[Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

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[Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Hallo Freunde der Nacht!
Seit inzwischen über 2 Jahren schreiben Alresu und ich nun schon an einem Skript für eine Kampagne, welche die Vorgeschichte unserer Thelier (ehem. Vilkai) erzahlt. Nun haben wir endlich die Dialoge für alle Szenarien soweit fertig; allerdings nur in unserer Muttersprache.
Sowohl Alresu als auch ich können uns zwar auf Englisch verständigen, wenn es aber darum geht literarische Texte zu schreiben kommen wir jedoch an unsere Grenzen. Daher möchte hier im Forum um Hilfe bitten, das Skript 1. gegenzulesen und 2. ins Englische zu übersetzen.
Wir arbeiten selbst auch an der Übersetzung, allerdings ist es doch recht viel und wir sind für für jede Hilfe dankbar.

Nun, hier ist das Skript. Ich hoffe, es gefällt!
(309.95 KiB) Downloaded 651 times
Szenario 1: fertig und implementiert
Cutszene 2: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 3: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 4: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 5: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 6: fertig und implementiert
Cutszene 7: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 8: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 9: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 10: fertig und implementiert
Szenario 11: fertig und implementiert
Epilog 12: in Bearbeitung
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by MrRobbi373 »

Hallo, da ich persönlich großes Interesse habe der Community etwas zurückzugeben nach all den Jahren, würde ich mich einmal daran versuchen. :)

Hier einmal der Anfang, was hältst du denn davon?
Bei den Stellen mit den eingeklammerten Fragezeichen bin ich mir selbst nicht sicher, ob die vorhergehende Formulierung so passt.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher wie schnell ich vorankommen werde, erwarte nicht zu viel :lol:
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung!

Das klingt schon sehr gut. Besser als ich es könnte. ;)
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Hier ist mein Versuch, das zweite Szenario "Kriegsrat" zu übersetzen.
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by MrRobbi373 »

Ich schau es mir an wenn ich da angekommen bin, hört sich aber gut an ^_^

Hier erstmal etwas mehr vom 1. Szenario:

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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Britannicus »

Hey, ich finde das Skript sieht interessant aus, werde mich mal dransetzen und die deutsche Version durchgehen. :)
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Eagle_11 »

Hier übersetzung für den ersten zwei szenarios, auf den rest gilt nichts zu erwarten weil ich leider nachher festgestellt habe den dokument habe 99 seiten. :mrgreen: Dachte ja dies wären nur nen paar szenarii, aber wem weiss, vielleicht würde ich dennoch zeit haben für alle. :mrgreen:
Ich muss fragen, wäre mit 'Kobold' den Troll einheit gemeint ? Kobold gibts in diverse Umcs als ein kleiner stein elemental, meistens.

Scenario 1 - Attack of Orcs

Narrator: "Today i will recite, the tale about how our folk came to shun the civilization, about what had led us to settle in those woods far away from the rest of humankind, that has in the years we dwelt here have became our home and shall ever remain so."
Narrator: "To fightback those monsters, Haldric required every capable fighter that could get mustered. On his call, warriors from all hamlets across the realm have assembled to join that army of his, that would end the beast threat for once and all."
Narrator: "Among the citizens that answered the call to arms had been heroes hailing from our hamlet Korstad, among them the village elder Denvan, and his brother Lenvan. Alas, of their participation in the wars of Haldric here shall not now be spoken of."
Narrator: "Our story begins only days before the homecoming of our warriors to Korstad, whom had been being led by Johan then, the representative of Denvan. Although Johan's ability to lead the village had become clearly evident, the villagers would rather seek council of Ysedda, wife of Denvan and inofficial ruler of the village in her husband's absence. And so it happens, that one day the enemy stood before the very doors of Korstad...

