Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by zyx »

(1) Medium - 1.4.1
(2) 1
(3) Clear
(4) Clear and interesting
(5) No defeated units.
(6) 5
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by fareley »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
hard, 1.5.3
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
not very clear but when i read here at the forum that just konrad has to stay on a forest it was okay
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
well that the humans say "attack" but don't do it was confusing...
and some elvish dialogues were annoying (and the fact that my Arcane Mage spoke with the Elvish Leader although he was standing at the left corner of the Map...)
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
definitely the time. i recruited 5 thiefs and a gryphon (no one of them survived :oops: but without them guarding my leader and defeating an orcish crossbowman i opened a path for my leader to run through. without it i wouldn't have made it)
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
8. It's a funny hide and run scenario but may be frustrating if you can't find a way through
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
maybe all important persons should have to get to the forest. The humans still need too much time to attack but are a lot stronger than the poor orcs (what about giving them some crossbowman, let the elves start from the north-east corner so they may split their troops and won't just rush the humans. as a result, the humans may attack earlier the orcs and the battlefield would be a real battlefield and no green idyll with a very small but heavy fight at the human base...
elves attacking in front of their forest is a good idea (because you really need them to run through i think) but eigher they should be slowed down (by placing their home at the north of the forest) or spawn/come out of the forest when Konrad is near (to support him - as the other 2 elve cavalry do)
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by Buddy Jimm »

(1) What difficulty levels have you played the scenario on?

Medium, 1.3.17

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

2. I mean, getting to the forest isn't exactly a cakewalk, but there's not a whole lot of thinking involved. Distract the enemy with scouts, send everyone east who can make it east, send the rest fleeing west to what would be certain doom. Thank goodness for Gwahilir.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

"And Delfador, and Kalenz, and..."

Please do not remove this conversation.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

The map's very simple. There are no specific challenges to meeting it.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

6. For being yet another "AHH RUN" intermission map, this one is nice. The fog of war makes a nice touch, which is a good thing for a required aspect.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

Here's a wacko thought, why not make the terrain a bit more interesting by making it more into a floodplain. I know, ideas are cheap, but I actually might go back and try this.
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by Sangel »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Most recently, Medium in 1.6.
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
2. The Elves did all the fighting for me; they completely controlled the centre of the map and there were no Orcs or Loyalists to attack me.
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Very clear.
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Very clear and appropriate.
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
None. The game had recalled all my loyal L3 units with 6+ moves, giving me eight L3 units even before I recruited some extras.
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
3. With no challenge, there's not much fun to be had.
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Balancing AI-heavy maps is difficult - perhaps make it so that the Elves leave the forest later, and thus have to carve through more enemies to get to you?
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by dELFador »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
medium. 1.7
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
2. (I don't understand why other people think it's so hard.)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
quite clear.
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
very interesting.
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
moving my units fast enough
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

my stategy was to have a shyde have my units, and my paladin move west at a 6/6 pace, (stopping for nothing) while the 6 gryphon riders suicidally held off any enemy units. that got close enough
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by BigCheese »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
medium, 1.7.3

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
3 - the allied AI did most of the fighting, delaying both loyalist and orc forces while inflicting (and reciving) high damage

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
very good; but the announced clash between loyalist and orc vanguard didn't happen; both sides fought the elves most of the time (or better: the elves attacked them)

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
resisting to join the big fight; getting last hits (ally got many); reaching the forest in time after recalling a movement 5 healer :S

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
8 - suprisingly entertaining, even without much fighting from the players side; it's nice to see a strong, aggressive allied AI; also liked the allied riders bringing messages and the elven vanguard coming directly in my direction;

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by Cornuthaum »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Medium, 1.6.5

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
2 - Other than spending two turns fending off the orcs, the giant elf relief army completely wiped out the initial loyalist army, and then played Ablative Hero Defense (sounds so much nicer than "Meat Shields") to keep the giant bottom army away from me.

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
"Reach the Forest" - I wasn't sure, at first, whether it was only the forest or the castle there.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Hail there, elf-friends! - Okay, I grinned at the campiness of that. I liked the bit where Li'Sar and Konrad talk about the Burden of Command(tm), and how Delfador is not too happy with being deemed expendable.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Keeping the subpar Loyal/Not-having-Quick units the game assigned me alive. I'd rather choose which units I am allowed to field for free than spend an hour keeping my lone ASsassin alive.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
7 - Pretty cool. There really should be a warning about not going close to the human camp, though - twenty+ units bunched up in one giant deathball of hate, and engaging them is bad juju indeed.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
A few more villages in the middle, so we don't lose all our gold from recalling the much-needed promoted high speed units.
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by Sam-Lloyd »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?
Challenging 1.8.1

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Not totally clear about where Konrad should reach exactly

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Quite interesting

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Keep my main units alive and kicking

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
No idea yet
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by BubbleScreen »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Medium, 1.6

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario?

