Ruin A Wish: Short stories

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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Temuchin Khan »

Dugi wrote:Granted. You will be a star in popular music. You will have to wear make up, ridiculous clothes, people will love you, but your hobbies will be different, you will have no freedom, because the media will require you to do what they want, you will hate the crap you would be singing, paparazzi will chase you, and after all, all people enough grown up to know what a money factory pop music is will hate you. You will seek redemption in alcohol and weed, you will try some stronger stuff then, say what you really think about the blockheads listening to your songs, and you will finally die, abandoned by media and fans, alone, and with no legacy.

I want to discover the secret of immortality by scientific means.
Granted. You spend many years studying biology and chemistry, researching various formulas and potions, and finally devise an immortality serum. You immediately inject yourself with it, but in your excitement, you fail to watch where you're going! Unfortunately, you knock over a burner on which you're preparing another batch and burn down your lab with all your notes and equipment. You survive the fire, but with third degree burns all over your body. No one can believe you didn't die, but you are now horribly disfigured forever.

I wish I could solve every problem I ever think of.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by TheScribe »

Granted, but you still have to think about them. For a long while, you live happily, problem free. Sadly, somebody finds out about your ability, and comes to you with all ihs problems. The word spreads, and you're overloaded with people's problems. Your brain overloads and you're commited to a mental institution. You start telling them how to heal all the patients, but they don't listen as you're considered insane.

I wish that a jaw-drop smiley was added to these forums.
Sorta on a break from the forums ATM, have been for a while. If I was doing something for/with you and I haven't recently, that's why, I will be back soon hopefully.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Dugi »

Granted. A jaw-drop smiley shall be added, but it will be more hugry than pacman after eating the big globe. Once it's used, it will eat all letters in the post, then it will eat all the posts in the forums, and then Microsoft will accuse the whole Wesnoth project of illegaly using an essential part of Windows 8, designed to force you to buy new Windows every two ears, because Windows contains just as many letters as this smiley would eat in 2 years. Finally, these forums will be eaten together with the server, Wesnoth project will be shut down and we will all be forever alone.

I wish I was a great metal guitar player.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by 8680 »

Granted. You awake in the night to find that myriad strands of metal are writhing through your body, shredding your flesh, shattering your bones, and flaying you alive. You scream, but no sound emerges — the metal has rent your larynx far beyond use. After many tortuous hours, you are reduced to a tormented human brain in a great metal body, nigh a dozen meters in height, with a guitar of the same metal fused to your hand. You eventually acclimate to your new body, though the pain never abates. You wander the world for hundreds of years, playing your guitar to help you ignore the pain. You live through World War III, World War IV, and the Twilight War. With your perspective, from your immortal metal body, you can fully observe the events that lead to the wars. World Wars III and IV have serious enough reasons, but the Twilight War is just inane. In each great conflict you watch humanity almost annihilate itself and rise again from the ashes. In each you are forced to serve some military or other, your guitar used for smashing cities and their people to ruins and gore. In each, another thick layer of trauma wraps itself around your mind. After the arm-zombie apocalypse, you wander still the desolate wilds, playing music that none remain to hear. After many years, you are pinned to a mountaintop by an errant kinetic kill lance fired from the Precision Orbital Bombardment Satellite Network, and there you remain, face down in the dirt, unable even to bring your hands together to play your guitar, until the world’s end.

I wish for the knowledge of how to technologically (or with a variety of magic that can be used for mass-produced magic items) access and utilize unlimited energy, explicitly violating the principle of conservation of energy.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by AxalaraFlame »

Granted. In a very usual night, the moon was bright, the sky was clear, the stars were shine, you suddenly feel the God was smiling to you. You became a really powerful being that mankind could ever match. How could that happen technologically? Well, if you can get access to ultimate energy, and that should be technologically accepted, you could only become god-like, and you shall be able to change the rule of physics as you wish. So we say the God made you like this, and that technology is unspecified since it comes from God. You became the SuperSuperbSupreme superman who can generate endless energy by yourslef. The world of Law does not bind you anymore. You can extingush sun if you want, you can destroy galaxy if you like, you can even remake this universe in your way if you feel it imperfect. Thus, your arrogance grow, your ego swell, you deform. You are no longer a mankind, and you are longer able to feel love and sorrow, pain and happiness. All the things you cherished was destructed, and all the people you loved left you and perished a limited life, while you could only watch them sliently, with no comments added on it, since you are God, you live in eternity with arrogance and ego filled up your mind.

