypop
hagarthen_lollypop.png (76.06 KiB) Viewed 6449 times
akl-darknite_falcoon300.png (103.22 KiB) Viewed 6446 times
The files:
(1.57 MiB) Downloaded 114 times
"Even when the Slav is gay the effort is often evident" -- P. R. RADOSAVLJEVICH
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

I realised that maybe the results are not obvious, so I edited this post to make it more clear. In case where wesnoth would ever wanted to switch from 72x72 to 144x144, this should clearly show that while results are not perfect, could be still treated as the last-resort treatment. On the left two rescales using BasicSR, on the right simple 2xrescale using gimp. The only problem is the inability of BasicSR to deal with alpha channels.

I hope the difference is clear and so is my point now.
compare2144.png (141.19 KiB) Viewed 6436 times
"Even when the Slav is gay the effort is often evident" -- P. R. RADOSAVLJEVICH
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

szopen wrote: August 18th, 2021, 8:47 am Huh, that's a lot more duplicates than I expected after cursory look. Sorry, I should've spent more time in cleaning the dir before the upload - but then, as I wrote above, I already deleted half of the files in the backups (there were a lot of strange files here and there, including compiled .mo files, some old cfg's etc and when I look at the directory now I see a lot of strange files still remains, including my old letter to Turuk which I don't know if I even sent - "list.txt" which should be deleted I guess).
Hm, it appears to have some interesting info in it, but I can still delete it, I guess...
This is what you get when you combine several backups into one directory, without any description which is newer.

Unfortunately, the timestamps do not tell me much.

Looking at it now, wesnothUMC are files I picked from other campaigns, can be deleted.
OK, I removed the files in wesnothUMC where I could recognize which other campaign they came from, but I left the others, though.
Same with modified_wesnoth and drummonds, I have no idea why some have akl- prefix.
I'm removing the Landar image in modified_wesnoth; keeping the xcfs for modified images based on him, though. And the images in drummonds were posted previously in this thread:
Wussel wrote: July 28th, 2012, 7:41 am Got it. here are the first 5 files. They look cool on a dark floor like cave or dwarfish. But grass will do too. They have the maximum size which will work with encampment next to it. They do look especially cool in caves and go good with cave walls too. I kept them as big as possible to catch the original flair. There is no stretching or recoloring. There are versions without lights too. But as Alex provided the lights, I found them more colorful. They might work for undeads or dofus' despair faction, too. If you put them close together you get a city feeling. In general they might be cool for some viking type punks ("ironborns of westeros" or such).
Wussel wrote: July 28th, 2012, 7:55 am So here are the last 2. Then there are all in an xcf-file.

More over I tried to attach my working file as xcf. It has 8 mb and did not succeed uploading.
This one has to be scaled down to 40% to match the current size. If somebody wants to go smaller please realize that 36% is already 10% smaller than 40%. You will loose details and awesomeness. I would stay away from recoloring. If somebody wants to switch of the lights or do a flickering animation, please do so.
Wussel wrote: July 28th, 2012, 8:00 am
shadowmaster wrote:
Wussel wrote:I would like to post some villages, which were originally donated By Alex Drumond on this forum some years ago.
I couldn’t find posts (other than this one) by searching for “Alex Drumond”, neither through the forum nor Google. Would you mind sharing a link?
Oops, my typo. It is Alex Drummond.
Username: alexdrummond
link: http://www.alexdrummo.com

Originally posted as dark town building 2 years ago.

Hope that helps

Houses from the first. Lights from the second. Especially the longhouses made shorter by cut and paste to match hex requirements. Some scaling up to match the sizes. (Small houses and tower)

Edit: Some distortion used on the tower. After removing the base it seemed to be to short for my taste. My deepest apologies to the artist.
Edit2: I noticed the use of the description "viking type punks". I do hope sincerely, that I did not diminish the Akladian faction by that. Any offended feelings caused by this, would result in my deepest regrets.
Wussel wrote: July 28th, 2012, 10:24 am Well not much to do about it. He probably did not like his stuff losing the awesomeness by being scaled down or recolored. He might not liked the idea, to finish his art until it can be submitted. Above all he is a professional who wanted to get some more visuality. There are really more a few bits and peaces of his stuff on the internet. But than movies like Avatar look like his stuff on the other side. So I hope he likes how I utilized his "assets". But back to topic. This is A new Order art thread.

