[solved] Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Win7 x64

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[solved] Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Win7 x64

Post by gs_fx »

I've followed theese instructions (got the most recent c:b 16.01, 32-bit tdm-gcc 5.1.0 and the developement source package (1.13.2) from official download page). After successful build (there were some warnings related to unused variables) without any changes to the source code and the default settings (except for those mentioned in the build instructions) i tried to run the new wesnoth, but got 0xc0000005 error (original russian error messages: http://prntscr.com/9war7c, http://prntscr.com/9wariv). I've visited some topics found via google by the error code, but none of those solutions worked in my case.
The compiled executables (both debug and release with the same error) on google drive. There was no stderr (i've run search for each hard drive).
I have Windows 7 SP1 (x64). Pre-built binaries work fine on my system.
Do you have any suggestions for me?

Thanks in advance.

UPD: forgot to mention that i was going to include some changes and build it for my own usage, so i don't like the solution 'just simply download the official pre-built package and enjoy'
Last edited by gs_fx on January 30th, 2016, 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Windows 7 (x64)

Post by Pentarctagon »

I would try building without your changes, and see if it works or not.

There's also another set of instructions here for building with scons, which would narrow down if it's a code::blocks issue or not, though this would give you the latest code (1.13.2+dev) rather than 1.13.2.
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Re: Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Windows 7 (x64)

Post by gfgtdf »

Please provide more information:
1) when does this error appear (does it appear when starting the programm of when clicking a sprecific button or ...)
2) If you already have a debug build you might be able to provide a stacktrace of that error, to get that you should start wesnoth with a debugger attached.
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Re: Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Windows 7 (x64)

Post by gs_fx »

For Pentarctagon:
As i said in the 1st post, i got this error after compiling the clean source without any changes (in fact, i had already got this error with my small changes and decided to check out the clean version)
Thanks for the link, i'll try that way too.
For gfgtdf:
1) It appears just when i start the program, the game doesn't even start loading
2) I'm not familiar with C:B (and the debugging using gdb). I've tried 'debug -> start/continue' from the main C:B menu, but it asked me to choose a host app for library, so i figured out that something is set up wrong.
An attempt via command line
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Re: Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Windows 7 (x64)

Post by gfgtdf »

thx for providing this stacktrace, unfortulatley i don't really know any of these functions involved. There are no functions from wesnoth.exe involved, so this doesn't seem to be a bug in the wesnoth c++ sourcecode. It seems like something goes wrong when loading the library 'SDL_image.dll'
Scenario with Robots SP scenario (1.11/1.12), allows you to build your units with components, PYR No preperation turn 1.12 mp-mod that allows you to select your units immideately after the game begins.
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Re: Compiled Wesnoth 1.13.2 is crashing on Windows 7 (x64)

Post by gs_fx »

Thanks for your reply, it helped me to fix the problem. Actually, i could do this on my own, if i'd read the debug output attentively. Anyway, thanks a lot.
The solution was pretty simple: i took SDL libraries from installed 1.12.5 official release. After that, wesnoth missed some dlls like libjpeg and libpng, so i've copied all the dlls from 1.12.5 (i think that it needed only SDL dependencies, but it was easier just to copy everything). Finally it missed the entry point to GOMP_parallel in libgomp-1.dll from 1.12.5 package, but started successfully with another one from TDM-GCC-32 package.
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