I wish you will not end up like this somber and tragic way...Besides, if this wish cannot be granted, I wish Drakefriend can retrive his sanity, instead of happily ruining our wishes. :P
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by TheScribe »

I wish you will not end up like this somber and tragic way
Granted. In order to grant this wish, I go back in time and kill you so that you never ruined his wish. You are now dead. But 8680 has a good life, right? Not really, since you only specified that he wouldn't end up like this. So, somebody else comes by and ruins his wish in a different way. You died for nothing. :(

I wish I could make longer ruins in this topic, mine seem too short.
Sorta on a break from the forums ATM, have been for a while. If I was doing something for/with you and I haven't recently, that's why, I will be back soon hopefully.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by AxalaraFlame »

Granted. I will make this one even shorter than yours so yours seem to be comparatively longer :mrgreen: I don't think that is a good story. H'enyway, I did it.

Now I revived and I could specifically wish Drakefriend can retrive his sanity, instead of happily ruining our wishes.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Dugi »

Grated. Drakefriend will regain his sanity, and stop happily ruining our wishes. With his sanity, also his intelligence returns, and becomes an evil supergenius. He quickly creates several distinctive clandestine cell organisations, that manage to take over various intelligence organisations like FBI or ФСБ. In a few years, he takes over the governments in USA and Russia, and gain a great support for their operations. Their agents spread all over the world, and take control of all governments. In order to fortify his position, he decides to destroy all kings of resistance, like al-Qaeda or somalian pirates, he decides to solve the problem by nuking the areas where they live. Because of the significant amount of land destroyed, the clouds of smoke and dust disperse it the atmosphere, hiding the sun. The earth freezes, and because ice reflects much more heat than normal land, even if the dust falls, the permanent winter will not end before all humans perish.

I wish I was a bit older.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by AxalaraFlame »

Just the moment you see this sentence, you become a bit older as you wished. The effect was rather obvious, but it lasts shortly, just an instant, no more than 10^33 seconds I guess. So in the real world, theoretical physics nerd Dugi, sitting in front of his laptop, did not figure out what happened on him during that really short moment. He yelled, he sweared, he even said WTF, but nobody heard his lonely voice in his campus. "Why am I still remaining the same!? This ain't be right! I shall be a bit older, No Matter what would it cost, I just wanna be A BIT older!!" And thus he cursed Axalara, for not granting his wish as he promised.

But your wish is already redeemed. You just did not realize, so we punished you, by making some retroactions on you. At first you feel good. Your grey hair was gradually gone, you wrinkles disappeared, you feel more and more energetic day after day...until you find you seem to need less and less sleep just like a vigorous child, and your observation of this world seem to indicate that everything is becoming taller. It ain't be rational, you told yourself, could be more possible if your height is decreasing rather than the whole world is growing? Before you could figure out and analysize it carefully, your intelligence decays in an astonishing rate, which does not support your very basic ability to study what happened to yourself anymore. Instead, you turn in an infant, crying, and need to be fed by your momi's milk, seeing the world become more and more faint, till the breakpoint--you close your eyes.

That has not YET ended. You became even “younger” than that level, seperated apart as an ovum and a sperm. And the ovum of your mother and the sperm of your father come back to the phase of oringinal materials which formed them, basically some elements in the food taken in their lives, and these elements formed you up subsequently (if you don't have that wish and you did not get such a damned anti-physical-law punishment) which can be retrospected across the very materials which formed this universe do get back in that, uh, till this step we feel it is enough so we called off the process. Technically you are still existing, but you know that existance is not gonna to be considered as any kinds of "creatures". Oh I forgot it. You are basic elements, so it will be a way too hard for you to underatand. :mrgreen:

I wish dugi could finish his campaign, and use that stuff as his bargaining chip to take over wesnoth.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Flameslash »


Dugi finishes and improves LotI and, with it's amazing, no, perfect plot, scenarios, maps, units, mechanics, art and sountrack, he puts the rest of Wesnoth to shame. He uses it and it's innovations to assume full control of the Wesnoth project. He seals it all with a password, takes the site and server down for a day to amazing-ize them... And tragically dies of a heart attack.