Narrator: "One day, the farmer Haldar storms through the marketplace to plea Ysedda for her assistance."
Haldar: "Ysedda, Ysedda! I need your help!"
Ysedda: "Calm yourself Haldar."
Haldar: "..."
Ysedda: "And now do tell me, what hath happen."
Haldar: "I have spotted an Kobold! The thing is standing on my field!"
Ysedda: "An Kobold... 'stands' on your field ? You mean, the thing has attacked you ?"
Haldar: "Now, no... I had to dig out an root, an huge one t'was atleast two meters long, i had no idea why it hadnt been in my way already before.
Anyways, as i have turned my gaze upwards, there stood that Kobold and it kept staring at me like that ! I thought first, it would kill me at an instant, yet the thing didnt even move. Not even, as ive tried talking to it, the thing stood simply there and ive felt an watchful gaze."
Johan: "An moment! Have i heard right ? Orks have been spotted, in the vicinity of our town !?"
Ysedda: "No worries about that Johan, ive already cared about it, and will tell you later what happent. It didnt hear after, as if we were in danger."
Ysedda: "Come Haldar, lets see this Kobold of yours.."
(Ysedda and Haldar go to Karga, the Kobold, which is still standing on Haldar's Field.)
Ysedda: "Who are you and what are you doing here ?"
Karga: "I is Karga, me scouting"
Ysedda: "How come ?"
Karga: "I am Karga, I scou-... Me not allowed to tell. Im scout. Must be sneakier."
Ysedda: "Im seeing you before me right now. More attentive you could only be, if you had attempted to march into my town with an army."
Karga: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>frightful</span> Hiding! Yes! I have forgotten."
Haldar: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>silently</span> This monster may be insane!"
Ysedda: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>ignoring Haldar</span> Why are you exactly here ?"
Karga: "I scout the Villages out. For the attack after."
Ysedda: "You attack us ? As of day ?!"
Karga: "Yeap, damned Grogul had order it so. Marching forth on sunset. Believes he can defeat you all by himself. Would stand good before the others. I must go now, to report him."
[Karga runs to Grogul's Camp]
Haldar: "I had never before seen someone run so fast."
Ysedda: "Come Haldar! We must inform Johan of what has transpired here and then alert the whole Town!"
[fast-forward to Marketplace, where all(way too many Peasants, the Town Watch and the Scouts) are assembling for the announcement]
Ysedda: Citizen of Korstad, i bear ill news. We have found out, that before this day passes an army of orks will come to attack our town."
Wemir: "What?"
Gwedd: "Ive had thought, the battles would occur far away from here!"
Baldur: "Thats way too near!"
Johan: "Calm yourselves and lets hear, what she has to say!"
Ysedda: "As you knoweth, we have too few guards at the moment. Yet this doesnt mean, that we are without protection. Should the orcs be darn willing to get our Town, they must first come through us and i shall be darned if they would manage to best us!"
Lin: "Easy, we wont be making it for 'em!"
Gweod: "I have an sword in my home."
Baldur: "We'll fight!"
Ysedda: "We will not deliver ourselves! And when in three days our warriors return, the town will still be standing! We will be standing! Today we shall make our stand against the vile orcs, and we will have victory!"
Baldur: "Down with damn orcs!"
Wemir: "For Korstad!"
Haldar: "We shall triumph!"
Gweod: "For Korstad!"
All: "FOR KORSTAD!" [Instead of an specific person, there is shown an collage of diverse important and non-important characters.]
[Transition. After only a few Peasants are still there. Town Guard and Scouts remain.
The units are now scattered around the Town Square, having taken up defensive positions.]

