Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by youthfulIdealism »

Hiya! I just started playing this.

So far, the writing is absolutely fantastic. I'm really enjoying it. The dialogues between mr potion guy and mr dwarf lore hammer guy are particularly engaging. I also thought that using the miners to gate areas so that the player can proceed when ready was very clever.

I'm generally enjoying the gameplay, too, but I had a couple of (hopefully constructive) criticisms I wanted to provide.

- Please, please, please, only use fog of war when it really adds something significant to the scenario. I'm finding the fog of war (trial of arms, the old castle) very frustrating, because I'll misclick and be unable to undo it. I'll also ask my unit to traverse from one side of the map to the other, but the situation will change, and I'll need to change the unit's order. Because of the fog of war, I will be unable to undo the movement. Fog of war is a pain in the tuchus, please use it sparingly.
- Inglorious Campaign: this scenario reminds me a lot of the opening scene from Heir to the Throne -- the enemy turns are long and kind of obnoxious. It's not as bad as HTTT, but it still made the first scenario less fun.
- Trial of Arms: There was no mention of an enemy to the northeast (behind a wall... the one with the eyestalk), which meant I didn't look for one. I didn't recruit a party to go deal with the northeastern enemy, and ended up going way over the turn limit while searching for that enemy. As a result, the next scenario is more difficult than it needs to be because I don't have gold carried over. I'd replay it to get enough gold, but I don't really want to play a 70+ turn scenario all over.
- The Old Castle: The pauses in between dialogues add a nice little bit of flavor, but that pause is overused. It happens almost every dialogue, and I often start clicking around to see if the dialogue will continue, or if the game just bugged out. Reducing the pause duration and removing some pauses would be a kindness.

Again, I'm really enjoying this campaign.
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

Hello youthfulIdealism, thanks for your comments, I'm glad you're enjoying the campaign! First of all, I'm assuming you're playing on BfW version 1.14, correct?

Coming to your criticisms :
youthfulIdealism wrote: January 6th, 2021, 4:46 am Please, please, please, only use fog of war when it really adds something significant to the scenario
I can't deny fog of war can be annoying at times, especially with misclicks. In general, I use it when I think it makes sense gameplay-wise or story-wise and I'd convene that the latter case is at least debatable. In the case of some underground scenarios, it is meant to represent the limited visibility due to the darkness, especially if I consider the 'exploration' aspect of the scenario important. IIRC, in the campaign I use it in 6 scenarios, mostly underground ones, and if that's any consolation they will get much rarer once you get back to the surface. Of all the cases, perhaps scenario 2 (trial of arms) is the one which I don't have a particular strong opinion about. Except for giant spiders' jump scares, removing the fog shouldn't really change it much gameplay-wise. I'll think of doing so and check how it feels.
youthfulIdealism wrote: January 6th, 2021, 4:46 am Inglorious Campaign: this scenario reminds me a lot of the opening scene from Heir to the Throne -- the enemy turns are long and kind of obnoxious. It's not as bad as HTTT, but it still made the first scenario less fun.

I honestly don't know how to fix that. I guess the problem is more evident at the end of the scenario when all enemies are rushing towards you from the corners of the map. You may increase the movement speed to alleviate it, but from the coding side I can't think of solutions that wouldn't affect the gameplay.
youthfulIdealism wrote: January 6th, 2021, 4:46 am Trial of Arms: There was no mention of an enemy to the northeast (behind a wall... the one with the eyestalk), which meant I didn't look for one.
At the beginning there was no mention of any enemy at all, so be grateful to the players who complained about the issue before you :lol: I will review the text and add a line to include that bit as well.
youthfulIdealism wrote: January 6th, 2021, 4:46 am The Old Castle: The pauses in between dialogues add a nice little bit of flavor, but that pause is overused.
Point taken, I get easily carried away when I learn a new trick. I can certainly turn them down a tad.
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Konrad2 »

letting us advancing -> letting us advance / allowing us to advance

Why does the allied leader not attack units next to him?

