Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Discussion and development of scenarios and campaigns for the game.

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Re: Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Post by Heindal »

Thanks for the Spoiler and the summary. I´m missing the description to the 6 different endings ;). Hopefully you've noticed that every difficulty is a different character, with partially different stories and upgrades.

1. I must upgrade my throwingknife before I can sell it.

Yeah, that was a typo. The first weapon was called "Thowingknife" instead of Throwingknife.
Sorry to any English native speaker for the German super words. It has coding (and lazyness) reasons.

Fixed it.

2. I started an arena fight and one blue-team-coloured spearman with a name "Guard" was inside.

Yeah, that was kind of intended and worked fine when I did not have wandering NPCs. It was some kind of: "Hey there is still somebody else in the arena - we don´t care, it is his fault."

3. When walking, I got a message "[unstore_unit]: variable 'wanderermove' doesn't exist" every step. It seems that this bug comes after an enemy kills a blue unit.

Yeah, that is a problem I haven´t foreseen. The only fix was to leave the scenario and enter it again or to deactivate infinite movement.
Will teleport all units outside the arena now.

4. I'm a footpad, but enemies have 60% cth against me with ranged attacks.

As far as I know the Footpad isn´t good on the arena terrain, even so 40% is still a standard defense.

5. I killed a randomly-generated rat with an illness attack and got three same messages

That is the advanced form of Fat Rat, even so it doesn't exist in the game, it seems that in that case the core of the game checks for the advancement. I added Fatty and it´s handsome improvement Moppsmaus (the nickname a friend gave me once) to the game.


6. I'm able to kill a same boss twice.

This is intended to give the player a little bit of a chance to make a profit if he is stuck in a round.
However I could make each hero a little bit harder each time he is defeated.

7. In arena fights, why does the mainline-units-only rule only apply to fixed encounters, not random ones?

Intended. This was my first campaign ever so I added the first parts using mainline only units, because I did not know how to add new units to the campaign. Random rounds did not exist in an early state of the game. In somehow ended with the Skeletal Dragon. So later on I added new rounds with more challenging enemies.

8. The five thieves I can get in the scenario "Above" don't have traits. Is it intended?

Well, I just used the macro "NAMED_NOTRAIT_UNIT" to recall them. There is no particular reason why I did this.

9. If you will add a boss with my name, could it be a dwarvish dragonguard?

Yeah, I will give him a blitz gun (lightning gun).

10. It's bad I can't unequip my torch because it makes my chaotic hero do less damage.

Yeah, I will add an option for that. Done.

11. I didn't buy a single mercenary because they were so expensive.

Well, it is a way to impress Kilma to have a big fighting team. You can also recall the two guys from the start giving you a crew of five persons and or monsters ^^ (the (sand)witcher!! also reference to the arrow :P). I don´t think they are expensive if you keep them alive and advance and upgrade them.

12. I noticed you can get 100% resistances or defence if you have enough gold or experience points. Is it intended?

Yeah, kind of. The add-on had a limit of how much gold you could earn. By adding the infinite random rounds and adding the bosses you can now easily earn enough. But I don't think that making the game easier is something bad. It should be fun to play, but it was more rogue like in the older version.
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Trapped 1.14 Bosses think about things

Post by Heindal »

Uploaded: Trapped 1.14
Codename: Bosses think about things
(greetings to Daði Freyr)


- bosses now have a counter of how many times they have been defeated
- bosses become stronger each time they are defeated
(they increase defense, damage, movement and resistance based on the time they have been defeated)

- you can completely deactivate npc movement
- any units inside the arena are now teleported to the well inside the "cantina" - this prevent problems with killed npc units inside the arena
- advancement form of Fat Rat has been added to the game to prevent lua mistakes
- throwingknife now can be sold in the first level
- added Spirit of Current as new boss - Dwarvish Dragonguard

not added:

- even so I made a test for a "blitzgun" attack and the animation looked fine, it was a little bit too cheesy. However the files are still there.
I will overwork it if have motivation and probably add it to SL.
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Re: Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Post by lynx »

Played this today on 1.18: very nice. It was too easy on the default difficulty and soon I had a pretty much invincible character. Anyway, it worked mostly fine, I managed to finish by

- didn't manage to finish the thief guild quests, after asking the leader for plans, he said to go be friendly with the guards (which trusted me fully by then, all quests completed) and that he'll need 1k gp. I had plenty to spare and dumped thousands into reputation, but that dialogue just repeated when reinitiated. And I didn't get any new quests after killing that guard.
- after clearing out the farm, the main area reset (fog of war, some labels)

Could be just me:
- didn't find a way to take the orb near the altar
- which I guess the mage near the exit wanted — his dialogue is odd, since we've never spoken before
- didn't find a way to talk to the elf
- didn't find a way to impress the lady, but that could be related to the problem above

I also didn't try returning with the rope back to the main area, if it's at all possible.

Suggestion: include the battle count in the stats, since you already track it anyway.
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Re: Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Post by Heindal »

Hi lynx,

I'm glad you like the add-on and it seems its running smoothly on 1.18. What a relief. I might need to correct some pictures that are not shown, due to the new version of Wesnoth.

The default is "easy" and it used to be harder, as you did not have any boss fight, which provide you with a constant income. But I wanted players to be able to be able to grind, just in case they are running out of gold - which can happen in cases you decided for the wrong weapon.

There is a lot of gold hidden and many secrets that can be found. But just in case somebody isn't the explorer type and never finds these secrets, the game should be play- and winnable even without these secrets. So I added the boss fights for people who want to fight and enjoy it.

The game at hard is of another caliber and even so I sometimes have problems to SURVIVE the first round. These alpha wolfs can be nasty.
And btw. you get a different character with different abilities and several small changes all over the game. I wish it would be more.

About the other endings:

Just read in case you are interested. I will spoiler all missing story lines, hopefully I haven't forgotten one :p.
About the main problems:

Thief guild:
- fog of war and labels: intended there are spots that should be hidden, because there are secrets inside, so I decided to reset the shroud

Other problems:

- you must have the quest to get the orb, otherwise it is uninteresting for you
- he is odd, but once you know who he is, it makes sense - he kinda knows everyone in a spooky way
- talking to the elf is easy
- unfortunately you are ugly, you need something to compensate that
Suggestion: yeah, sounds good

cya, hope you enjoy discovering all the other things and potential endings.
Even so you know how to get there, it is still fun to discover them

The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
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Re: Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Post by lynx »

If you become a blackguard that's already game over. I started with the thieves, then they suggested getting cosy with the guards and then nothing. My reputation with both was maxed in the end as far as I know (from the ingame text and the epilogue alluded to that as well). If there's such a thing as too much trust, I feel like the player should get a better cue. I was going of the leader responses to the particular question.
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Re: Trapped 1.13 - The Zombie returns

Post by Heindal »

Not quite sure what went wrong for you, however this not connected to the reputation. But you have to follow the mission story line, starting with the cook quests, after that the factions will be interested in you, giving you the missions for each faction. You have to defeat the leader of the rats and talk to Josh again, before the option appears. If you haven't defeated the leader of the rats, you can't support the ranged weapon project of Josh.

The variables of the missions are a mess. But I have tested all endings a while ago and haven't touched the mission variables since then.
I will not touch them, if it isn't necessary.
The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Developer of: Trapped, Five Fates, Strange Legacy, Epical, UR Epic Era
Dungeonmasters of Wesnoth, Wild Peasants vs Devouring Corpses, Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
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