Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

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Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by ForestDragon »

Me and Mirion decided to do a rap battle with two of wesnoth's necromancer main characters (he will be doing Ardonna's verses, while I do Keshar's). He and I will be posting our verses here as we write them
Last edited by ForestDragon on August 15th, 2022, 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by Mirion147 »

I am the one who began, who started it all
you are the one who ran, and was manipulated. lol.
We started much the same but with some stark differences.
I left on my own, I wasn't kicked out, but I tell you now that's not what the only difference is.
You couldn't keep quiet, couldn't be cautious.
You killed a man because his words made you nauseous.
What's more it was an accident, you didn't even know.
How can you compare yourself to me, is your brain really that slow?
I experimented in secret and found my own way.
I chose my own moves, was never just a pawn in play.
A puppet of Volk, twisted and corrupt,
meanwhile everything I discovered on my own, not like you, pup.
You were spoonfed it all and had your hand held.
At the same time I wrote a book unparalleled.
You read it yourself, you used what I found.
After in your own dispair, you drowned.
You killed all who meant something to you,
Your sister, your friend, all because of a necromancer out of the blue?
I had meaning, I had purpose! I would bring eternal life!
You couldn't live a single day without causing strife.
You never used your eyes to see more than your own concerns.
I never lost an ally, there weren't any friends that ever felt my spurns.
I left Tabahn in peace, we went our separate ways.
I found myself a cave where no heroes would search in craze.
Even in solitude you used deception as was your life.
I continue my experimentation, I do not live by use of knife.
One day I will return, when the people are ready to accept me.
I will not force their hands or treat their lives like mockery.
I plead you take the time, to look inside yourself.
And find a place of peace, put your anger on a shelf.
We have been given a gift, eternal life is in your hand.
Do not let it all slip through like a handful of mere sand.

Take a look at the Era of the Future!
Current factions: The Welkin, The Brungar, and The Nordhris!
^This is old news lol but I don't care^
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by ForestDragon »

Done with your cutesy little speech?
Hypocritically of peace and calm you preach
A pretentious white-haired witch
Is no match for a true legendary lich
Drop your innocent little angel act, fooling anyone you ain't
You fault me for the blood I spill, yet you yourself are hardly a saint
You boarded a ship with your ghouls, and, while you were having a nice nap on a voyage east
The ship's unsuspecting passengers became your pets' feast
You can't even keep your minions on a leash
Quite pathetic for a self-proclaimed genius inventor, sheesh
You kill any who stand in your way too, yet act like you're somehow better than I
Is this what your "I do not live by use of knife" looks like? Are you perhaps high?
Is this the "will not treat their lives like mockery" of which you spoke?
Your verses are a pathetic sham, mirrors and smoke
Didn't know the bar for pacifism these days is so low - a few honeyed words and that's it?
Miss, you are an absolute hypocrite
I set upon my path not for personal gain, but to protect Parthyn, my hometown once dear
To have revenge on the orcs terrorizing it to no end, to make the constant threat disappear
I tried my best to ensure those I held dear would be safe, but it was all in vain
For all I got in response to my valiant efforts was disgust and disdain
My patience for Drogan's BS ran out, I snapped in a burning rage there
I killed that ungrateful b*stard, yes, but despite that most of the villagers I spared
Regarding Dela, you must have read the wrong timeline
Unlike some other Malins I merely fled with the tome in hand and left her alive
It's true I was a puppet of Volk at first, but I cut the strings along with puppeteer
I may have been the gullible apprentice but now I am the master here
"I continue my experimentation" you said? Funny, cause after I saw you retire
All you did was "learn the applications of mountain fire"
For how much time you spent studying pyres I expected the quality of your roasts to be higher
To acquire rap skills like mine you can only desire
My active add-ons: The Great Steppe Era,XP Bank,Alliances Mod,Pestilence,GSE+EoMa,Ogre Crusaders,Battle Royale,EoMaifier,Steppeifier,Hardcoreifier
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by Mirion147 »

