Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

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Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

Dwarves are in this year. I'm quite sure about that. It can't be pirates, again! I mean it's pirates who/which/whatever are in every year!
Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer is a little mini-game I made last year in round about 24 hours. I described the development and parts of it in this thread:

So far it should be bug free and as there wasn't a feedback thread for this campaign yet, so here it is.
As you might guess from the previous sentences this add-on isn't taking itself pretty serious.

You are having headaches because of the title? Yeah, I used a 'superword' for dwarven miner, it had a better flow than dwarven-miner or dwarven miner. It plays with the fact that it could be a 'name' for either the company or our protagonist (beside the obvious reference to Al Lowe).

What is the game add-on about:

- You are a miner. You can mine veins, by moving on them. This will give you ore and sometimes a little bit of gold.
- Once you have mined enough, you can return to the city to upgrade your equipment or cash in the ore. Those updates are infinite, but the price will increase with each upgrade.
- You can dig through normal walls, by just moving next to them. As there is shroud, you might not see where you dig, like in a real mine.
- Eventually you are lucky and find a pocket with veins, or you could find monster nest or secret parts such as parts of a dungeon, crypts, underground, temples cities, bear caves and many more.
- Some terrain is reactive and will become active when you move over it, such as shrines.
(see here: download/file.php?id=91943)
- You can unlock different dungeons, which will have specific secret parts and resources.

That's pretty much it. Hope you enjoy it and if you find bugs (except for ants, they are intended) leave me a message.

Potential content of a new version:

- a sand based mine, where you can find hidden temples, sarcophagi and face mummies as enemies.
- a dungeon castle with a rogue-like dungeon (different dungeon creation concept based on rooms - such as in Nethack)
Last edited by Heindal on September 1st, 2023, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by bubhead »

Yo, this is kinda random, but is there a way to regain infinite movement after combat? It feels really annoying to constantly be pressing 'end turn' after seeing monsters.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

Hi bubhead,

thanks for playing. It is not possible yet. However I can see what I can do in the next update. Can't say if there will ever be one (as this is just a small minigame), but I already reduced the cost increase for all upgrades to add more fun, but haven't published it yet.

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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by stevea68 »

It was great that you suggested DDD as something to dive into for a simpler start of making an RPG world. I've been playing this and can already see a lot of potential fun was to use this as a foundation to work with. Been whacking rocks and lugging loads of ore and am looking forward to exploring how more options open up.

I noticed you said you lowered upgrade costs (I saw one costing 20 ore to upgrade from 15 to 20, which seemed a paradox until the upgrade path via iron opened up). I noticed that using the 20 ore upgrade only cost 10 ore and I found the spot in the city file (a suggestion might be to require a full load of ore to upgrade ... and maybe reduce the capacity increase - for example a full load of ore can be used to add 3 more capacity) ... then again, in terms of it being a great to learn WML, it might be you got it perfect as it was fun to dig into the code :)

A second thing that might be changed is that entering the mine seems to remove all the ore I was carrying - for example, I had 10 ore and went into the mine and collected 4 (more) but when I exited the mine I only had 4 ore.

Anyway, awesome game to explore, Heindal. Thanks again for Strange Legacy too :)

message= _ "Improve capacity for $capacityup ore
<small>improved lores and equipment increases the amount of ore you can carry by 5, so far $capacity</small>"




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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

The upgrade costs have been modified, but only in the version on my computer. I haven't uploaded the new version yet.

Before that I have to finish the issue with the infinite movement, even so I think - when monsters are spawn, they will hunt the player, no matter what. Maybe if you could get out of their visible range, his infinite movement should be restored. There are also two new dungeons under development, the plans exists in my brain, but haven't been made yet. Also I've ran out of ideas for new spells and abilities for now. Probably there will be bombs as an alternative to fireballs and bomb traps, as well as rockfalls or water/lava-flooding as new dangers. Round about that could take me a working day, which I currently haven't available.

Its intended that you loose all ore, you currently don't carry.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by stevea68 »

In some ways it's almost perfect 'as is', except for maybe cleaning up any funkiness to the playability. Yes, restoring infinite movement would be nice. Is there a way to change the monster type to be non-aggressive if it is a certain distance away from you? Maybe there's a way to set it as some sort of neutral mob, unless you are within a certain range?

The reason why I say it might be close to 'perfect as is' is because of what you sort of intended it to be. I've written some programs before and I can relate with those times when you get on a roll and code up some small but awesome basic program that supports the easy addition of many other things ... I've slowly been learning over time that those 'core seeds' are spots to quickly lock down an alpha version of something and keep it around as something that can be easily picked up and added to, to head off in whatever direction you might like.

