Wesnoth 1.11.10 (1.12 beta 1): Development Release

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Wesnoth 1.11.10 (1.12 beta 1): Development Release

Post by Iris »

At long last, the first beta for the upcoming 1.12 stable series is here! As the tenth development release in this series, Wesnoth 1.11.10 delivers more features and improvements along with the usual assortment of bug fixes. Check the forum thread with the full announcement and release notes for a brief description of the most notable changes in this version, as well as the plans for version 1.12.0 and the various ways you can help us!

As with previous releases, we also offer two versions of the changelog: a trimmed-down players changelog including only those items considered to be relevant in regular gameplay, and a (relatively) more complete and technical full changelog with more detailed contents.

The source code, Windows, Mac OS X, and OpenPandora packages are already available on the downloads page. You may also find packages for other platforms there as they become available.

Bear in mind that this is a beta version for the next stable series — as such, it is likely to be affected by bugs that you should report so we can fix them before 1.12.0!

You may comment on this release in the forums.
Author of the unofficial UtBS sequels Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.
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