Ah, here we go about my hair. Didn't take you long to stoop to such a level,
Go on, tell me more. I'm sure you'll come up with something I've not yet heard
You seem to just be waving petty insults about looks in which you clearly revel.
Odd that you're considering me to be beneath you, when you needed my own book,
You consider yourself legendary, but how did you become a lich again?
You had the idea yourself right? Oh wait, that's right, it was to my writings you did look.
To think that you would have the gall to speak when you were no more than a pawn,
You talk of you controlling from the folds of your masters own cloak
You were taught and spoonfed every lesson. From life's own experience were my lessons drawn.
Even so you miss the point, about you lashing out in anger,
it's no wonder that the world isn't ready for the gift we bring.
There are too many blunders like what you've done, but I'm sure that story's a real banger.
There is no acting in the victories I've won. I know you wouldn't understand,
I am a genius though of no invention, but of discoveries you see.
In comparison to all I've accomplished do you think yourself so grand?
You defended your home, I'm proud of you, to be sure.
But had you not needed to be applauded you could have saved Parthyn from the shadows.
In the end you became the villain all because of your delusions of grandeur.
The knife you live on is of your own making, for you made all your enemies yourself
You could have easily forged your own path but you were feeling so alone
So in need of Daddy Darken's company you were, you put your logic on a shelf
Revenge and company is what you needed to help you sleep at night, but did you feel better?
After all was said and done, and the Whitefang clan destroyed
You stayed in your cave, rotting. You're showing yourself a real go-getter.
You call yourself the master, but you are obviously confused
For even you considered yourself to be the pawn of the author of the book
In case you forgot, that's me, I'm the one who wrote the book, so "master" is misused
Instead consider yourself an instrument in one of my many experiments
I have learned much from watching you. I know a lot of what not to do that is.
But sure, a "master", I'll give you a "council seat", I'll even give you some council cerements
It's obvious the world isn't ready for what I have to offer
If the best that's come along is you, I'll wait longer and longer.
And I'll continue waiting until the world produces one who is ready for the gifts I proffer.
Take a look at the Era of the Future!
Current factions: The Welkin, The Brungar, and The Nordhris!
^This is old news lol but I don't care^
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by ForestDragon »

To give credit where credit is due
Your book I did use, it is true
Your success in reverse-engineering the art of necromancy I commend
But you are sorely mistaken if you think that our duel is at an end
"You stayed in your cave, rotting"? Coming from Miss Mountain Fire Expert of all people that's quite rich
To throw stones from a glass house is rather unwise, your tactics you should switch
"One day I will return, when the people are ready to accept me."? Brace yourself, what's next is gonna hurt
For you I have a rather unfortunate spoiler alert
The world doesn't just magically improve from you waiting a long time
Quite the contrary - we were lucky to witness Irdya at its prime
I saw the Fall with my own eye sockets when it occurred
Wesnoth scorched by two suns and reduced to rubble by the fall of the third
At least unlike you from my own long vacation I eventually emerged
After my return nothing about you I have heard, I can only assume your bones with the ground have long since merged
Seems in the end the "handful of sand" is you, miss, unlike what you have foreseen
Even after the Fall I was still undead and well while you are nowhere to be seen
Alas, your naive dreams of a necromantic utopia are in vain
Our kind are less despised now, sure, but only cause far worse abominations roam the land, spreading destruction and pain
You still doubt my greatness, yet the proof is around every corner, my skeptical friend
Take a look at any list of liches younger than me and you'll instantly see a trend
For many centuries the number of my copycats has seen a colossal surge
Even my foes like Hekuba couldn't resist the urge
Slapping my "Mal" prefix onto their name, on my own fame they rely
Hoping in vain to someday be as great as I
Mals here, Mals there, Mals everywhere, no matter what lich you ask
To find a lich with an original name has become a herculean task
The hordes of my copycats rival whole nations' populations
My impact can still be felt for many generations
Chronologically you may be "earlier" than me, sure, but I'm the true original here in all my glory
My campaign is a beloved classic, you were merely slotted in to fill a plot hole in my own story
My younger years may not have been my peak, yet I aged like fine wine
I am the star of the necromantic world while you became little more than a footnote in the history books' confine
You reinvent the lich lords' wheel, I set the trend
You faded into obscurity while my fame knows no end
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by Helmet »

Yo, I'm Mal Giant-Rat.
I do what I please.
While you guys rap battle
I eat your cheese.
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Re: Wesnoth Rap Battle: Ardonna vs Mal-Keshar

Post by Ashmyr »

Helmet wrote: December 4th, 2022, 2:45 pm Yo, I'm Mal Giant-Rat.
I do what I please.
While you guys rap battle
I eat your cheese.
You win the rap battle. Funniest thing I've read in a while. Thanks for the laugh.
Novice campaign creator.
Developer of "Dwarvish Kingdom" for 1.14.x; intermediate Dwarvish campaign. Any and all constructive feedback, is greatly appreciated! If you have played it, please DM me :)
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