I wasn't really happy with how badly I did in the first scenario, so I tried a few more times.

(I'm not sure if this just my preference about 3 periods instead of just 2.)
technology, soldiers.. -> technology, soldiers...
Did.. Did -> Did... -> Did
people . -> people.
We humbly demand -> We humbly request

In moment of -> moments
repaired from storms -> protected / sheltered
them!You -> them! You

and to nearby allies -> allies.

Win and defeat conditions end with a period (which I consider unneccessary).

When a Torchbearer talks, their sprite is not shown in the dialogue.

trusted . -> trusted.

Please add turns instead of resetting to turn 1. :(

If you've explored most of the map, the map marking 5 places is pretty useless. :/ Maybe move the camera to the placed and highlight them for a moment?

like ye' -> like ye.

all records, artifact -> all records, artifacts

The guardsman that's supposed to not leave his post is quite willing to leave his post if there is an enemy in range.

What happens if turns run out? (They are not mentioned in the scenario objectives.)

S9 Path to Light
khafir -> Khafir
khafir,nagas is not a great teamname. :( And for some reason I can see how many units that side has. Maybe that side is supposed to be hidden?

What is pretty odd:
That allied side has 2 income, but no matter what turn, they have only 100 gold. No fluctuation at all.

The spear in the tomb can be picked up by Skirmishers, Swiftriders, and Harriers. This grants their ranged attack the crash special.
Same for Spearmaster, crash is applied to the shield bash as well.

cautious and unite -> united
RftA-Inglorious Campaign replay 20210107-215508.gz
(26.79 KiB) Downloaded 177 times
RftA-Inglorious Campaign replay 20210108-090534.gz
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RftA-Inglorious Campaign replay 20210108-094123.gz
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

Hi Konrad2, I'm seeing from the screenshot that you're playing on version 1.15, so with the revamped dunefolk faction. Just wanted to say that obviously it is less tested than the version with the old faction, but looking forward probably closer to what it will be. In particular keep in mind this two things:
  • The new liminal implementation works really weirdly in the underground. since the lawful maximum bonus during the schedule is taken as a reference to set the liminal max bonus, even with illumination there will be no bonus. Nor will it be affected by deep underground differently. I asked for explanations a while ago without getting answer, and I would really much see that changed (for example by always setting to 25 the bonus when lawful bonus is 0), but I have no idea what will happen on that front.
  • The biggest decision I took for 1.15 was to allow recruitment of the healers (herbalists), main reasons being that I thought that the alchemist line with its poison special could be interesting. However, I soon realised it was always an inferior choice compared to the standard apothecary line. The poison and the slightly better lvl2 attack never felt enough to prefer it over the heal/regenerate, higher HP and potential for lvl3. For this reason I am a bit conflicted on whether leaving that options or not, it may make the campaign too easy, or just very different to what it was before gameplay-wise. I'd be curious to hear your opinion.
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm Please add turns instead of resetting to turn 1.
I don't remember why I chose to do it this way, perhaps I thought it was clearer. What's the issue with resetting to turn 1? Problems with savefiles?
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm If you've explored most of the map, the map marking 5 places is pretty useless.
right, that would certainly make it more understandable, I assumed most players wouldn't have already explored the corners, but it's better to avoid assuming things
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm The guardsman that's supposed to not leave his post is quite willing to leave his post if there is an enemy in range.
that's how the guardian micro ai works, I thought it was a reasonable behaviour in that situation, i.e. guarding that passage from nearby enemies.
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm S7
What happens if turns run out? (They are not mentioned in the scenario objectives.)
I always forget about them, but of course it should be a losing condition
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm khafir,nagas is not a great teamname. And for some reason I can see how many units that side has. Maybe that side is supposed to be hidden?
Indeed it is! I didn't notice it.
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm That allied side has 2 income, but no matter what turn, they have only 100 gold. No fluctuation at all.
that's again the side which is supposed to be hidden right? I think it may be because it has control=null so it doesn't get a turn. I won't have access to my laptop for a few days, so I can't check right now, but that's probably it.
Konrad2 wrote: January 7th, 2021, 8:31 pm The spear in the tomb can be picked up by Skirmishers, Swiftriders, and Harriers. This grants their ranged attack the crash special.
Same for Spearmaster, crash is applied to the shield bash as well.
ahh right, this one I forgot to change. In the old days only the spearguard had a spear and no other attack, but things have changed now.

