MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

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MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

I have been writing simple mp server bot (python3) for last several hours. It manages to join lobby as guest and send messages.

However, I couldnt manage to figure out how to create "The hashed password, created from the password and salt received from the server".

The pdf file by norbert did not help, it showed what should happen, not how to do that. His implementation viewtopic.php?f=15&t=29840 relys on some non-standard #includes so that I couldnt use either. Same for the one wesnoth uses, havent managed to compile it.

So, is there portable algorithm/script for creating the result that server wants?
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML password hash

Post by Alarantalara »

Looking at norbert's implementation, I don't see anything outside of standard C other than a somewhat safer printf statement (which you probably don't need for python) and a call to an MD5 hash function. The MD5 hash algorithm is public and you can go implement it if you want, but I'd highly recommend finding an existing implementation if only because there is almost certainly one available for every language.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML password hash

Post by Ravana »

I guess I should have mentioned that I run it on windows. Nevertheless, after removing everything not to do with hash and downloading <openssl/md5.h> from somewhere it seems to compile.

Will see soon if it gives correct results. -- Seems it works.

I havent found yet how to read lobby/whisper messages, but I guess I will soon.
The problem is that whatever server sends me on joining, removing first 4 bytes, it is not a gzipped file. Server says that I asked 1024 bytes even though server says package was shorter, so 2 of them joined. And using too general except: didnt help. Using min(1024,bytes_wanted-bytes_recd) now.

So next question, what should I send to properly disconnect from server? Currently that account remains in server online list for quite long. -- seems that by closing my socket.

Is there anything I should do with connection number?

I see lines like ping="1459544593". Should I respond with something?

Does server always send one toplevel tag package at once? I see with initial join it sends more, both [gamelist] and [user], but later seems only one tag together.

Does [A-Za-z0-9_-]+ work for matching any username?
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML password hash

Post by Ravana »

Current progress:

Connect to irc, act based on what is said
Connect to server, detect if password is needed
Quit correctly
Dynamic whispers and messages, without new socket for each, logging whispers
Receiving everything server sends, with some parsing - ... needed minor changes, but mostly works
Handling received whispers

What I plan to add to wiki page:
Client needs to send package length in same format
Keys need to be ordered, maybe tags too
Quotes need to be escaped
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

I got in the mood to continue with this. Mostly refactoring and splitting code to different files, but also much better wml handling now that I better understand what wmlparser gives.

And now it checks what port server tells to use.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by iceiceice »

I guess I don't know what your development goals are here, but one thing that might save you a huge amount of time is if you use the "plugins" feature I developed some years ago.

It is already possible to write multiplayer server bots in lua, that connect to the wesnoth application itself. In fact this has been running after every commit on travis for the last year or so -- the "multiplayer server tests" test that two bots are able to join a local server, one of them starts a game, the other joins it and chats "ready", and the first bot starts the game, and they both manage to close to the program normally afterwards. Check "join.lua" and "host.lua" in the root of the wesnoth repository, and possibly travis if you want to see how to invoke it.

If you just wanted to make a chatbot, the infrastructure for that already exists without writing any C or C++ or examining the multiplayer server wml protocol, this system uses the wesnoth program itself to do that.

Of course maybe for you the fun is reverse engineering such things, idk.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML password hash

Post by Elvish_Hunter »

Ravana wrote:Nevertheless, after removing everything not to do with hash and downloading <openssl/md5.h> from somewhere it seems to compile.
Sorry for not noticing this before, but if you need to compute a MD5 hash in Python you don't need anything outside the standard library: the needed functions are supplied by the hashlib module.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

Just md5 was never a problem, but server wants it iteratively transformed somehow.

Currently using

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proc = subprocess.Popen('hashwes.exe'+' '+password+' '+hash, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
self.strsend('[login]\nforce_confirmation="yes"\npassword="'+passhash+'"\nusername="' + name + '"\n[/login]')
with original code changed to

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/* wesirc 0.4 (June 2010)
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Norbert de Jonge <>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see [ ].

/* Added more WSRSW features; see function ProcessWhisper.
 * Remember to change the defines under "CHANGE THESE VALUES" first.

