A New Order

Review and rate user-made single and multiplayer campaigns and scenarios.

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Re: A New Order

Post by SlyVenom »

Last edited by SlyVenom on July 11th, 2018, 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Order

Post by derrickthewhite »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
9 -- it was pretty tough. I had a hard time believing this was the easy level
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

8 -- it was really good except for the time that it wasn't. Most of the time foggy instructions were supposed to be that way. I didn't get interrogating until I was into the game.
On the scenario where Lorin is sent away, you really have to read the fine print to know you should send all of your best troops away.
5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?

on the big fight at the end, I get xml indicating that shadow mage is undefined
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
The wise men are near impossible to level up, and you don't have much incentive to do so until it is far too late. This is particuarly important because they are a source of arcane damage in a campaign that really lacks it. And if you don't want them to be emphasized, don't send me hordes of them in the final battles.
7. Was it too short/long enough?
It was a surprizingly correct length
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
Its pretty good.
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
No idea
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
Hmm... Not sure. Its a little out there, but its does make an effort to fit in. The trick is everything downstream would have to use a new race with crazy stats. But its certainly more wesnothian than invasion from unknown.
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Re: A New Order

Post by Destructinator »

I cheated to get through the campaign so I don't believe I'm eligible to answer these questions. That being said I cam here to ask if you were thinking of making a multiplayer era/faction with Akladian units cause I really enjoy them.
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Re: A New Order

Post by taptap »

Making them a mp faction would be easier than finding players to play against. (Not balanced.)
I am a Saurian Skirmisher: I'm a real pest, especially at night.
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Re: A New Order

Post by Keelit »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
7 (cheated a little bit :oops: )

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
They were very clear. If there was a point where I was confused I would just talk to Reme or Ruvio.

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
Shadow mages didn't show up.

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gameplay more fun?
I'm not really sure on easy it was enough of a challenge with enough of a reward for taking the time.

7. Was it too short/long enough?
It was pretty good. I didn't get the 'come on just hurry up already' feeling for a piece so long so I think this is a new standard for the Wesnoth community for story telling, fun, and gameplay.

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
Again, i don't know. The whole Oedipus Rex kinda deal threw me for a loop, but gave the campaign an a-ha!! moment.
Actually, there were two names (I know nitpicking right here), Bors Dark and Bors Wonder, please change them.

9. Is/ are there errors in spelling/grammar?
Not that I noticed, but I have poor grammar anyways.

10. Is the music distracting/should be changed?
It was fine.

11. Do you think the campaign fits well with the Wesnoth world?
A little dramatic, but what good story isn't. I think, with my limited knowledge, that it fits just fine.

13. What were Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
I had no idea

Overall I think this probably will become one of my favorite campaigns yet.
Thanks a ton to everyone who worked on this definitely made my day.
Two thumbs up :D
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Re: A New Order

Post by reth »

Also wanted to give some feedback - played already a lot of camapings, but made an account extra for this occasion, mostly to tell how good and polished this one is. I especially liked the rpg elements, have not seen them in this extent and quality before. The unit banters are great, made me laugh a few times (deja vu,elven druid clothing, killing stuff with loric...).

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
nicely balanced (5). You can mostly beat it with only little safescumming. However, I didn't see why you had to choose 10 soldiers and weren't able to recruit any useful ones for a while. That meant u weren't allowed to lose any soldiers which caused unnescessary saves/reloads (personnally i think loosing lvl 3 soldiers is part of the fun, but only if you can replace them).

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
In the last battle the AI tried to recruit an inexistent unit, resulting in following error:
ingame error message:

Code: Select all

<Invalid WML found> Unit-type "Shadow_Mage" doesn't exist.
bash error message:

Code: Select all

error ai/recruitment: Couldn't find unit type: Shadow_Mage
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
Some ranged units for the Akladians - it's not that big a deal for the player as he can recruit other races with archers/mages. However, you spend a lot of time fighting Akladians, and it just would give more variation to the combat. It also does not help that the other main enemy race are orcs, which also are rather melee focused.

7. Was it too short/long enough?
perfect length

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
A lot of characters are very generic. Maybe thats also just because they all pale in comparison to Loric, which is a really fun and interesting character (the part where she is the is alone leading is awesome).

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
I'm not a native English speaker.

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
its very good

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
Overall, thx a lot, had a lot of fun, very well done everyone working on this :D
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Re: A New Order

Post by AAS »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10) 5 but I'm used to load quite often

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10) 10

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
Yes, shadow mage bug mentioned earlier in the forum.

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
Fine for me.

7. Was it too short/long enough?
Fine for me. But I wouldn't copmlain if it was even longer.

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
I've played this campaign many years ago, and I think that I had to fight undead army to complete it. This time undead army is not present - why? Campaign ends when I killed Bor Cryne in Orannon scenario (10 turns).
I asked you that time and I ask you now - why did you kill Karen? Give me chance to save her.