Thanks for the bugs/typos reporting :)
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Konrad2 »

For now I'll just answer a few of the questions, I'll try to get everything later.
skeptical_troll wrote: January 10th, 2021, 4:37 pm I don't remember why I chose to do it this way, perhaps I thought it was clearer. What's the issue with resetting to turn 1? Problems with savefiles?
Yes, by resetting the turn number, the autosaves get overwritten one by one. So if someone wanted to go back to the very start or some of the earlier turns before the Centipedes attack, they'd have to rely on manual saves or restarting the scenario.
that's how the guardian micro ai works, I thought it was a reasonable behaviour in that situation, i.e. guarding that passage from nearby enemies.
That might be so, but it doesn't match that well with him claiming that he has precise instructions to not leave his post. I'm suggesting to either reword his words or to change his behavior.
Indeed it is! I didn't notice it.
In general your teamnames are sometimes capitalized, sometimes all lowercase. It's inconsistent (and I prefer capitalization :D).
that's again the side which is supposed to be hidden right? I think it may be because it has control=null so it doesn't get a turn. I won't have access to my laptop for a few days, so I can't check right now, but that's probably it.
Yeah, that's the side.

If a Skirmisher picked up the dragon slaying spear, they should be locked into the Swiftrider advancement. The other advancement uses a sword.

More replays.

At War
part to this attack -> part in this attack

paths will apart -> paths will part

The Orcs Strike Back
It would be quite nice if I and my ally didn't change color for this scenario. :(

Why exactly is Gnarg allowed to die in this scenario?

I kinda wish I was able to plunder the gold the Ship and the Caravan are transporting.

Explorer under the Stars
going too west -> going too far west

Iron and mud
Swampstalk doesn't work on 'Muddy Quagmire', even though this kinda of terrain qualifies as Swamp.

It's feels pretty bad that only a single Saurian responds to the Queens speech that calls her people to rebel. xD

Beyond that, the King moving to a hex that's unrelated to where I am could easily backfire, e.g. he could get surrounded he killed almost instantly.

Forking Path
It is somewhat confusing/surprising the the King is not part of the scenario.

Occult Ridge
The Falcon is not copied.

I only found out by accident that I can now recruit Dune Riders. Please tell the player. :D Also, shouldn't this increase the number of units I can recruit?
Cool, it actually adds mounted recruits. :O

'Turns run out' is missing from the scenario objectives.

big troubles -> big trouble

The Plague
Raise, my -> Rise, my

Why does the Plague not damage infected units?

Forest of Crossing Paths
retreat! retreat! -> retreat! Retreat!
could come here -> would come here

At the start of turn 5 my scenario objectives update to include '(optional)' behind the second win condition.

What do we have here -> What do we have here?

renown for their -> renowned for their

personally elaborated -> personally invented/developed (elaborated = sort of explaining)

Aye -> Aye.

News from the West
I quit the inn -> What inn? It is mentioned for the first time. It might be the one with the mercenaries, but you never said that they went there. Why would they, when the can stay in the fortress?
To be fair, the map makes it obvious that it is said inn.

Rynwarths units don't get healed after the previous scenario ended.

Rynwarth is now an enemy side even though he is supposed to be an ally.

Uqraba's Frontier
is almost impossible -> its almost impossible
who.. who.. -> Who.. who..
this man in -> This man in
march in the desert -> march through the desert

On the Road to Uqraba
represent the major -> present a major
could they be.. -> Could they be..

In general: 'Turns run out' seems to be missing from multiple scenarios.