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Not perfect- clarify what you mean by "the forest," though it's of little consequence.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Delfador is not disposable. Excellent.

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Distracting the Orcs. Loyalists were irrelevant.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is?
7 - Great atmosphere w/ fog. Aggressive allies were nice, as were the riders who came along. It has potential to be awesome.

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Give the Orcs and Humans more of a head start. As is, there's no big "clash of armies." Maybe position the Humans slightly Westward, make them recruit fewer Swordsmen/Red mages and more Horsemen/Cavalrymen. Maybe a couple fencers for added mayhem.
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Re: Scenario Review: (HTTT) Home of the North Elves

Post by roman_sharp »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?

Normal, 1.8.3

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)


(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?


(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?


(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?

Form the squad of warriors which make it to the east, do a sacrifices

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)


(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?

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Re: Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

Post by shadowblack »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?
1.9.7, Normal

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
5 due to the fog

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Not very clear. I wasn’t sure if I just had to reach the edge of the forest, or the elven citadel. More importantly, I thought I had to survive until the end fo turns, but that proved false when the scenario ended with my success on turn 14/18 (4 turns early)

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Avoiding losses, since I had very limited forces

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
Put some persistent labels that hint where the player needs to go.

(8) Was there any event that caused you to lose the game and forced you to reload or restart the scenario?

The fog and the limited forces available to me made this scenario different from most – in a good way.
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Re: Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

Post by Skaithe »

(1) What difficulty level and version of Wesnoth have you played the scenario on?
1.9.7 Champion - Challenging

(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
7-I found myself trying to help the elves as much as I could near the city but I couldn't save them all before I made it to the city. :(

(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
Very clear.

(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
Good to know Konrad is ready to spend lives for his own safety. >_<

(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Keeping vets and elf npcs alive.

(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)

(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
I thought it was great. Maybe make Konrad a bit more compassionate.
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Re: Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

Post by Maiklas3000 »

(1) Difficulty and version? Hardest; 1.9.7
(2) How difficult? (1-10) 4
(3) Objectives? Hmm, not sure exactly where to go, but that's maybe a good thing.
(4) Dialog? Okay.
(5) Challenges? The biggest challenge was to avoid accidentally misclicking a unit into the enemy lines and then being unable to undo.
(6) How fun? (1-10) 9, I really like threading the line between the forces.
(7) Changes? None.

Screenshot and replay attached. I basically followed the river bank, which was a good idea, until it wasn't. I got too close to the human camp and almost lost a Knight.


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Re: Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

Post by Ninjuri »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
Easy 1.10.2
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
I like the idea of racing through a major battle, but that didn't really happen. The whole time i was going i only saw orcs. They were just pouring out from the top, i saw maybe 1 loyalist. It felt like the battle was just me.
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
Right before i got under cover of allied troops, there was a turn or two where i only had heros left, so i had to reload it a couple times and try to make them all cover each others flanks, because one person kept getting ganged up on and dying.
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
I noticed the positioning of the loyalist encampment was far to the east, this might have been why i only saw one of them. The way i epicly imagined this scenario in my head, the two armies would already be clashing all along the plains, and the player would have to dart through and around their troops, who were mostly preoccupied with the battle at hand, and being restricted due to each others ZOCs.
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Re: Scenario 20a: Home of the North Elves

Post by oea »

this turned out to be a very hard level for me i only spawned one griffon that i wanted to level with me at the start because i read other experiences on this thread and figured it would be ok. i skirted the snow and started towards the river all the while noticing more and more orcs at the fringe of my fov, then the loyalist started to appear being careful not to trigger the "there they are after them" (not sure what this would do didnt want to find out). and so the front lines of the battle started right at the edge of my field of view.
at first i figured if i waited i could then blast thru the remnants but after doing nothing for two whole turns (while the timer keeps counting days...) and seeing things not really slow up and went back and had to cross the freaking river to the south and then just before the loyalist castle recross luckily at this point the orcs won and i annihilated 4 of the last 5 orcs (the last one ran west) but then the next wave of loyalist started crossing almost immediately to my east so i had to run almost straight north finally i saw some friendly elves but some of my units gots seriously pummeled allowing my slow units to retreat,
i finally reached the woods about halfway between the elf capitol and the edge of the map.
the only elves i saw outside of the woods were scouts! needless to say i was non-plussed that my experience here was so different then most seem to have been.
but i did make it without losing any units and even had 1 day to spare so i guess it was ok.
(playing 1.10.5 by the way)
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