Inscenario events
Inscenario event 1 - "Johan's Hour" (The orcs are approaching an unit of Korstad within an certain radius of Town Square on 3 hexes)
Ysedda: "They are there"
Soldier1: "Thats too many!"
Soldier2: "Against this we aint gonna dent!"
Johan: "Naturally we stand against them! We stand against them, as we have no other choice remaning other than to face them in battle! Here and today its not about 'Victory or Defeat' anymore! Its 'Life or Death'! If we lose, we will be eradicated, and now not only us but our friends and family too!"
Johan: "Today we shall win, as there is no other way for us! We will triumph, for otherwise peoples of Korstad would be gone and its ruins forgotten. We will have the day, for aslong we stand that will not come to pass, and if we have to die then we'll go to death with an smile, knowing that Korstad may remain standing!"
[here too should find usage the collage for characters]
Ysedda: "We should call for the Scouts. We can use every man and those four are the strongest fighters we have."
Johan: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>silently</span>You have right."
Johan: "Light the Signalfire! Call the riders back into Town!"
[The map gets centred on the Signalfire]
Inscenario event 2 - "The riders of Korstad" (an character steps on the related hex)
[If possible: The fields around the tower become lighted up to simulate the fire]
[an turn later appears Clewin and Adhor]
Adhor: "See that fer yourself! I say since months, that four scouts aint enough to discover an attack in advance!"
Clewin: "We shouldnt hold up on ourselves how right you are, and intervene instead."
Adhor: "Thou hast right. Attack!"
Gweod: "The riders are here. They will show these orcs!"
[one more turn later appears Bisam and Dehal]
Dehal: "Seems i got falsened. Thats no Training drill."
Bisam "..."
Dehal: "Dont stare at me with that 'I have told ya'-looks, man! That doesnt help! Lets defend our Town!"
[Somewhen during the event (where exact should probably get tested out, i would but propose directly after the lighting of the Tower) gets displayed the additional defeat condition of (all Scouts have died)]
Inscenario event 3 - "Whom we have there, then ?"
Ven: "The town is before the hounds yet people are still concerned about locking the doors... Havent they got any importanter qualms ?"
Ysedda: "Apparently the concerns are justified! Shouldnt you be fighting against the orcs, instead turning an profit off their attack ?"
Ven: "Fighting against Orcs ? How crazy do i seem to you ?"
Ysedda: "You die your hair white to signify being an Thief. For me thats crazy enough."
Ven: "That is tradition... That im following it, doesnt mean longst, that im not valuing my freedom. Should i had been willing to throwaway my life, would have joined the Guards."
Ysedda: "How about this, then: You begin immedietaly, as citizen of the Town to fulfill your duties, or we arrest you right here so the Guards can find you here after the battle."
Ven: "You pretend, that you are winning the fight. That, i wont be doing forcibly."
Ysedda: "Then think through if the odds would be in your favour, when we would leave you here wrapped up and the orcs come to find you..."
Ven: "... ... you know what? you are right! this Town is totally worth of getting saved!"
Inscenario event 4 - "Karga gets defeated"
Karga: "Me dont die! Have toy from Human Sorceror!"
[lightning and thunder, as the flashbang/smoke bomb gets ignited]
Karga: "And you remain here!"
[fog or gunpowder animation, that goes out from Karga and hits the unit - The unit receives an debuff, that makes it incapable of movement for an long time.(my proposition would be 5 rounds!)]
Inscenario event 5 - "Gweod gets his Sword"
At the end of 'Johan's Hour' peasant Gweod runs to his house. Few turns later, reappears Gweod, this time an swordsprite. The whole happens without word, so that one could easily overlook it.
Defeat Events
Defeat event 1 - "Ysedda dies"
Narrator: "Had Ysedda then die, would the forces of the Town scattered in the moment, the battle would be lost and i could not be telling you this story. She has but survived, naturally."
Defeta event 2 - "Johan dies"
Narrator: "Nope, there is something not right. Johan didnt fall in Korstad. Let me begin anew."
Defeat event 3 - "All Scouts are dead"
Narrator: "Here i may have probably exaggerated the casualties. Should Korstad had no Scouts remaining after the battle, would the victory have become meaningless. When i have told the whole story right, you will know why. But now: Once again from the begin...."
Victory events
Victory event 1 - "Grogul dies"
Grogul: "Thats not <span size='small' font-style='italic'>*coughes*</span> over! You couldnt <span size='small' font-style='italic'>*coughes*</span> defeat us."
Ysedda: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>joyously</span> That im seeing wholly otherwise."
Johan: "It rather seems you couldnt defeat <span size='small' font-style='italic'>us</span>."
[transition to debriefing. Attenders: Soldiers 1+2, Johan, Ysedda, Karga]
Soldier1: "You had right! Our towns stood strong!"
Soldier2: "Even, as if we lacked the protection of the army!"
Ysedda: "Still, i will be feeling safer once Denvan returns."
Karga: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>friendily adjoining</span> Yes, without army town gets destroyed during next attack. Will be far larger."
Ysedda: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>horrified</span> What are you then doing here ?! I should deliver your head immediately!"
Karga: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>embarassed</span> Im going already! Me seein ya again."
Johan: "In your stead i would rather avoid that!"
Narrator: "So it would have came to pass, should Denvan's Troop have not returned in time. Atleast, that remains ever ensured to me."
Narrator: "And yet it made barely an difference, as the days of peace lasted only a few days after the return of Denvan"
Victory event 2 - "Denvan comes approaching"
Grogul: "You shouldve surrender! Then we maybe spare a fe-"
Lenvan: "Bullseye! I will not say, that nobody else would have accomplished on the distance..."
Denvan: "But you want that we know. I get that already."
Denvan: "People, i think we have their attention."
Lenvan: "Now lets drive out this lousy pack of Orcs from our Town."
Karga: "Grogul is dead! Orcs, to me! We come back soon! Follow me all!"
[transition to debriefing]
Ysedda: "Denvan! You are finally back my love!"
Denvan: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>jokingly</span> Had i know you let Orcs into Town, i would have come earlier!"
Johan: "Do you really believe that this is the time for jokes ? Here died people today! Korstad had been in danger!"
Denvan: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>ashamed</span> You have right, Johan."
Denvan: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>worriedly</span> Are the kids safe ?"
Ysedda: "We have hide them during the battle and they had fear, yet thankfully nothing happened to them. Come, they will forget their fears upon seeing their Father."
Narrator: "And so it happent, that the Orcs got chased out of Korstad by heroes of the village. Alas, as you know, can this not be the end of the story, and the sense of celebration brought on by the return of Denvan lasted for only a few days."