The Sewer of Uqraba
I'm not sure if I'm buying that the Ahlir is a weak unit that deals almost no damage despite him being an explorer that went all over the world. He is weaker than a Thug, damage wise. Pretty much any lvl 2 unit could solo him.

Prevent him to hire -> Prevent him from hiring

Again, don't reset the turn number. :(
Especially don't do it twice. xD

I'd suggest setting upkeep for units during this scenario and the previous one to 0. Of course, it doesn't change anything gameplaywise, but having -500 gold is not a pretty sight. :(

While it makes sense for Khafir to know the two Dwarvish trackers, it would be nice if they had met on screen before, or if their acquaintance had been mentioned somewhere.

A Score to Settle
Othrondor lost all his xp. :((((
RftA-Familiar Landscapes replay 20210112-184253.gz
(68.16 KiB) Downloaded 171 times
RftA-On the Road to Uqraba replay 20210112-185833.gz
(48.65 KiB) Downloaded 174 times
RftA-The Forest of the Crossing Paths replay 20210112-112434.gz
(135.8 KiB) Downloaded 170 times
RftA-The Plague replay 20210111-185345.gz
(58.45 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
RftA-The Occult Ridge replay 20210111-183439.gz
(41.33 KiB) Downloaded 161 times
RftA-At war replay 20210110-211108.gz
(74.63 KiB) Downloaded 167 times
RftA-The Orcs Strike Back replay 20210110-230313.gz
(88.62 KiB) Downloaded 158 times
RftA-Iron and mud replay 20210111-181625.gz
(90.43 KiB) Downloaded 162 times
RftA-Trial of Arms replay 20210108-112847.gz
(69.19 KiB) Downloaded 167 times
RftA-The Old Castle replay 20210109-201214.gz
(69.89 KiB) Downloaded 183 times
RftA-Intruders from the Surface replay 20210109-213033.gz
(34.1 KiB) Downloaded 172 times
RftA-Kidnapped Shaman replay 20210109-215116.gz
(34.2 KiB) Downloaded 178 times
RftA-Path to Light replay 20210110-162914.gz
(81.57 KiB) Downloaded 181 times
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

Hi, can you please nerf the centipede units? They seem way too overpowered and the enemy side spams them on me.

Also, the Dwarven Runesmith hero has no dialogue when he is killed.
RftA-The Old Castle-Auto-Save8.gz
(72.2 KiB) Downloaded 186 times
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Konrad2 »

What feels really 'oof' to me:
The war with the wizard doesn't get resolved, not even to a level where you know who the wizard is. Or even what forces the wizard commands.
You have no idea where the fanatics come from and what actually motivates them beyond the 'order, purge' stuff.
How does the war wesnoth has with the world end? What happens to my allies?
How did Aerthalka fall? (Looking at Children of the Dust.) How did they learn to employ elementals? Did they get the Aethersomething stone? They likely won the war, which is why they managed to get the stone (granting access to Elementals), but then again, how did they fall? ._.
This kinda demands up to 4 more campaigns to answer all the questions. :(

What you campaign could be said to lack:
'Turns run out' in a lot of scenarios. :D
Dialogue for hero units when they die.
Updating scenario objectives. (When you complete one of the listed objectives, remove it and show only the remaining objectives.)
Any unit is renameable. Hero units included. That's not ideal.

The Academy
You forgot to remove Dune Herbalists from Khafirs recruit list.

I think fog would fit this map really well, or rather, it would work with the dialogue. Without fog you can already see the Uqraba riders in advance, just like the fanatics.

So I brought the Emir to the Academy, expecting them to help me fight off the Fanatics. Any they basically tell me 'no, u'? ._.

Another thing, the Fanaticals seem to ignore the Academy. So they are not actually attacking it?

'Ikrimah still has his silver crown, but his death doesn't lead to losing. (He is also not mentioned in the scenario objectives.)

Please make clear to the player that the Emir has to be in the Academy after the enemy leaders have been defeated.

Council at the Academy
Khafir speaks of the 'past 7 years', but shouldn't it be more like 8 years by now?