One program like that, that sticks in my mind was sort of an infinite world game on a programmable calculator. It supposed menus and collecting resources and gained experience and stats and casting spells and you could have pets and the landscape was actually from some rather cool math formulas and so it was persistence and it had strange features that would arise from the math automatically, but locally you could alter the landscape ... at least temporarily, unless you walked too far away and then it would leave the editable ram buffer, but when you came back it would be the same landscape as it was when initially found. I added more features but overall, that basic game had 1000+ different directions it could have head off into and saving it as a beautiful little 'baseline' program was not a bad idea.

There were also a couple grid based games using the mouse or arrow keys and one was kind of like Go or Bejeweled and it was a simple grid based map with various terrain types and interesting rules for movement and interaction with the tiles. One of the games was supposed to be like terraforming an alien planet ... it also was an infinite world (sort of), but it was more random and would completely forget about the landscape if you moved to far away and regenerate new things if you tried to "go back" to some location.

Another varient of that was about create groups of similar resources, and you would try to create large clusters of adjacent items before the group would ultimately be used for scoring and be erased.

Anyway, I'm rambling a bit but DDD seems similarly like a great seed to expand upon. I was thinking maybe I could have it generate zones where there are sort of staged encountered and using collected resources in the zone - for example, maybe when you go into a mine, there are some copper veins as well or you can recycle wooden structures into wood and then build defensive structures like a village ... and then as you moved further up the map or built up the zone more, it would trigger counter events (like a gremlin attack or a pair of trolls come to attack your base). Ultimately there might be some lich at the top of the map to defeat.

Oh having something like being able to "ride minecarts" to quickly move around the map could help save time (maybe make it active like the teleporting robe and any minecart you walk on, you can use to 'teleport' on movement to another minecart? Or have them s pairs with tracks in between so you step on one end and it takes you to other) ... just an idea for the extended walking to return back to the city.

Overall, great stuff, Heindal. Enjoy your day :)
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by stevea68 »

Fun stuff. I've been playing "DDD" (that reminds me of playing D&D, but you went ahead and added the extra D to it ... maybe it could be called Dwarves, Dungeons and Dragons? =D LOL)

Just a quicky comment here. I found this little spot (reference the image) and was having fun power leveling and had a couple comments:

1) The "boss" / leader or whatever name appears to be able to continually keep being able to summon bandits ... the guy must have a decent paying day job ;) I don't know if that's intentional or not but honestly I'm loving the almost non-stop stream of mobs. No need to "fix" it really ... just wanted to point it out.

2) Also, I leveled up and picked Nighstalker as an ability but despite times when it activates (no adjacent monsters, and even after moving to an area further away), the bandits still seem to have some form of "Dwarf radar" and can follow me. From the description of the ability, something doesn't seem right. Could it be related to how 'agro' works in DDD?
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Below the sand - Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer 0.6

Post by Heindal »

Just uploaded the new version of Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer 0.6.
Codename: "Below the sand"

It features:

- new active terrain: such as chests, a new shrine, breakable pots, poisontraps, poisonclouds, spider webs, sarcophagus, dungeontrader
-- these work when moving to a spot the event will fire, chest are opened, shrines activated etc.
-- breaking pots will reward you with a little bit of gold, chest contain more gold and sarcophagus even have chance to drop relics

- new resource: relic
-- these ancient relics can be found in the two new dungeons

- two new dungeons, sandmine and berserker fortress
-- while sandmine features a new mine with many diamonds and new encounters
-- the berserker fortress uses a new concept to load a random dungeon with different rooms
(its a little bit cheesy, but seems to work most of the time)

- new powers can be unlocked by the relics
- undead mine workers which can dig through walls, but not mine resources
-- maybe changed later on, but one nice shortcut, to leave the mine quickly by leaving one of them behind and moving to the city spot to end the dungeon without moving back

- bombs
-- can be used as straight forward attack item and can break any kind of walls
-- can be used as a trap, producing rubble blocking the enemy way
-- you can buy bombs, once unlocked, or find them in dungeons

- a 4th ultimate ability for each amla path
-- Nightstalk problem could´t be fixed, so it was replaced with Markmanship
-- Resistance gain for Tanks massively increased

- ai will behave less aggressive now

- prices for most upgrades has been reduced from factor 2, to 1.25 which means - you can upgrade more and become stronger

- farmer offers a new skill

- infinite movement will now select the miner, which saves one click when digging.

- renamed passionate healer to passionate miner as intended
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by white_haired_uncle »

Merry Christmas, Heindal.

A fun little campaign, and a nice diversion from the bitter cold. And now, to start complaining...

1) I think the whole wall-breaking thing is a little off. Can't break a certain wall type (yet)? No problem, just break an adjacent wall tile, which will smash the "unbreakable" tile. Or it will turn adjacent water, lava, etc, into walkable roads. Just be sure not to break a wall, perhaps by simply ending a turn, next to an obelisk, artifact, etc, as they will also turn into roads.

