mangler faction

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mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

Mangler lvl 1
"Manglers are pale skinned humanoids who dislike sunlight, they feed on human flesh, they have human intelligence but can’t join civilized societies because of their cannibalistic tendencies, the largest population of manglers can be found in the segment of Zaarial known as the mangler slums, it is unknown wether poor people are sent there because of the mangler infestation or whether manglers live there because nobody cares about poor people being eaten"
-Complaint by Jerry Knelson, mayor of the mangler slums.-

HP 38 MP 5
Cleaver 6-3 blade
Meat hook 4-3 peirce
Cost 12

Mangler hunter lvl 1
"Some manglers combine their brute savagery with the art of bowmanship, these are called mangler hunters and although they are usually bad marksmen it is still an improvement over a rusty meat hook. "
-Mangler Lore pg. 7-

HP 32 MP 5
Dagger 5-2 blade
Recurve Bow 5-3 peirce
Killing spree(every time this unit makes a kill it regains it’s movement and may attack again)
Cost 15

Mangler thug lvl 1
“It was a late night, I had been booted out of the house by my wife, I knew to stay out of the mangler slums on a good day but I was tired that night, all of a sudden 3 pale humanlike creatures rushed at me with clubs, and I swear if they had’nt been wearing heavy armor than I would have died that day”
-report by Jake Finch-

HP 40 MP 4
Dagger 7-2 blade
crowbar 8-3
force(when this unit makes a kill, it moves into the space that the defender used to occupy)
Cost 16

Mangler blood adept lvl 1
“I was out patrolling with my men, when suddenly, red fluid shot at us from the alleyway, it chopped my leg off as well as the heads of three of my men, we ran as fast as we could not knowing who or what was responcible”
-report from Sheriff Hudson, after walking through the mangler slums-

HP 28 mp 5
Dagger 4-2 blade
Blades of blood 8-2 blade magical
Blood meld (every time this unit makes a kill it regains all it’s hit points)
Cost 20

Mangler runner lvl 1
“I was off walking with a friend in the mangler slums, it was broad daylight so we thought it would be safe, then quick as lightning a female mangler rushed at us, we ran in differend directions but she managed on subsequently taking both of us down, she broke my friends neck and would have done the same to me if the local deputy hadn’t scared the mangler off. I still have nightmares.”
-report by ferdinand smith-

Hp 34 MP 7
Tackle 6-2 impact
Cost 17

Maniac/madwoman lvl 0
“I am cold, the manglers roam everywhere, they kill, it is only a matter of time before they take over the city, they will turn us humans into farm animals, there are more of them than you think, but I shall escape this fate, for I will join them”
-interview from an asylum inmate, the identity is concealed for legal reasons, sample is considered to hold more weight as the asylum was holding multiple individuals with prophetic abilities-

Hp 18 MP 6
Flail 4-2 blade (effects all adjacent units including allies)
Cost 7

Mangler Hoodlam lvl 2
“I was in a street fight one night, and I was winning, I managed on knocking the other guy out, but as he fell to the ground the crowd watching the fight began too flee, I saw a strange man aproaching me, I punched em, in the face but he did’nt flinch, he smacked me on the head with a piece of metal, when I awoke, the man I had knocked out was gone, three days had passed and in place of the body there was a trail of blood leading away”
-police report by becky johnson, after authorities investigated they found that the trail of blood leaded to an abandoned mangler den, there were no more leads-

HP 52 MP 4
Dagger 10-2 blade
crowbar 11-3
force(when this unit makes a kill, it moves into the space that the defender used to occupy)
Cost 32

Mangler ripper, lvl 2
“I have only one thing to say about mangler rippers, if you encounter one, killing it would be the right thing to do, but not the wise one, you should call the police, or better yet, assemble an angry mob, but if you encounter it in the mangler slums than just forget it, there are too many manglers there for us to worry about just one.”
-Interview with Grand Sheriff George Henderson-

HP 50 MP 5
Cleaver 8-4 blade
Meat hook 6-3 peirce
Cost 22

Mangler predator lvl 2
“I am glad to say that most manglers have’nt gotten their hands on real weapons, they can already take out the strongest men unnarmed, unfortunately I can’t say this for all manglers”

HP 32 MP 5
shortsword 5-3 blade
Bow 10-3 peirce
Killing spree(every time this unit makes a kill it regains it’s movement and may attack again)
Cost 30

Mangler blood mage lvl 2
“If you were to ask me how to deal with a blood mage that I would say one thing, say your prayers, the only chance of an unarmored man surviving a blood mage attack is if it hasn’t seen you yet, they can manipulate blood and turn it into flying blades, the more people they kill the stronger there blades get, fortunately it puts great strain on them to do this, so if you’re in a crowd, than a single blood mage can’t kill you all.”
-report by Old Man Dave, a retired sherriff, sample is considered accurate as it was provided before he went insane-