Assault at the Border
Once Khafir appears Faylazurs death is listed twice in the scenario objectives.

The leader of the Militia still has a silver crown but his death does not lead to defeat.

The ability 'Milita' does not stack with leadership.

Units between the maps do not require upkeep. I'd recommend storing them in the empty part of the big map instead of removing them from the map.

Not sure if Faylazur was downgraded to a bronzecrown (even though I still have to keep him alive, according to scenario objectives), or if he got a golden crown with a loyal marker on top.

The Die is Cast
assault to our -> assault on our

The scenario starts with a lua error regarding the unknown unit type 'Dune Ranger', which is probably part of the 1.14 Dunefolk? You'll likely just have to change it to a 1.15 Dunefolk to fix it.

Lots of units have silver crowns despite being allowed to die.
RftA-The Academy replay 20210113-113104.gz
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

Lord-Knightmare wrote: January 12th, 2021, 5:55 pm Hi, can you please nerf the centipede units?
while I acknowledge that that scenario could be annoyingly hard, I'm a bit reluctant to make it easier, especially on 'hard'. On one hand, it's been shown to be beatable by several players and I think there is a strategy which allows to consistently pass it. It may not be obvious on the first try even for seasoned Wesnothers (I know there's the rule 'scenarios must be beatable on first try' but I don't always agree with that), but it's there. On the other hand it's probably the scenario which generated the most discussion and remained the longest in the memory of those who played RftA, so I feel it's one of the defining scenarios of the campaign.
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm Why exactly is Gnarg allowed to die in this scenario?
the practical reason was to limit the number of losing conditions to reduce frustration. history-wise the justification would be that he has already accomplished his task by leading the orcs to the assault, although I agree it is a bit arbitrary. It's not the only case where a unit become expandable from a scenario to another, as you may have noticed. I'm not sure how players feel about it but I'm generally worried of having too many must-survive units.
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm I kinda wish I was able to plunder the gold the Ship and the Caravan are transporting.
Actually, this is a very nice idea. I don't know why I haven't ever considered it! :)
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm It's feels pretty bad that only a single Saurian responds to the Queens speech that calls her people to rebel. xD
really? there must be some mistake then, I thought most of the saurians were responding (including Klyx and the 3 'musketeers', unless dead).
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm It is somewhat confusing/surprising the the King is not part of the scenario.
:hmm: it should be unless dead, but there might be a bug
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm The Falcon is not copied.
that's intentional, I considered that the spell wouldn't bother about birds passing by, only about 'land units'
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm Why does the Plague not damage infected units?
Mainly a game-mechanic reason. I want infected units to be 'dangerous' for nearby units but not to die too quickly. I could make up an explanation but I'll let the players answer that :)
Konrad2 wrote: January 10th, 2021, 6:16 pm I'm not sure if I'm buying that the Ahlir is a weak unit that deals almost no damage despite him being an explorer that went all over the world.
Consider he's also getting old and has never received a military training. Besides, he's been inactive for quite some time and he's surely out of shape :mrgreen:
Konrad2 wrote: January 13th, 2021, 9:11 am What you campaign could be said to lack ...
All very fair points, and I don't have explanation other than my laziness :oops: hopefully I'll get to that now that I'm revisiting the campaign.
Konrad2 wrote: January 13th, 2021, 9:11 am Another thing, the Fanaticals seem to ignore the Academy. So they are not actually attacking it?
Now that Khafir + Othrondor arrived, they switched their priority. The practical reason is that I don 't want militia units to die since they'll be available to the player soon.
Konrad2 wrote: January 13th, 2021, 9:11 am Khafir speaks of the 'past 7 years', but shouldn't it be more like 8 years by now?
somewhat in between, so it depends how you approximate. The exact time will be spelled out before the last scenario.
Konrad2 wrote: January 13th, 2021, 9:11 am The scenario starts with a lua error regarding the unknown unit type 'Dune Ranger', which is probably part of the 1.14 Dunefolk? You'll likely just have to change it to a 1.15 Dunefolk to fix it.

