The Yōkai

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Re: The Yokai

Post by Skizzaltix »

Yeah, uh...I liked this faction a lot, and it's kind of sad to see it (apparently) slipping through the cracks. I dunno as Melon still visits these forums ever (he was on in March, but...), or if he has any interest in having this continue, but I'd be willing to act as maintainer, if he wants...
...that said, I really ought to get an up-to-date version of 'Noth before making any promises ;)
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Re: The Yokai

Post by fog_of_gold »

There are still balancing problems:
Medusa Witch
Pertify is too strong and annoying. You are able to stone enemy leaders and this is like killing 50% of en enemy per attack. Theoretically, you'll fight allways with a level x unit against a level x unit, because if you got the chance getting a level x unit, your enemy got, too. I'd suggest to either remove it after some turns or to don't allow this in villages or against leaders and to give only a chance to stone. (+30% chance for every level above?)

Swarm Spawn/Surgler Swarm
The Swarm Spawn is too weak. Theoretically, charge doesn't do anything (multiply both, enemies' and allies' attack with 2) and Swarm haven't a possitive effect, too. The damage, comparing to walking corpse, are 1*5 to 6*2. With 10 hitpoints, you can be happy staying alive more than one attack. It may be, that it makes a decent balance being able to level to moving fortesses, but the surglers are more or less one way warrior so it's difficult to level them. The rebel swarm is very strong because of drain. You are as dangerous as with the surglers but you'll get mostly nearly full healed, because after your enemy attacked, you cause much damage, which'll heal you. I'd suggest to change the swarm spawn's attack to 3-4. And giving them 15 hitpoints..

Feyborn Witch - charm
There's average about 50% defence so the enemy have to be as strong as you to make it balanced. But you are level two and your enemy is level one until zero. Of course you won't use that special against level zero units but there's often no other way than to try to convert enemies with 50% defence. I'd suggest to either give the swarm 'ability' and one attack more or to give the special 'magic'.
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Re: The Yokai

Post by Skizzaltix »

I can't really say anything about the top two, but I can say that the "imbalance" with love potion was intentional. Melon mentioned it a while back.

I can also say that this topic was dead, and had been for four months. Oh ho ho ho c;
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Re: The Yokai

Post by fog_of_gold »

Skizzaltix wrote:I can't really say anything about the top two, but I can say that the "imbalance" with love potion was intentional. Melon mentioned it a while back.
It may be and I don't understand. Especially against humans, who wouldn't send drakes into water while knowing, that a Feyborn Witch is there. I don't understnad, too, that it does make differents if the unit is in water or in mountains. Magic would make this still a little bit underpowered, because a chance of 70% makes 70% level one minus 30% level two. Only if level two is a little bit more than doubbled of power comparing to level one, it would have a neutral effect. But level 2 feels much more than 2 level one units.
I can also say that this topic was dead, and had been for four months. Oh ho ho ho c;
Does it disturbing, that this was dead?
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Re: The Yokai

Post by Issyl »

Melon, do you mind if I use the legs/bodies of your Weavers to make a giant spider unit?
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Re: The Yokai

Post by thespaceinvader »

Melon hasn't posted in more than a year. The content is GPL. In other words, feel free... |
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Re: The Yokai

Post by cerevox »

We will just have to hope that this faction keeps getting updated along with ageless era. It would be sad to lose such a fun era.
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Haothehare »

I have to say Melon, that out of all the factions in Wesnoth, I've had to most fun playing as Yokai so far. I think this faction is really flavorful and I have grown to enjoy playing with it.

That said I have a few suggestions.

The Good:
I like the Lamias, the Feyborn, the Poltergeists, and the Weavers the most. They seem to be the backbone units of the faction. The Leshi after the update with heals and cure has made it more viable too, but I prefer the feyborn witches more for healing. (since I don't like fixing what's not broken, I say these are all great the way they are, though I'd like to see more lv 3 options for the Feyborn and Weavers)

The Bad:
I find myself never using the Pixies. Ever. They do not have higher level versions and they are really quite weak. Whenever I think about buying some low level units, lamia and Weaver Maidens always come to mind first.... then poltergeist. I suggest removing them completely.
I also find that the Leshi and the Spriggans to be kind of redundant. They both fill the role for survivability units. They are both plantlike. One type is just regeneration and another is done through drain and heal. Personally I prefer the Leshi because heals are good for playing with lamias and poltergeists... to some extent with Feyborn, but the feyborn have their witches, so if I decide to play witches in a game then I tend to not play Leshi anyway.