No more versions of Wesnoth are ever made. The server remains down forever. No more multiplayer games are done. And, worst of all, Wesnoth is forgotten, except by a few fanatics. They come to find out what happened, then huny you down and kill you.

I wish to immediately revieve an unpoisoned, tasty cookie of average dimensions and good (to me) taste.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Jeffers0n »


You receive your delicious cookie, but you love it so much that you don't want to eat anything else so you sell all your possessions to buy more cookies.
then your money runs out and you begin to steal them. You are arrested and because they don't have your favorite cookie in prison and you refuse to eat anything else you die hungry and angry because I ruined your wish.

I wish to be an immortal time-traveller
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by Dugi »

Granted. (I know you wanted rather this, but that just won't happen.)

You walk into a bar, and see a strangely dressed fellow. Speaking a bit weirdly, he explains to you that he invented a time machine, and this is his first travel into past. To prove that he is right, he takes you into it and shows you his time, the future. He can't show you too many wonders of the future, because he has a lot of debts due to high cost of his scientific research. You suggest him to travel to the past and bring some riches from then. He agrees and you travel into past, selling simple technological stuff like cheap watches and calculators to ancient kings. This way, you meet Napoleon, Caesar and Leonidas, who pay you insane amounts of gold for crap worth less than 5€ in shops. You try to struck a deal also with Sisyphus, but he tells you something more important instead. How to escape Hades' realm. This way, you become immortal.

You become good friends with the time traveller, and decide to see some more interesting things before returning into your boring lives. You see various hominids, mammoths, sabre cats, and then, as a big finale, dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are, however, not quite as coloured as the science described them, and when you see a pink dinosaur with violet dots, red stripes and teal squares, you start laughing like a madman, attiring the attention of a big predator. The predator attacks you and eats you. This is not a serious trouble, you simple escape Hades' realm and you are back alive, but your friend isn't coming back. You wait for him to return because you can't control the time machine, and get eaten by the same predator again. In Hades's realm, you discover that the soul of your friend took an arrow in the knee while fleeing Hades' realm, because he didn't listen to Sisyphos properly, and failed to notice a hidden arrow trap. You try to help him, but he was there for too long and became a guard of that place, and you barely succeed to escape. You are back alive, but without any ideas how to command the time machine or hope to see your friend again.

Desperate, you press a few buttons in the time machine, making it travel again to the selected coordinates, therefore to the point when you arrived to see the dinosaurs. But, the time machine was moved at that time already, and two items appear at the same location. Because they are not the same, no quantum principles appear, just two complicated machines using massive energy flows to bend the space appear at the same place. They both grow unstable in a fraction of second (before the problem of compressed metal expasion appears) and explode, killing you, your past self and your friend. The paradox of altered past has little effect on you, because you're dead and almost nothing remained from your body. Then, you simply escape Hades' realm again, this time without trying to meet your friend, but you are stuck in the past, without a time machine or anything. But you are immortal, and able to wait until the time you are from comes. So you wait, die from old age a million times, until year 2013 comes.

And then, your realise that something really odd happened. You altered the events of the past because of your search of food and other activities, and year 2013 looks completely different due to butterfly effect. Doomed by the vanity of the eons if your waiting, you kill yourself, only to find out that Hades made you completely immortal because your countless escapes was constantly inspiring other dead to try to return. And so, you live forever in a world completely alien to you, filled with beings that remind humans only from distance, and whose behaviour is unadaptable to you.

I wish Shadowmaster made animated sprites for his add-ons.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by dipseydoodle »

GRANTED!!! But because he now spends all of his time developing animated sprites, he no longer has any time to commit to programming or forum administration and the development of wesnoth falls into the hand of japanese anima nerds :shock: who redo all the portraits and write dialoges in engrish.

I want to rule da world!
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by nexinor »

You are allowed to rule the world. But you never specified which world, and end up ruling a toad dimension. There is no sentient life here, and you eventually regret
asking to rule the world. Eventually you are eaten by a toad.

I want to have a howitzer.
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Re: Ruin A Wish: Short stories

Post by GunChleoc »

You accidentally blow up your own house with all the people in it.

I want a computer that will compile anything at all in 10 seconds.
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