damit :oops: :oops: let me fix it
Konrad2 wrote: January 13th, 2021, 9:11 am What feels really 'oof' to me
so at the beginning RftA was supposed to be a 'quick' prequel to another campaign I had in mind, centered on the war between Othrondor and the wizard which would be in turn connected to the events leading to the Fall (there are some hints at that in Children of the Dust as well). Surprisingly, some of those ideas were quite in line to what was planned for the dunefolk background and their role in Wesnoth history, but I don't know what is happening on the front (here my comment in the discussion where I unsolicitedly exposed my head lore). Then things got out of control and the campaign took a life of its own so I never had the time/energy to make the sequel :whistle:
However, leaving a lot of unresolved questions is kinda intentional, to give a sense that the story of the campaign is just part of a bigger and eventful word rather than its center. Regarding the cult, I've put more background in a text file in the add-on folder. I know it's not the most visible place, but take it as a small reward for the most curious/motivated players.
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Konrad2 »

skeptical_troll wrote: January 14th, 2021, 10:42 pm really? there must be some mistake then, I thought most of the saurians were responding (including Klyx and the 3 'musketeers', unless dead).
Ah, I did not word that good enough. Multiple Saurians under my command do respong (including Klyx and the 3 guys), but only 1 new Saurian answers.
:hmm: it should be unless dead, but there might be a bug
Adding a replay to doublecheck.
so at the beginning RftA was supposed to be a 'quick' prequel to another campaign I had in mind, centered on the war between Othrondor and the wizard which would be in turn connected to the events leading to the Fall (there are some hints at that in Children of the Dust as well). Surprisingly, some of those ideas were quite in line to what was planned for the dunefolk background and their role in Wesnoth history, but I don't know what is happening on the front (here my comment in the discussion where I unsolicitedly exposed my head lore). Then things got out of control and the campaign took a life of its own so I never had the time/energy to make the sequel :whistle:
However, leaving a lot of unresolved questions is kinda intentional, to give a sense that the story of the campaign is just part of a bigger and eventful word rather than its center. Regarding the cult, I've put more background in a text file in the add-on folder. I know it's not the most visible place, but take it as a small reward for the most curious/motivated players.
It wouldn't feel oof at all, if said sequel existed. :c Or if I could be sure that it is going to be made. :D
I'll read it.

I didn't see it mentioned in your post, but I really want to be able to command the Militia units in The Academy once the Emir reaches said academy. And I do think it would make sense. Beyond that, I would not have to move to the academy after defeating all enemy leaders.
Barring that, please add something to the scenario objectives to make clear that moving to the academy has to happen after defeating all enemy leaders.

The Die is Cast
Those potions from the Forest, that allow you to breath under water...they still work. do I actually do anything about the Sluices?

order to all -> order all

Also, I did it.
And I very much liked it.

Regarding healers making the campaign too easy/easier/different from before: I have actually no idea, since this was the first time I've played the campaign. But I do think that having no healers is soooo annoyning. No matter the campaign. :D
And while I did like having poison as an option, I usually recalled lvl 3 units instead because I was often pressed for time, so I couldn't afford to take it slow and poison my enemies. I had to destroy them whenever I could.

I do have to point out that I had 49 (of 80) infantry recruits and 29 (of 30) mounted recruits left.

Uncool stuff: Khafirs side is now 'Faylazurs side', e.g. I can only access the stats from the last two scenarios instead of the full campaign.
Stats up to and including Assault at the Border
Stats up to and including Assault at the Border
RftA-The Die is Cast replay 20210115-232847.gz
(137.9 KiB) Downloaded 163 times
RftA-Forking Path replay 20210111-181944.gz
(38.79 KiB) Downloaded 156 times
RftA-Assault at the Border replay 20210114-223916.gz
(114.13 KiB) Downloaded 170 times
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