The Worst:
Actually I should say the Pixies are the worst because I never use them, but then I decided that Surglers really need to either be removed from the faction, reworked a lot, or combined with the Leshi. The Surglers all seem to have swarm, which is actually a horrible ability because when they are low on health they are virtually useless and can't really heal themselves through the drains. They also have fairly low Hp and low terrain defense, which is NOT a good combination. Whenever I deploy surglers thinking to myself that I will be filling the map with my spawns, but then I realize that they have really low damage potential once they are low health and cannot do much after 1 or 2 swarms.

Either remove the Pixies entirely or combine the Pixies with the Feyborn. They seem similar enough. We don't really need more impact damage in the faction anyway. Add a few more lv3 options for Feyborn and maybe a level 4 for Ninetails fox. (I'd also expect that the ninetails do fire damage instead of arcane...). I would recommend removing surglers completely or giving them regenerate and sort of combine surgler's idea with the Spriggans as they seem very similar in concept... in other words, keep the surglers for their pierce and their swarm but give them more HP and give them regenerate instead of swarm and drain. This would solve the problem of the faction having mostly low HP units. I do like the idea of having SOME KIND of high HP regeneration unit in the faction but somehow Spriggans aren't doing the trick and I think combining Spriggans with Surglers into just one race would be beneficial to the faction. MAYBE even make the Leshi be a part of the Spriggan/Surgler/Leshi race... there's like 3 plant families... that's a bit much I think.... Maybe it's just me and I don't like plants... The Leshi are fine but seem to be more of a Moving Fortress late game than even the actually "moving fortress" themselves... I mean I consistently have my elder Leshi out surviving my Moving Fortresses (partly because moving fortress have LOW damage... so drain doesn't give him much heals and he tends to not be able to hit much after swarm kicks in when Moving Fortress is low on HP and so he's just not much of a fortress at that point and more of a liability).

All in all, my favorite faction to play, just needs more work. I'm also interested in helping make a Yokai faction Campaign, but I am really only interested in designing the characters and writing the story, as I am terrible with technology/coding...

Feyborn Witch: When I use her normal arcane attack it is also considered the charm ability which means I either gain a useless unit I was intending to kill or I lose my witch if all of my attacks miss. I don't like having love potion's charm effect triggering when I'm actually using the witch's other move ... I would appreciate it if this is fixed. Also in my opinion love potion should be melee and not ranged.

Onryo: Sometimes the display on the damage of the unit is bugged and shows inaccurate information. Not sure how this works or if it is even a bug.

ALL Surglers: Sometimes I don't get a surgler spawn after I kill a unit... not sure why...
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Sagez »

Yeah, Yokai faction is great! :D I like them very much too... and you are an ultimate master of necromancy! :lol2:
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Haothehare »

This faction still feels unfinished. I know Melon the original creator feels that the flavor of the faction comes from the low level caps, but this severely limits this faction from being played on some maps/scenarios. I suggest to compromise, the level 3 or 4's could have much higher experience requirements to make the jump from level 2 to 3 or 3 to 4. This would give the faction the same feel but would make it viable for late game maps. It also makes sense story wise as most "yokai" type legends are monsters or creatures who have gained magical powers after being alive or undead for a really long time, so the super versions would make sense to be harder to obtain via higher XP requirements.
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Redrune »

I got on the forums just to check, and I saw that this thread had gotten bumped up to the top.... it got my hopes up :( I really like the yokai! Please come back and start working on them, melon!
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by mnewton1 »

Melon is most likely not coming back back. He/She has not been on for over two years, so making post begging him/her to come back is rather pointless. And the thread hasn't been posted in for over a year as well. :P
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Sepherescent »

I feel somewhat 'bad' for bumping a thread that hasn't been active in seven years.
But hey, seven's the charm, right? Seems oddly fitting to bump a 'Yokai' thread after seven years.

I'm sad to see the discontinuation of this mod. Hell, the only reason I came across it was thanks to its addition to AE (Ageless Era).
Lore-wise and graphics-wise this was easily one of my top 3 favourite factions. A lot of love and care went into this project; but as has been previously mentioned, it lacks some good balancing and a little polish.

Perhaps, if GPL permits it and I get myself a little more into BfW, I'll take a look and see if I can attempt to 'maintain' this amazing add-on.
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Pentarctagon »

Nothing in the GPL would prevent you from doing so, at least.
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Re: The Yōkai

Post by Sepherescent »

Major reworks for the Yokai are now underway. (only took, what, 2? 12? years)

Winkyface at IPS ;)
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