Cutscene 2 - Warcouncil

Narrator: "I know not exactly, how does an assembly of orcs looks like, however im but certain there had been one. After the failed attack on Korstad, assembled the leaders of the Orcs into an War council, to smith plans on how they will sack the village."
Karga: "... and so i happent become the new leader of our troopses."
Varag: "Grogul has appointed you as heir ? in his last words ?"
Gaol: "An crazy Kobold as leader ? How is that supposed to function ? No orc that stands on his blood would follow such vermin!"
?: "Grogul must have thought something during that. I accept his decision. And you two will obey, too! Dont disappoint me, Karga, for this will be your only chance. Varag, keep the runts under control! I make myself on my way to Kor Mahzgur."
[Morgal runs out of the map]
Varag: "... Now good, as he wishes. The humans are still relaxed, we should not be having any problems if we retaliate right now!"
Gaol: "Yes! We will trample them!"
Varag: "Keep your lot in check, Gaol! Dead are the humans of no use."
Gaol: "I still dont get, why we simply do not kill them all! They can barely work, they are way too weak!"
Varag: "But they are many, and we dont need them for the fighting. You should able to get that. The more humans slave away in the fields, the more we can concentrate on the conquests ahead."
Gaol: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>growling</span> Still. We will squash them. Even during that they can still working."
Karga: "They are alert now! Have soldiers, that have fought and won in short. We should wait."
Gaol: "Why wait, Kobold? We are no cowardly rats, we are dem Orcs! We do not only fight against Peasants."
Varag: "But Karga can be right. He was there in the fight and knows better whom we are facing against. Such, we will wait until the humans feel safe again."
Varag: "In ten days - "
Gaol: "Not ten! I will be going within five days!"
Karga: "Gaol has point. Ten days too much."
Varag: "Nah great, then in five days.... In five days we attack. As we had plan before Grogul's repelled attack, we will attack them from all four sides. Gaol from south, Karga's troops from west and east, and mine from the North, so that no one can escape."
Karga: "Have not enough troops. Grogul have lost too much."
Varag: <span size='small' font-style='italic'>nervously</span> Then i take over the east too. My shooters need warriors as protection, because of that i come with the entire force from the east and will then send an part of the army towards north to cut off the escape route for humans.
Varag: "Everyone agrees so far ?"
Gaol: "<span size='small' font-style='italic'>tryingly</span> Five days are too long."
Varag: "That i get that as an 'yes'. We see us within five days in the battlefield at dawn."
Narrator: "And the evil once again took its course."
reason of edit: made a few corrections.
Last edited by Eagle_11 on May 24th, 2018, 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Vielen Dank, Eagle!