Konrad2 wrote: January 15th, 2021, 1:13 pm I didn't see it mentioned in your post, but I really want to be able to command the Militia units in The Academy once the Emir reaches said academy. And I do think it would make sense. Beyond that, I would not have to move to the academy after defeating all enemy leaders.
Hmm, I could actually try that out, I don't see particular problems with it except adding a few lines of dialog.
Konrad2 wrote: January 15th, 2021, 1:13 pm Those potions from the Forest, that allow you to breath under water...they still work.
Yep, those are pretty good stuff. I'd say that if you went through the whole process of collecting the ingredients it's fully deserved to have the effect lasting the whole campaign. It shouldn't be so decisive in any of the last scenarios anyway.
Konrad2 wrote: January 15th, 2021, 1:13 pm I do have to point out that I had 49 (of 80) infantry recruits and 29 (of 30) mounted recruits left.
Interesting, probably with healers allowed the campaign is much more about recalling than recruit and sacrifice as it was beforehand. More for me to think about... :hmm:

Thanks again for all the feedback and typos/bugs hunting! :D
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by Krillian57 »

I just finished playing through children of the dust and before that I played Return from the abyss so I thought I’d just leave a review for both of them here. I can’t say much with regards to balancing as I tend to save load and use debug mode (I know I know, but I’m in it for the story mostly), but I didn’t find it too challenging and it seemed like everything was possible while still having a life threatening feel (the perfect balance). With regards to story both were absolutely amazing and they tied in perfectly. It’s really hard to create meaningful characters with one or two lines at the beginning of battles but you did it. I was attached. The extra mechanics were also very enjoyable without feeling like they changed the game. Oh and the endings were superb. Overall these are two of the best campaigns I’ve ever played, maybe even the best, but they’re definitely up there with things like To Lands Unknown and oath of allegiance. If you don’t already I would suggest you try writing, you’re very good at it. Thanks for reading my long, poorly formatted shpeel and most of all thank you for producing such a work of art.
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

Thanks a ton for the nice words, writing these campaigns was a huge investment of time, so this means a lot to me :) :oops:
As for me writing, it is something I definitely enjoy but I am exceedingly slow at it (especially in english, having to revise all the missing 's's :x ), so I guess that I'd better stick to the 'one or two lines at the beginning of battles'. :lol:

As an unsolicited suggestion, if you are mostly in for the story you're the text-book definition of the audience for the 'easy' difficulty. I don't know which difficulty you were using, but in my experience playing on easy is less frustrating than using debug or save/load when I'm not in the mood of thinking too much, and it is less prone to mess up with the coded events which may create inconsistencies. :)
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by IIIO_METAL »

Hello! I noticed that the text of this campaign has been updated a bit. Therefore, I will attach a new Japanese translation file. I also have a Translate text to add to _server.pbl.
I would appreciate it if you could include this file in your add-on.
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See ya!
Creator of "Mountain Witch" & "Castle of evil spirit"
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by skeptical_troll »

many thanks for the updated translation, that's awesome! :D Just to be sure, this is still for the 1.14 version, correct?

Edit: I just realized version 1.16 if out! Is this the translation for that then?
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Re: Return from the Abyss [SP campaign for 1.12/1.14]

Post by IIIO_METAL »

The explanation was insufficient! This is a 1.16 version of the translation.

Then I have one suggestion.
Separate the version notation from the translatable part in the description in _main.cfg.
By doing so, you can avoid invalidating the translation even if the version notation is changed by updating the add-on.

Code: Select all

description= _ "After taking part to a disastrous expedition, Khafir and his men are lost and isolated from their people, thousands of miles away from home, bound by a pact sealed with a powerful dwarvish king. Help him escape from the depth of Irdya and finding his way back, in an adventure across two worlds during the rise of a sinister force in the Great Continent. 
	<i>Three parts (19 playable scenarios), finished. </i> " + "V1.1.10c"
If you would like to adopt this suggestion, please use this translation file.
The pot is created with the version notation separated.
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Creator of "Mountain Witch" & "Castle of evil spirit"
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