Afterlife Rated Strategy and Matchups

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Afterlife Rated Strategy and Matchups

Post by Pierre52 »


This is my first ever forum post, so if I did something wrong (put this discussion in the wrong forum, creating a post that has already been created, post against forum guidelines, etc) please just let me know and I'll try to fix it!

I played my first Afterlife Rated tournament game today on 1.16 and instantly fell in love. I think the strategy is very interesting and very different from a normal ladder match. I went online to find any conversations about strategy for specific matchups in afterlife, or to see which faction is widely regarded as the one with the most good matchups, but I came up short.

For all of those reasons above, if you have any experience at all about a specific matchup (knalgans vs northerners, rebels vs undead, etc) I would love to hear about it! If you are a seasoned veteran of one specific faction, please let us know all of the matchups for that given faction. Overall, I am just very curious to hear about different people's strategies with certain factions. If you think there is one faction that is best to play (not sure there is) please let us know! If this discussion needs to be split up for each faction, I would love that as well.

One piece of information I can add from my very limited experience is that poison seems to be extremely potent, namely against knalgans (or any faction without cure). Beyond that, I am not too sure about anything really haha

So, let the discussion ensue! Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!

P.S. I also do not know how large the player base is for this specific tournament and would be curious to hear if anyone has any intuition about it :D
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Re: Afterlife Rated Strategy and Matchups

Post by Pentarctagon »

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Re: Afterlife Rated Strategy and Matchups

Post by Pierre52 »

right... I know that. Should we talk about strategy and matchups under that post? Or can we talk about it here?
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