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
Didn't notice I'm not very proficient in English grammar

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
Fine for me.

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
I don't know

Please include the answers to the following within a

Code: Select all

12. What story images you think should be added/removed?
13. What were the Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
14. Why Lorin left Gawen in 19a scenario (entering Okladia)[/quote]
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Re: A New Order

Post by Lukasz007 »

Most of the scenarios in the campaign are difficult.
In my opinion, the initial part should be quite easy, since we only carry 9 and then only the best 12 warriors.
In addition, the main problem is the opponents who deal 20-30 injuries - there should not be so many, in each scenario I have from 3 to probably 6 heroes who can not die, kstojąc in the line suffices 3 such to kill, so you die is highly prawdobodone. It is annoying.

I do not like a few fictional features
- The oracle. Apart from the fact that the oracle was used in fantasies, the whole thing boiled down to one stupid answer. Gawen went to find out where the magician is. As we learn later, the magician waited for him. Gawen had many doubts about which he could ask and did not do it. It does not make sense. The answer to Lorin is also pointless (this is confirmed by the fact that, as you wrote in Radme, you do not remember the second question)
- The magician should be the least beheaded for telling a "fairytale" about the derivation of the alkadian. His version is hopeless. And the origin of Paris? (Westnoth)? Maybe some dragon did them thinking that they would be his servants?
- A love story? Where? Lorin can barely get caught just because she came back to him in the epilogue. Gawen should have some love stories. (That Lorin "came" to him is not a love story)
"If Lorin heard the oracle, she did not have to follow this path, and yet she did. Knowing exactly what the consequences are. Why? She wanted the oracle to be right? This is not her character.

I liked:
- pictures between the missionary, some are even fantastica made, they deserve to be mentioned in the first place,
- the story was not boring, even a bit addictive so generally ok.

I played with translation, not all translations were translated, I found only 2 untranslated turns.
In the last scenario, I got the error that something like that does not exist - when I tried to recruit a computer, but it did not affect the game, the computer recruited other units.

I do not feel too much, but it's good :) I could use some story woven into it (I'm not talking about continuation, because this, according to an epilogue, would have to be after Gawen's death)

The most what I would like to change is the sphere of influence, if possible. Already translators. In the scenario of rescuing the oracle, we will lose if the computer enters the fortress, luckily the computer is stupid and does not do it, but jumping out of the fortress, jumping into the water and thus allowing the computer to pass is not sensible! It would be nice if the ally - oracle - did not go outside the city, in particular that they would not jump into the water.
A similar play would be useful in some scenarios. That the distant leaders would keep their army in the camps and would not send 1 unit to the front. In general, it would be better if the computer had more unions in the later scenarios, but the less hit 1 failed hit because of the fact that x heroes must survive.
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Re: A New Order

Post by tensulin »

First of all, thank you for making this campaign, I really enjoyed playing it and felt immersed in the story

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
7-8, I did cheat a bit, but I usually do this with campaigns. If I would have put in more effort maybe I wouldnt have to cheat as often
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
Very clear, however, I was unable to rescue Reme and didnt figure out how you could rescue him, but I guess its the point of making that point a bit more difficult to incise playing it again. I really like the point evaluation at the end. It gives you incentive to play this campaing again, even though you know the story.
5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
I didnt notice anything. One nitpick though, when you get shamans from that elven dude, at the time right before when you should choose 12 units. The are named Evish Shaman or something. Nothing big, as you can just rename the units but it seemed a bit strange.
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
I found it really good. The interrogation idea is also something new and interesting. Even though sometimes a bit tedious if your leader is not around for the final kill.
I also like that your units like to talk a lot which gives them extra character, like the elvish dudes of Mithrandil (nice reference to Lotr btw) and the complaint of the elvish healer (if you level the shaman) that its too cold in her skimpy clothes or that she wants to have shoes.
Also I like the investigation parts where you need to gather rumors to decide where to search next.
7. Was it too short/long enough?
Just right :D
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
The story is really good. I found the rape thing sickening, that happened to Karen, I really liked her and hoped she would get together with Gaumhaldric. I also liked the twist that her stepmother did the flick flack with him, didnt see that coming. Maybe something more dramatic when you kill the final Lich boss, I expeceted somthing more. But the epilog was the main closing of the story so it didnt matter much.
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
Didnt notice any, but I didnt pay attention.
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
I liked the music, something else than the Standard Wesnoth soundtrack (even though I like it very much also). That bagpipe song was nice and the electric guitar fits right in.
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
I think it fits better than Under the Burning Suns, which is kinda similiar category (post Canon Wesnoth era). In my opinion it fits, especially as there are references being made to the standard campaigns which tell the story of the becoming of Wesnoth. That create a new race thing from a Lich also fits somehow, at least it is packaged nicely and I have to admit, that the Arcadians are cool.
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Re: A New Order