I still did not manage to upload my xcf file. Here are the 3 most important layers for the knowledgeable and those who want to learn by playing around, too.
Wussel wrote: July 30th, 2012, 7:09 pm Good to hear that.
As the villages are bigger than the regular they could be placed by hand on top of an existing village. I have seen that once in a user made campaign. I have no idea how to place an 216x180 picture exactly on top of the village level. I do believe that a macro could be written for that. ( Code could be like [PLACE_BIG_PIC 47 11 atk5]). This way there would be control which version shows. I tried to recreate the original concept art in Wesnoth. All wrong buildings in wrong places. But have a look. I use the tower for the encampment keep for the sake of the picture.

Enjoy vacation!
Working on the rest of these next:
szopen wrote: August 18th, 2021, 8:47 amsleepwalker are new akladian sprites, I think those are ether same or older than the versions in campaign, can be deleted.

"stare" means old, so except story_images (which can be kept for history purposes), those can be deleted. Obviously same goes for all "backup". "v2" probably is newer than other (it includes animation of akladian clansmen "yes!" ("laughing") animation, which was used in past when they killed someone). I think ANO_UMC_art was the version I prepared to sent as a separate package to add-on server and I _think_ it should be more or less same as the files in "finished". ANO_nowe_story should contain same files as distributed now as story_images. I guess that if there is a version of sprite in ANO, then this verson wins; and then you can decide by tossing a coin which version of files to keep.

Sorry I can't help more.

Looking at all those I wished I would have more time, so I could go back to pixel editing and make again all those idle, selected etc animations. They looked so nice in wesnoth in the past, even if my sprites in general really sucked.

Or maybe there is some spriter here willing to do such simple anims? They are less complicated than move or attack: selected can be just rising arm with spear, or rising fist. Idle can be sigh, scrtching head, scratching butt etc.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

egallager wrote: August 19th, 2021, 4:05 am Hm, it appears to have some interesting info in it, but I can still delete it, I guess...
Ok, then keep the interesting info, remove personal bits.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

szopen wrote: August 19th, 2021, 10:01 am
egallager wrote: August 19th, 2021, 4:05 am Hm, it appears to have some interesting info in it, but I can still delete it, I guess...
Ok, then keep the interesting info, remove personal bits.
OK, I added it back in this commit: https://github.com/cooljeanius/ANO_art/commit/ea90edb7b82bb9a4906de49c546e8a5c410c39b6
Let me know if there are further changes you'd like me to make to it.
Last edited by egallager on July 4th, 2022, 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

szopen wrote: August 18th, 2021, 4:57 pm Instead of doing what I should be doing, i reached another level of procrastination skill and I checked how good BasicSR would be at rescaling sprites. Well, not very good. Plus the biggest single issue is that no model for BasicSR is able to handle alpha channels. Still, I had some fun. Though those would be not usable for Wesnoth, I decided to post the results here, just to show the possibilities of free AI rescale.


The files:

So, on the topic of upscalers, have you tried waifu2x yet? https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x
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Re: A New Order art

Post by szopen »

I tried few of those and can't remember whether waifu was amongst them. It doesn't seem to me that those do good job for wesnoth sprites - they are not general purpose upscalers.
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

Update: The new version of ANO uploaded to the BfW 1.16 add-on server has my new Medic frankenportrait included in it; improvements to it are welcome. Last update to it in the ANO_art repo was here: https://github.com/cooljeanius/ANO_art/commit/4542b1f4bfb0a9ddc6f07f275fb3fc7ff6c12612

I'll attach it here as well:
Medic frankenportrait
Medic frankenportrait
Medic.png (152.09 KiB) Viewed 5818 times
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Re: A New Order art

Post by egallager »

If anyone would like to help contribute additional art, I'm keeping the ART_TODO.txt file updated here: https://github.com/cooljeanius/A_New_Order/blob/master/ART_TODO.txt
Since the old payment amounts listed in the file no longer seem to be attracting artists, I'm wondering if I should offer to increase it, and if so, to what?
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