2) Encounters are a joke. Early AMLAs are WAY too powerful, especially the berserk (with slow???). Unless I do something stupid, the AI almost never attacks me (except for drakes), unless I'm injured which rarely happens. In most cases, I have ranged and melee attacks, while my enemy only has one or the other, so I can just pound away. I suspect making berserk offensive-only would go a long way here (is this a big part of the reason the AI won't attack me with melee?), and if you're going to (eventually) give it slow the enemies need to be a LOT more powerful (and maybe aggressive, I had three yeti that could have easily killed me if they worked together, but instead I just hit them with ranged attacks doing a little damage most turns and picking up 4 XP for basically nothing).

3) There's a speed +2 AMLA which didn't seem to do anything. I think.

4) My father will show me resistances, which is nice but already available in the GUI. Defenses are not. I think I saw a reference to him showing defenses at some point, probably just a typo but that would be nice.

5) Where did I get regeneration? It looks like it may be a hack to enable poison immunity, but it kind of obsoletes the whole passionate miner thing.

6) Jonna is listed as "A guest" and "mysterious", while at the same time I refer to her by name. Okay, I'm just getting nit picky now. Never did hear her story.

7) missing image "/bones.png". Also a number of log messages about a few duplicate images and 90x90 images where it wants 72x72. And unknown attribute "recruit".

8) At one point, I came upon a goblin leader who recruited A LOT. As in, I couldn't move as I was pinned against an unbreakable wall, and new goblins were being created at least as fast as I could kill them. If I hadn't had fireball, I think I would have been stuck permanently.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

Merry Christmas Uncle,

I hope the cold will go away soon and that you have a great time to celebrate the new year.

1. Yeah, I've realized that but found it a funny way to create bridges over gaps and breaking walls with a little cleverness. No wall is unbreakable as you have fireballs, bombs AND an option with the pickaxe to break any wall. I admit it was a sloppy working code, but it was pretty easy to realize and was somewhat fun.

2. Well, that is the new version, which has reduced aggression. And I added the berserker attack with slow, maybe I will get rid of the slow weapon special for berserk. Enemies / Monsters used to attack you relentlessly in the version 0.5 and even ignored Nightstalk, which was an old amla for the rangers. Players complained about that, however the units still found the hero who hid in Nightstalk even with the reduced AI agression. So I switched back to the normal AI. It seems to be to easy now? However there are two factions - if set to aggressive AI it could be that the AI kills each other, before the player even sees these nest. Maybe one idea would be to change the ai behviour once it sights the player. However than the AI would make a swarm attack on the player, which could end up in frustrating fights.

3. Could be as it was one of the last things I added to the game. Will recheck and repair this.

4. Yeah I could add defenses.

5. Regeneration is the word of stone, as far as I remember.

6. Jonna is a mysterious magician with her own agenda. However, our protagonist knows her, eventually even brought her to the city.

7. Will check and fix.

8. I heard that complaint before - as far as I know the have 0 gold to start with, they have a village income. Have to check that.

Thanks again for your feedback and have a great time!

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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

I had a little bit of time for that between the years so made following changes and uploaded version 0.6.1:

- ai will be altered to aggressive ai once an enemy unit sees you, however it seems the ai still behaves a little bit cautious, but blocks your path in a mean way and waits for its chance. However there will be swarm attacks now.
- berserker dungeons now have 4 extra rooms with a greater variety of enemies
- berserker amla attack no longer has slow
- i added three amla paths for the trickster in combination with other paths, which will add some strong weapon specials, could be considered as ultimate and these amla advancements are most expensive.

tested amla advancement - speed worked fine
rechecked the npc villages, did not make any changes - I will reduce the income in a later version - as you can destroy enemy castles with bombs and fireballs I don´t think this is a problem, but a solve-able challenge for the players.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Spirit_of_Currents »

I found this campaign when exploring the add-on server.

1. If I recall correctly, I used 50 gold to make my pickaxe more powerful and it lost its first strike special.
2. I talked with King King but the new mine wasn't unlocked in north-west.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

1. Will check.
2. It just unlocks a new option, there is no new mine. I have tested this forever. If it is still an issue: could you tell me which mine did you unlock?

Thank you for your comments.
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Spirit_of_Currents »

With the king, I had "Talk: Reclaim Lavamine".
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Re: Heindals Minigames II: Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer

Post by Heindal »

Hi spirit,

unfortunately I'm not able to help you with that. First of all - the pickaxe doesn't have first strike at itself, but can receive First Strike if you wield it, when you unlock the specific amla path (Trickster). If you unlock the pickaxe attack after that, it is bad luck. Upgrading your weapons doesn't delete any specials.

As for the dungeon: Can't help you either, because the dungeon is unlocked, maybe you can not afford it?
The lava mine even unlocks a second dungeon as well - the Fortress of the Berserkers (which is located in the lava mine based on the "lore" of that add-on - if you can call it "lore").

The option is by the way called:
Unlock.png (33.76 KiB) Viewed 2638 times
The option shows, if you have enough gold to buy it:
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
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