Post by legithorir »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?
  • 1.14.14
2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)
  • Normal
3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
  • I don't remember having huge difficulties but fighting level 3 Akladians in the end is a bit of a challenge
4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
  • Very clear, no issues with that
5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?
  • Found none
6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
  • More diversity in the enemies.
7. Was it too short/long enough?
  • Perfect length
8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
  • Have more exploration maps. It gives a unique vibe to the story
    Also, making more upgrade solutions for the 12 chosen warriors maybe turn them loyal and allow them to be just level 3 units
9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
  • I've not been looking closely enough to see if there was any
10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
  • No it's good
11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
  • I think so !
Very nice campaign, I remember playing it a looong time ago and caught it up, Akladians units can be so, so strong ! I just haveone question :
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Re: A New Order

Post by egallager »

Hi, I've been making changes to this campaign recently; if any of this feedback is still applicable, please open bugs about them in Yumi's GitHub repository for it: https://github.com/nemaara/A_New_Order
(Yes, she's technically the maintainer now, but I still check the issues there, too)
Alternatively, you can open bugs in my repository instead, although that's not actually what gets put on the add-on server, as I still need to submit my changes from it back to Yumi: https://github.com/cooljeanius/A_New_Order
Also, I'm more likely to check the development thread than this one: https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6486
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Re: A New Order

Post by shevegen »

I just played it; have not yet finished it.

So far I think this is one of the better campaigns I played in the last 8 months or so. If there is a rating from 1-10, with 10 being the highest (e. g. me being biased, I would give a perfect 10 score only to one campaign, which is "To Lands Unknown" ... those arabian nights one), then I would give this campaign here I think a 8; or a solid 7.

I think there are a few minor things that could be improved. But before I go to that, let me say what I like:

- The whole campaign has a storyline feeling to it. This is very good. It tells a story as you play.
- You also kind of recruit heroes along the way. This is a great idea too. Perhaps if you ever find the time and energy, offer a two-path way where players have to choose one path, and then get a unique unit - but only one (aka it being exclusive). So if you "go left", you get this unit, if you "go right" you get the other unit. Does not need to be a unit, could be a hero, or a special ability but I think having a few more choices would be nice. This is a minor suggestion though.
- I like that there are "sidestories" that are not necessarily relevant but still can be interesting. Perhaps add a few more "niceties" here e. g. if you do this, you get that item, or perhaps a potion for +2 hp or a unique dog companion or a eagle scout. Something like that.
- The map interaction reminds me of another campaign; I could swear I saw it before, but this one seems to have implemented in a better way. There is, however had, one thing that was fun in the other map which was that there were patrols that might randomly chase you. Perhaps one or two of these could also be used along the story, like a gang of thugs in the middle of the campaign or something.
- I loved the snowshoes idea. Perhaps offer a village or two where we can also buy snowshoes, say +20 gold coins or so. In one or two maps.

I think it is better to discuss ideas here though; I understand github is more convenient but wesnoth forum is kind of like the central discussion thing. Not everyone goes off to github.

Now to the improvements, e. g. to turn it from rating 7 to rating 9; 10 is reserved for epic ones like To Lands Unknown, so perhaps if wesnoth one day can make an "add-on" campaign getting lots of people together for, say, a full year, featuring new things, user interface improvements ... but anyway back to the campaign here.

- The user interface at times is a bit klunky. I know this is the fault of the wesnoth engine, but I think clicking should be made easier, perhaps also via the keyboard. I'd like a more button-like interface here, with a fairly large button.
- The enemy UI is at times strange. The enemy hero often tends to storm out and suicide. This happened several times now, in particular near villages. It seems the AI wants to kill units. That way one can bait them out quickly.
- Perhaps a few more ranged enemy units should be added, like a faster unit, low hp, low damage but fast and mobile. And perhaps with skirmisher ability too.
- The equipment idea is nice but a bit odd too. I'd love some visual feedback there. And perhaps a few more equipments, and also allow us to buy them. I seem to be able to stack bucklers which is weird. 10 bucklers + 20 hp? Can a human being wear so many bucklers? :D

Also perhaps add them only to units that regularly could carry a buckler. Someone with a two-handed lance should not really wear a buckler...

Hmm. There are some more ideas I may have ... but by and large I think this campaign has quite some potential. There must have been quite some artists involved. Perhaps also a few unique monsters could be added like a hydra or something to challenge the player in later stages of the game. Right now I have a very easy time, my units are level 3 and in particular elven avenger is soooooo great in forest.