//#include <sys/socket.h>
//#include <netinet/in.h>
//#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// #include <zlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
//#include <mysql.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
// #include <langinfo.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/*        CHANGE THESE VALUES        */
#define SERV_HOST_ADDR ""
#define SERV_HOST_PORT 15000
#define NICK "nick"
#define PASSWORD "password"
#define BOT_VERSION "version"
#define BOT_MASTER "master_nick"
#define MAX_STRING 250
#define RECEIVED "received.gz"
#define SENDING "sending"
#define BUFLEN 50000
#define EXIT_ERROR 1
#define VERSION "[version]\n\tversion=\"1.8.2\"\n[/version]"
#define LOGIN "[login]\n\tselective_ping=\"1\"\n\tusername=\"" NICK "\"\n[/login]"
#define MAX_VARS 100
#define ENT_QUOTES 1
#define MAX_COMMENT 50
#define REGISTER "You'll need to register your nick at first!"
#define VOTE_FORMAT "Wrong vote format!"
#define BOT_DESCRIPTION "Retrieves and stores data from and into the database back end of WSRSW ("
#define BOT_COMMANDS "List of available commands:"
char sReceived[MAX_STRING];
char sToSend[MAX_STRING];
int iToSend;
char sVars[MAX_VARS][2][MAX_STRING];
int iVars;
const char *itoa64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char sEncoded[MAX_STRING];
// void ProcessWhisper (int iSockFd);
// void ConnectToServer (char *sHostAddr, int *iSockFd, int iPort);
// void HandShake (int iSockFd);
// void WriteToSocket (int iSockFd, char *sString, int iChars, int iHandshake);
// int ReadFromSocket (int iSockFd, int iHandshake);
int SignedBytesToInt ();
void SaveReceived (int iReceived);
// int ParseServerData (char *uncompr, int iSockFd);
void SendReply (int iSockFd, char *sString);
void SaveToSend (char *sString);
void GzipAndLoadToSend ();
void EncodeHash (char *sDest, char *sSource, int iCount);
void CreateHash (char *sPassword, char *sSalt, int iIterationCount);
void GetMD5 (char *sInput, unsigned char *sResult, int iInputLength);
int GetIteration (char *sHash);
char *substr (const char *pstr, int start, int numchars);
int strpos (char *haystack, char *needle);
int IsRegistered (char *sNick);
void GiveHelp (char *sNick, int iSockFd);
void AddComment (char *sNick, char *sScenCom, int iSockFd);
void GetVotes (char *sNick, char *sScenWhose, int iSockFd);
void AddVotes (char *sNick, char *sScenVotes, int iSockFd);
void GiveMapp (char *sNick, char *sScen, int iSockFd);
void Whisper (int iSockFd, char *sFrom, char *sTo, char *sString);
char *htmlspecialchars (char *sString, int iTransQuotes);
char *str_replace (const char *sString, const char *sFrom, const char *sTo);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Password. %s \n",argv[1]);
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Salt we received: %s (%i)\n", argv[2],strlen (argv[2]));
		printf("too few arguments, %i",argc);
		return 1;
	// CreateHash (htmlspecialchars (argv[1], ENT_QUOTES), substr (argv[2], 4, 8), GetIteration (argv[2]));
	CreateHash (argv[1], substr (argv[2], 4, 8), GetIteration (argv[2]));
	CreateHash (sEncoded, substr (argv[2], 12, 8), 10); /* 1024 */
	if (strlen (sEncoded) != 22)
		printf ("[FAILED] Could not create a proper hash!\n");
		return 1;
		// exit (EXIT_ERROR);
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Hash we created: %s (%i)\n", sEncoded,strlen (sEncoded));
	printf ("%s", sEncoded);
	// printf ("[login]\n\tpassword=\"%s\"\n\tpassword_reminder=\"\"\n\tselective_ping=\"1\"\n\tusername=\"%s\"\n[/login]", sEncoded, NICK);

	return 0;

int SignedBytesToInt ()
	int iNumber;
	int iLoop;

	iNumber = (unsigned char)sReceived[3];
	for (iLoop = 1; iLoop < 4; iLoop++)
		iNumber = iNumber + ((iLoop * 256) * (unsigned char)sReceived[3 - iLoop]);