HP 38 mp 5
Dagger 5-2 blade
Blades of blood 15-2 blade magical
Blood meld (every time this unit makes a kill it regains all it’s hit points)
Cost 42

Gore brute lvl2 (produced every time a blood mage lvl 2 or higher is recruted or is leveled into.)
“Mangler mages often create monsters called gore brutes, these manglers are far less intelligent than there creators, but there strength is not to be underestimated, they can slaughter a crowd of innocent people in seconds, they have been known to kill more than they can eat, so after one of these massacres, lesser manglers often gather to feast on what’s left. another note is that after a mangler mage creates one of these manglers, they seem to actually increase their powers, I shudder to think why they don’t do it more often.”
-report by a scientist who specializes in forensics. He is currently writing a book on gore brutes-
HP 60 Mp 4
Sword 8-3
Cost 22

Mangler sprinter lvl 2
“Your best bet to survive a mangler attack is too run, and even that does’nt work all the time.”
-Report by Kyra Dossen, renowned athlete who has fortunately never encountered a mangler-

Hp 45 MP 7
Tackle 11-2 impact
Cost 24

Lunatic lvl 1
“Manglers were bad enough before PEOPLE started joining them, although these mangler zealots are’nt as dangerous as real manglers they are, in my opinion, even more evil, manglers kill to eat, lunatics kill for fun.”
-A report by maria zunn, renowned psycologist, notably she has managed on capturing several mangler lunatics and even cured one, though he is still being watched closely by the police-

Hp 30 mp 6
Flail 5-3 blade (effects all adjacent units including allies)
Torch 7-3 fire
Cost 14

mangler lacerator lvl 3
“Manglers were an army without a general when I was a kid, I thought I was unfortunate back then when manglers were running rampant, but now I know that manglers get worse when they have a man in charge telling them what to do.”
-Anonymous contributor-

HP 60 MP 5
Cleaver 8-6 blade
Meat hook 10-3 peirce
Cost 40

Mangler ambuscade lvl 3
“I wish manglers stayed in the mangler slums, but their growing population has forced them to find more food sources, back when they were in the mangler slums, only the deplorables had to deal with them, now they can hurt REAL people like me.”
-quote from franklin farmer, a Zaarian nobleman, sample is considered unreliable as there are far less manglers outside the mangler slum-

HP 49 MP 6
Dagger 6-4 blade
Bow 10-4 peirce
Killing spree(every time this unit makes a kill it regains it’s movement and may attack again)
Cost 51

Mangler athlete lvl 3
“I was a gold star athlete before the mangler attacked, I saw him coming, And It was a good day, he still managed on catching me, I am so thankful he wasn’t hungry. at least he only took my leg” -Report by Kyra Dossen, formerly renowned athlete-

Hp 59 MP 7
Tackle 18-2 impact
Cost 42

Mangler blood warlock lvl 3
"Blood warloks are very mysterious, they often have half a dozen gore brutes, but these are usually only used as meat shields, the warlock himself is more powerful than any number of gore brutes."
-mangler lore page 191-

HP 49 mp 5
Dagger 8-2 blade
Blades of blood 19-2 blade magical
Blood meld (every time this unit makes a kill it regains all it’s hit points)
Cost 62

Mangler matriarch/patriarch lvl 4
"Manglers are usually considered to be an unorganized lot who lust for nothing but human meat, but unfortunately this is not always the case, mangler matriarchs and patriarchs are manglers who have an intelligence far exceeding their mangler brothers and sisters they are often master swordsmen and never make more kills than they can eat, some say that these manglers should be tolerated as they make mangler kills more evenly distributed causing less chaos,"
-mangler lore pg. 312-
HP 86 mp 5
sword 32-2 blade
Cost 65

blood titan lvl3
“nothing good comes when you do experimants on mangler corpses, unless, of course, you are a mangler looking for a new goon to add to your entourage.” -report by a scientist of some small renown who used to study mangler anatomy.-

HP 80 Mp 4
Sword 10-3
Cost 45
Last edited by inuyasha35 on September 28th, 2020, 1:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

this is my new faction, it's called the manglers, does anybody have any feedback?
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

here are some of the sprites for the manglers
mangler Male (1).png
mangler Male (1).png (1.18 KiB) Viewed 1713 times
mangler thug (1).png
mangler thug (1).png (1.11 KiB) Viewed 1715 times
mangler gore brute (2).png
mangler gore brute (2).png (1.8 KiB) Viewed 1728 times
should be blood adept
should be blood adept
mangler blood mage F (1).png (1.33 KiB) Viewed 1728 times
should be blood adept
should be blood adept
mangler blood mage M (1).png (1.05 KiB) Viewed 1728 times
mangler F (1).png
mangler F (1).png (1.23 KiB) Viewed 1728 times
Last edited by inuyasha35 on September 27th, 2020, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by Heindal »

Should be moved the Faction & Era Development section, because this part of the forum is for scenario campaign development.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by WhiteWolf »

That's indeed a better place for this topic, moved.