"99 Seiten"
Das dritte Szenario "Der Fall" ist am schlimmsten, da wir da sehr viele variable Texte haben, jenachdem wer wen abholt. Ich entschuldige mich schonmal im voraus bei jenem, der sich dem annimmt. x)

Ich werde auch gleich (sobald Windows fertig mit den Updates ist >.>) in den ersten Post reinschreiben was fertig ist, woran bereits gearbeitet wird und was offen ist, damit doppelte Arbeit minimiert wird.

Und nochmals vielen Dank an alle die hier helfen, das weiß ich zu schätzen. :)
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by octalot »

Eagle_11 wrote: May 24th, 2018, 8:37 am Ich muss fragen, wäre mit 'Kobold' den Troll einheit gemeint ? Kobold gibts in diverse Umcs als ein kleiner stein elemental, meistens.
Im offiziellen Übersetzung Wesnoths sind Goblins als Kobolde genannt.
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Ah, richtig. Genau, Kobolde ist die Übersetzung für die "Goblins" der Orks.

Ich hab in den ersten Post mal rein editiert was fertig, was offen, und was in Bearbeitung ist.
Falls ihr euch ein Szenario schnappen wollt, sagt bescheid, dann setze ich das auf "in Bearbeitung" und jeder weiß, dass das bereits übersetzt wird. :)
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Inky »

Ich werde versuchen, Szenario 3 zu uebersetzen :) Es ist sehr interessant, dass es so viele verschiedene Konversationen gibt!
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by MrRobbi373 »

Eagle_11, Entschuldige, aber deine Übersetzung hört sich stark nach Google-Übersetzer an... :(

Deine Zeitformen passen nicht immer, und manche deutsche Redewendungen kann man nicht so direkt übersetzen.
Zum Beispiel:
Ven: "You pretend, that you are winning the fight. That, i wont be doing forcibly."
pretend: vortäuschen, nicht "davon ausgehen"
you are winning: Das passiert erst in der Zukunft! (will win)
I won' t be doing forcibly: Und das passiert in der Gegenwart! (I don't), und zwangsläufig kann man so glaub ich nicht übersetzen

Ich will dich jetzt nicht so bloßstellen, aber grob jede zweite Zeile hat einen oder mehr Fehler, die die Semantik so verändert, dass ein anderer Sinn herauskommt... :doh:
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Eagle_11 »

So viel ich verstehe, wenn die den schleicher erwischen ist der schlacht ja bereits im gange, und Ysedda versucht "zwangsrekrutierien" den typ, der erst ablehnt aber dann noch den schlacht beitretet an seite der verteidiger.

ja, stimmts ich wollte nur versuchen doch, bin schon bloss kein grammatik professor und kann recht kreativ sein an stellen.

ich könnte scenario 6 übernehmen falls ihr wollt.
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Bitron »

Inky wrote: May 24th, 2018, 1:32 pm Ich werde versuchen, Szenario 3 zu uebersetzen :) Es ist sehr interessant, dass es so viele verschiedene Konversationen gibt!
Das wäre echt große Klasse! :)
Die vielen verschiedenen Dialoge sollten einen tieferen Einblick in die Charaktere bieten, da sie, je nach dem mit wem sie sprechen, unterschiedliche Seiten von sich zeigen. Das aber auch ein guten Stück Arbeit. :P
MrRobbi373 wrote: May 24th, 2018, 2:16 pm Deine Zeitformen passen nicht immer, und manche deutsche Redewendungen kann man nicht so direkt übersetzen.
Eine genaue und gute Übersetzung wäre uns schon wichtig, da schließlich ein Großteil der Spieler englischsprachig ist.

Edit: Ich habe die Szenarien 8 bis 10 erstmal auf "nicht übersetzen" gesetzt, da dort Änderungen vorgenommen wurden, die noch nicht im Skript sind. Sobald diese fertig sind, lade ich das neue Skript hoch und gebe die Szenarien 8 bis 10 wieder frei.
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Re: [Request] Campaign Translation: DE>EN

Post by Britannicus »

Ich würde mich mal an Szenario 4 machen!
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