	return (iNumber);

void SaveReceived (int iReceived)
	FILE *fp;

	fp = fopen(RECEIVED, "w");
	fwrite (sReceived, sizeof(char), iReceived, fp);
	fclose (fp);

int ParseServerData (char *uncompr, int iSockFd)
	int i;
	int iRight;
	char sLeft[MAX_STRING];
	char sRight[MAX_STRING];
	char sTemp[MAX_STRING];

	snprintf (sLeft, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
	snprintf (sRight, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
	iRight = 0;
	iVars = 0;
	for (i = 0; i <strlen(uncompr); i++)
		switch (uncompr[i])
			case '\n':
				snprintf (sVars[iVars - 1][0], MAX_STRING, "%s", sLeft);
				snprintf (sVars[iVars - 1][1], MAX_STRING, "%s", sRight);
				if (strcmp (sLeft, "[/version]") == 0) { return (1); }
				if (strcmp (sLeft, "[/redirect]") == 0) { return (2); }
				if (strcmp (sLeft, "[/mustlogin]") == 0) { return (3); }
				if (strcmp (sLeft, "[/error]") == 0)
					if (strcmp (sVars[1][1], "200") == 0) { return (5); }
					if (strcmp (sVars[1][1], "203") == 0) { exit (EXIT_ERROR); }
				if (strcmp (sLeft, "[/whisper]") == 0)
					if (strpos (sVars[2][1], NICK) == 0) { return (6); }
				snprintf (sLeft, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
				snprintf (sRight, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
				iRight = 0;
			case '=':
				iRight = 1; break;
				switch (iRight)
					case 0:
						snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sLeft);
						snprintf (sLeft, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp, uncompr[i]);
					case 1:
						if (uncompr[i] != '"')
							snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sRight);
							snprintf (sRight, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp, uncompr[i]);
	if (strcmp (sRight, "") != 0)
		snprintf (sVars[iVars - 1][0], MAX_STRING, "%s", sLeft);
		snprintf (sVars[iVars - 1][1], MAX_STRING, "%s", sRight);
		return (4);
	return (0);

void SendReply (int iSockFd, char *sString)
	SaveToSend (sString);
	GzipAndLoadToSend ();
	// WriteToSocket (iSockFd, sToSend, iToSend, 0);

void SaveToSend (char *sString)
	int iFd;

	if ((iFd = open (SENDING, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666)) == -1)
		printf ("[FAILED] Could not open file!\n");
		exit (EXIT_ERROR);
	if ((write (iFd, sString, strlen (sString))) != strlen (sString))
		printf ("[FAILED] Could not save data!\n");
		exit (EXIT_ERROR);
	close (iFd);

void GzipAndLoadToSend ()
	char sSystem[MAX_STRING];
	FILE *fp;
	char line[1 + 1];

	snprintf (sSystem, MAX_STRING, "gzip -n -f %s", SENDING);
	system (sSystem);
	if ((fp = fopen("sending.gz", "rb")) == NULL)
		printf ("[FAILED] Could not open file!\n");
		exit (EXIT_ERROR);
	iToSend = 0;
	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL)
		sToSend[iToSend] = line[0];
	fclose (fp);

void EncodeHash (char *sDest, char *sSource, int iCount)
	int i;
	int value;

	i = 0;
	do {
		value = (unsigned char)sSource[i++];
		*sDest++ = itoa64[value & 0x3f];
		if (i < iCount)
			value |= (unsigned char)sSource[i] << 8;
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 6) & 0x3f];
		if (i++ >= iCount)
		if (i < iCount)
			value |= (unsigned char)sSource[i] << 16;
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 12) & 0x3f];
		if (i++ >= iCount)
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 18) & 0x3f];
	} while (i < iCount);

void CreateHash (char *sPassword, char *sSalt, int iIterationCount)
	char sOutput[MAX_STRING];
	char sTemp[MAX_STRING];
	unsigned char sChecksum[16*2+1] = "";
	int iLoop;

	iIterationCount = 1 << iIterationCount;

	snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen (sSalt); iLoop++)
		snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sOutput);
		snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp, (unsigned char)sSalt[iLoop]);
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen (sPassword); iLoop++)
		snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sOutput);
		snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp,
			(unsigned char)sPassword[iLoop]);
	GetMD5 (sOutput, sChecksum, strlen (sSalt) + strlen (sPassword));
	snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s", sChecksum);

	do {
		for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen(sPassword); iLoop++)
			sOutput[iLoop + 16] = sPassword[iLoop];
		sOutput[iLoop + 16] = '\0';
		GetMD5 (sOutput, sChecksum, 16 + strlen (sPassword));
		for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 16; iLoop++) { sOutput[iLoop] = sChecksum[iLoop]; }
		sOutput[16] = '\0';
	} while (--iIterationCount);

	EncodeHash (sEncoded, sOutput, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);

void GetMD5 (char *sInput, unsigned char *sResult, int iInputLength)
	MD5_CTX ctx;

	MD5_Update(&ctx, sInput, iInputLength);
	MD5_Final(sResult, &ctx); /* places ctx in sResult */

int GetIteration (char *sHash)
	return (strlen (itoa64) - strlen (strchr (itoa64, sHash[3])));

char *substr (const char *pstr, int start, int numchars)
	char *pnew = malloc(numchars+1);
	strncpy(pnew, pstr + start, numchars);
	pnew[numchars] = '\0';
	return pnew;

int strpos (char *haystack, char *needle)
	char *p = strstr (haystack, needle);
	if (p) return p - haystack;
	return (-1);

int IsRegistered (char *sNick)
	return 0;

void GiveHelp (char *sNick, int iSockFd)
	char sSend[MAX_STRING];

	snprintf (sSend, MAX_STRING, "%s : %s : %s", NICK, BOT_VERSION, BOT_MASTER);
	Whisper (iSockFd, NICK, sNick, sSend);
	Whisper (iSockFd, NICK, sNick, BOT_DESCRIPTION);
	Whisper (iSockFd, NICK, sNick, BOT_COMMANDS);

void Whisper (int iSockFd, char *sFrom, char *sTo, char *sString)
	char sSend[MAX_STRING];

	snprintf (sSend, MAX_STRING, "[whisper]\n\tmessage=\"%s\"\n\treceiver=\"%s\"\n\tsender=\"%s\"\n[/whisper]", sString, sTo, sFrom);
	SendReply (iSockFd, sSend);

char *htmlspecialchars (char *sString, int iTransQuotes)
	char *sTemp = (char *) malloc (MAX_STRING * sizeof (char));

	snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sString);
	sTemp = str_replace (sTemp, "&", "&");
	sTemp = str_replace (sTemp, "<", "<");
	sTemp = str_replace (sTemp, ">", ">");
	if (iTransQuotes == 1)
		sTemp = str_replace (sTemp, "\"", """);
		sTemp = str_replace (sTemp, "'", "'");

	return (sTemp);

char *str_replace (const char *sString, const char *sFrom, const char *sTo)
  char *tok = NULL;
  char *newstr = NULL;

  tok = strstr (sString, sFrom);
  if (tok == NULL)
		return strdup (sString);
  newstr = malloc (strlen (sString) - strlen (sFrom) + strlen (sTo) + 1);
  if (newstr == NULL)
		return NULL;
  memcpy (newstr, sString, tok - sString);
  memcpy (newstr + (tok - sString), sTo, strlen (sTo));
  memcpy (newstr + (tok - sString) + strlen (sTo), tok + strlen (sFrom),
		strlen (sString) - strlen (sFrom) - (tok - sString));
  memset (newstr + strlen (sString) - strlen (sFrom) + strlen (sTo), 0, 1);

  return newstr;

I checked these lua files, could be useful for someone(if it has documentation?), but for me the goal has been that I mainly control my bot from irc.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

So thats why [gamelist_diff] indexes made no sense... wrote://inserts will be processed first by the client, so insert at index+1,
//and then when the delete is processed we'll slide into the right position
When it is sent in another order..

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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

Spent some time trying to run that c file on linux, eventually found that wrong hash was from unescaped $ signs. During the process I cleaned that hash file a bit more.