Please refrain from double and triple-posting within a few minutes after the initial post, since nobody has had the time to even read it yet. Please edit your initial post instead, as asked in the guidelines.

Also, you'll probably receive more feedback if you actually create this faction in an era, and publish it on the add-ons server.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

here are some more sprites "for some reason I can't include more attachments on my original post"

I would like peoples feedback about the maniac tree, first of all It may be underpowered, I intentionally gave them a small damage output as they have a really powerful ability, also I wan't to know whether it's a good Idea for unstable humans to be in a faction of man-eating monsters?
blood warlock M((3).png
blood warlock M((3).png (1.66 KiB) Viewed 1478 times
blood warlock F-3.png
blood warlock F-3.png (1.7 KiB) Viewed 1478 times
blood mageM(2).png
blood mageM(2).png (1.39 KiB) Viewed 1480 times
blood mage F (2).png
blood mage F (2).png (1.54 KiB) Viewed 1487 times
mangler hoodlem  (2) (1).png
mangler hoodlem (2) (1).png (1.31 KiB) Viewed 1535 times
mangler huntress F (1).png
mangler huntress F (1).png (1.37 KiB) Viewed 1611 times
Last edited by inuyasha35 on September 28th, 2020, 1:21 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by WhiteWolf »

If you want to include many attachments at once, it's advised to zip them into an archive and upload it as a single file. (It's fine to upload a few images along the archive for demonstartion, and to highlight what people can expect.)

Judging how balanced a faction is just by looking at stats and numbers (that are not even complete: resistances? movement type? alignment? etc.) is terribly difficult, and probably no one is going to review it. That's why I'd still advise to make an alpha version of the era and publish it for actual playtesting.
Main UMC campaigns: The Ravagers - now for 1.16, with new bugs!
Old UMC works: The Underness Series, consisting of 5 parts: The Desolation of Karlag, The Blind Sentinel, The Stone of the North, The Invasion Of The Western Cavalry, Fingerbone of Destiny
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

they have human movetype and resistance, the only difference in resistance is that they have 10% blade and peirce resistance and they lack the arcane resistance humans have, they are chaotic save for gore brutes which are technically chaotic but they have fearless.

also I would like feedback on the artwork too

I have created artwork for every recruit plus gore brutes(which are a special unit) the list of recruits is as follows

Mangler hunter
Mangler thug
Mangler runner
Mangler blood adept

those are just the default era recruits, they do have level ups.
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Re: mangler faction

Post by Pilauli »

The only problem I see with putting unstable humans among man-eating monsters is that you need a reason why the monsters didn't eat them. There might be people who do have a problem with it, though; I don't know.
Powerful ability:
Art feedback:
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Suggestion for readability:
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

here are my modified sprites, I do think some of the manglers are too dark, but not all of them
mangler predator M   (2).png
mangler predator M (2).png (1.46 KiB) Viewed 1527 times
mangler predator f   (2).png
mangler predator f (2).png (1.42 KiB) Viewed 1527 times
mangler hunter M   (1).png
mangler hunter M (1).png (1.45 KiB) Viewed 1544 times
Madwoman  (0).png
Madwoman (0).png (1.82 KiB) Viewed 1548 times
maniac  (0).png
maniac (0).png (1.81 KiB) Viewed 1548 times
mangler runner  (1).png
mangler runner (1).png (1.31 KiB) Viewed 1548 times
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

here are the sprites for maniac/madwomans upgrade also the gore brute upgrade
mangler ripper M  (2).png
mangler ripper M (2).png (1.28 KiB) Viewed 1493 times
mangler ripper F (2).png
mangler ripper F (2).png (1.3 KiB) Viewed 1494 times
mangler blood titan (3).png
mangler blood titan (3).png (2.19 KiB) Viewed 1507 times
lunatic M (1).png
lunatic M (1).png (1.88 KiB) Viewed 1513 times
lunatic F (1).png
lunatic F (1).png (1.95 KiB) Viewed 1513 times
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Re: mangler faction

Post by inuyasha35 »

here are some more sprites
mangler ambuscade m (3).png
mangler ambuscade m (3).png (1.42 KiB) Viewed 1427 times
mangler ambuscade F (3).png
mangler ambuscade F (3).png (1.51 KiB) Viewed 1427 times
blood warlock F-(3).png
blood warlock F-(3).png (1.74 KiB) Viewed 1427 times
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