PS: a bit confusing that there are multiple discussion threads, perhaps we should all focus on just one?
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Re: A New Order

Post by egallager »

shevegen wrote: June 18th, 2022, 6:41 pm - The map interaction reminds me of another campaign; I could swear I saw it before, but this one seems to have implemented in a better way.
Genesis? Yumi has said some of the maps there were inspired by the large-scale strategic maps from this...
- I loved the snowshoes idea. Perhaps offer a village or two where we can also buy snowshoes, say +20 gold coins or so. In one or two maps.
Thanks, I first implemented snowshoes with some help from Mathbrush in Son of the Black Eye: Easy Edition (which I still need to port to 1.16...). As for the number of them, what difficulty are you playing on? The number of snowshoes available varies by difficulty.
- The user interface at times is a bit klunky. I know this is the fault of the wesnoth engine, but I think clicking should be made easier, perhaps also via the keyboard. I'd like a more button-like interface here, with a fairly large button.
Yeah I don't really know what I can do about that...
- The enemy AI is at times strange. The enemy hero often tends to storm out and suicide. This happened several times now, in particular near villages. It seems the AI wants to kill units. That way one can bait them out quickly.
Yeah that's been a persistent issue, particularly in Scenario 4 ("Battle of Barnon"), which I've been trying to improve the situation of ever since I discovered that Uri van Roe had a [leader_goal] pointing at Gawen's keep from turns 15 to 30... Uri van Roe's weird behavior in particular is tracked in issue 46, while the more general issue of AI wanting to kill things is tracked in issue 6
- Perhaps a few more ranged enemy units should be added, like a faster unit, low hp, low damage but fast and mobile. And perhaps with skirmisher ability too.
So, one of the rules about Akladians is that they absolutely are NOT allowed to have ranged attacks; see units/akladians/readme.txt. I do agree that more units with skirmisher besides just Lorin would be nice though.
- The equipment idea is nice but a bit odd too. I'd love some visual feedback there. And perhaps a few more equipments, and also allow us to buy them. I seem to be able to stack bucklers which is weird. 10 bucklers + 20 hp? Can a human being wear so many bucklers? :D

Also perhaps add them only to units that regularly could carry a buckler. Someone with a two-handed lance should not really wear a buckler...
Uh... bucklers? I don't think there are any of those in this campaign... are you still talking about A New Order here? Are you running some sort of equipment mod with this campaign?
Perhaps also a few unique monsters could be added like a hydra or something to challenge the player in later stages of the game. Right now I have a very easy time, my units are level 3 and in particular elven avenger is soooooo great in forest.
Well the next update will introduce a 4th "Nightmare" difficulty if you need more of a challenge; I'm still waiting on Yumi to merge some more of my PRs before we can release a new update, though...
PS: a bit confusing that there are multiple discussion threads, perhaps we should all focus on just one?
Yeah I've been trying to make sure that I always link to the other one: https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6486. Where were you linked to this one from? If it was from the add-on description from _server.pbl, then that might be something additional to add to issue 56...
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Re: A New Order

Post by shevegen »

> Where were you linked to this one from?

Not sure, could be I just hit the general google search. :-)

I also tend to forget super-quickly; comes from older age and multitasking
excessively. Right now I have almost 50 tabs in my browser, and that's just
the browser ... bad habit I adopted years ago.

As I get older, I get more confused too. ;-)

(For instance, sometimes I wonder whether the webforum discussions are as
useful as github issue trackers. Or perhaps it is just my impression that maybe
the github issue tracker seems better for "focused change"? Or perhaps some
people are more active on github and less active here, or vice versa. But anyway,
my statement really was just a side comment, not meant to distract from the core
issues. Playability beats everything. \o/ )
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Re: A New Order

Post by Thravalgur »

1. What version of BfW did you play this campaign/scenario on?

2. What difficulty level did you select to play the campaign on? (easy/normal/hard)

3. How difficult did you find the campaign/scenario? (1-10)
6, I found the game well balanced in normal

4. How clear did you find the objectives on the campaign/scenario? (1-10)

5. Was there a bug in the campaign/scenario?

6. Which (if any) changes should be made to make the gamplay more fun?
I don't see changes that should be made, I enjoyed the campaing a lot! New faction, terrain changes, various objectives, even the regular Akladian units having upgrades after max level... It was fun.

7. Was it too short/long enough?
The campaign has a good lenght.

8. What (if any) changes should be made to make the story more interesting?
In the current story, I don't know. Very well as it is. But a prequel or a sequel should be so interesting !

9. Is/are there errors in spelling/grammar?
I played with the French translation : I can help to update some dialogs.

10.Is music distracting/should be changed?
I liked the music.

11.Do you think campaign well fits Wesnoth world?
I think it rather fits. Story refers to previous campaigns, logical links are made...

12. What story images you think should be added/removed?
13. What were the Lorin's questions to the Oracle?
14. Why Lorin left Gawen in 19a scenario (entering Okladia)

Thank you for your amazing work, I really enjoyed playing A New Order ! And thanks to all the maintainers !
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