For reference, most likely for my own use, commands to compile for windows gcc -o hashwes hashwes.c -I. ./libcrypto.dll.a. ./libssl.dll.a and linux gcc -o hashwes hashwes.c -I. libcrypto.dll.a libssl.dll.a -lcrypto

Code: Select all

/* wesirc 0.4 (June 2010)
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Norbert de Jonge <>

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAX_STRING 250
char sReceived[MAX_STRING];
char sToSend[MAX_STRING];
const char *itoa64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char sEncoded[MAX_STRING];
void EncodeHash (char *sDest, char *sSource, int iCount);
void CreateHash (char *sPassword, char *sSalt, int iIterationCount);
void GetMD5 (char *sInput, unsigned char *sResult, int iInputLength);
int GetIteration (char *sHash);
char *substr (const char *pstr, int start, int numchars);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Password. %s \n",argv[1]);
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Salt we received: %s (%i)\n", argv[2],strlen (argv[2]));
		printf("too few arguments, %i",argc);
		return 1;
	CreateHash (argv[1], substr (argv[2], 4, 8), GetIteration (argv[2]));
	CreateHash (sEncoded, substr (argv[2], 12, 8), 10); /* 1024 */
	if (strlen (sEncoded) != 22)
		printf ("[FAILED] Could not create a proper hash!\n");
		return 1;
	// printf ("[  OK  ] Hash we created: %s (%i)\n", sEncoded,strlen (sEncoded));
	printf ("%s", sEncoded);

	return 0;
void EncodeHash (char *sDest, char *sSource, int iCount)
	int i;
	int value;

	i = 0;
	do {
		value = (unsigned char)sSource[i++];
		*sDest++ = itoa64[value & 0x3f];
		if (i < iCount)
			value |= (unsigned char)sSource[i] << 8;
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 6) & 0x3f];
		if (i++ >= iCount)
		if (i < iCount)
			value |= (unsigned char)sSource[i] << 16;
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 12) & 0x3f];
		if (i++ >= iCount)
		*sDest++ = itoa64[(value >> 18) & 0x3f];
	} while (i < iCount);

void CreateHash (char *sPassword, char *sSalt, int iIterationCount)
	char sOutput[MAX_STRING];
	char sTemp[MAX_STRING];
	unsigned char sChecksum[16*2+1] = "";
	int iLoop;

	iIterationCount = 1 << iIterationCount;

	snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s", "");
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen (sSalt); iLoop++)
		snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sOutput);
		snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp, (unsigned char)sSalt[iLoop]);
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen (sPassword); iLoop++)
		snprintf (sTemp, MAX_STRING, "%s", sOutput);
		snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s%c", sTemp,
			(unsigned char)sPassword[iLoop]);
	GetMD5 (sOutput, sChecksum, strlen (sSalt) + strlen (sPassword));
	snprintf (sOutput, MAX_STRING, "%s", sChecksum);

	do {
		for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < strlen(sPassword); iLoop++)
			sOutput[iLoop + 16] = sPassword[iLoop];
		sOutput[iLoop + 16] = '\0';
		GetMD5 (sOutput, sChecksum, 16 + strlen (sPassword));
		for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 16; iLoop++) { sOutput[iLoop] = sChecksum[iLoop]; }
		sOutput[16] = '\0';
	} while (--iIterationCount);

	EncodeHash (sEncoded, sOutput, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);

void GetMD5 (char *sInput, unsigned char *sResult, int iInputLength)
	MD5_CTX ctx;

	MD5_Update(&ctx, sInput, iInputLength);
	MD5_Final(sResult, &ctx); /* places ctx in sResult */

int GetIteration (char *sHash)
	return (strlen (itoa64) - strlen (strchr (itoa64, sHash[3])));

char *substr (const char *pstr, int start, int numchars)
	char *pnew = malloc(numchars+1);
	strncpy(pnew, pstr + start, numchars);
	pnew[numchars] = '\0';
	return pnew;
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

For some reason about 10% of created hashes are not accepted by server.
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Re: MultiplayerServerWML bot creation

Post by Ravana »

Created additional public repository, this one does not have passwords in config file.
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