War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews

Post by TripleSnail »

I noticed the following minor mistake in the From Darkness intro text: "an year"
Should be: "a year"

Just in case somebody is wondering, I sent a savegame to Delicius, and they have received it.
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews

Post by TripleSnail »


I started on the hard difficulty, but switched to the normal difficulty at the middle after facing a couple of bugs that ruined my economy (I reported them earlier). Still, the gameplay was awesome and the story was even better :). I'll write my private review and send it to you, revansurik, when I'm content with it.

I'll report some issues here though:
And then there's one thing I've been wondering about: Did I miss something, or was there an explanation on why Akhen's companions aren't doing the summoning work during the campaign, since they are supposedly more skilled in Aquamarine arts?
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews

Post by revansurik »

TripleSnail wrote:Finished!

I started on the hard difficulty, but switched to the normal difficulty at the middle after facing a couple of bugs that ruined my economy (I reported them earlier). Still, the gameplay was awesome and the story was even better :). I'll write my private review and send it to you, revansurik, when I'm content with it.
I'll be waiting for the review then ^_^
TripleSnail wrote: I'll report some issues here though:

In Crimson Earth:
In Forces of Nature:
And don't worry, I welcome warns on typos, since I often miss them myself ;)
And then there's one thing I've been wondering about: Did I miss something, or was there an explanation on why Akhen's companions aren't doing the summoning work during the campaign, since they are supposedly more skilled in Aquamarine arts?
Actually, they're only better than Akhen at that in the beginning; as the story progresses, he becomes much more profficient in the Aquamarine Arts than his friends - and that's why he's the only one who can learn the Supreme Aquamarine Spell. And Mahyus does have summoning powers - but, due to his preference for the Umbra Arts, he favours summoning undead. I didn't give him the ability to recruit elementals more for gameplay reasons: since there are many leaders, I thought I should give each of them exclusive recruit lists (for example, Atenak is the only one who can recruit Maat'Karians, Akhen is the one who can summon elementals, and Mahyus can summon undead).
As for Merwe, while it is said, at the end, that she attained the Aquamarine Light as well, this is something that happened much later in her life, and so, by the time of the war, she couldn't summon elementals yet ;)
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews

Post by Delicius169 »

Just finished this campain yesterday, yea and loved it. In the midle of the campain I changed dificulty on moderate (I dont have so much time to try each scenario more than 1 or 2times in worst cases, and I was mostly interested in story).
In the end I was tired of two many big battles, so I didnt car a lot about surviving of my army. And I began mostly to recrut (to spam) brazier whelping (fire elemental 0lvl), who with the help of Inspire ability could reach 14-16damage. Together with Ethereal Orbs they were the most important members of my army. I had fe spectres, one even with 42hp, but they (re)died during fights with elementals.
I never was fan of Maat´Karians army, so if I could, I used undead or elemental.
In my opinion, the strongest hero is Mahyus (Umbra mage), his whirlwind attack with greater plague ability was a key ability to survive in many battles. So next time, Aria the Dragon Slayer awaits for me. And the weakest hero was Akhen- the main hero.
Thanks for great playing, and for great story...
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews

Post by ElinAnir »


First, I know this is a long post, so sorry if anyone feels offended by it, but I thought it could be interesting for other players / devs as well.
Second: I'm now playing War of the Jewels and I like the story, it's quite new with all that exploration and acting long before the usual wesnoth-timeline. Although I haven't finished the campaign yet, there are some nuisances which I think should be dealt with and no, sorry, I don't have bug error messages or the like of it, because the game shows nothing of that and I don't know how to access them if possible at all:

1) Akhen vs. Mahyus duel and other "bugs / errors":
- Had to replay it 3 times until it worked properly. 1st time, my wisps killed Mahyus and nothing happened. 2nd time, a zephyr killed him and nothing happened. 3rd time, after letting him slaughter my wisps and not attacking at all, I managed to kill him with Merwe. I still don't know why this suddenly went well.
- At some point (I think it was the 3rd round of the duel, that means, in every duel at the 3rd round and not only during the 3rd-and-successful attempt) someone from the crowd was cheering for me as if Akhen had done something extraordinary. Which doesn't make sense, because in round 3 there is nothing "extraordinary" to happen from either participant, so I'm puzzled about that. And yes, this came up even when I was fighting defensively (meaning: not at all).
- Although this is not an error or a bug,
- At the mission 16 (Burning Ice) the game states: <Invalid WML Found> Unit-type "Death Squire" doesn't exist.

2) Movement points:
- As pointed out, the leaders are way too slow, some maps are way too big for that and the egyptian units, sorry, your Ma'at-Ka-Re-rians (btw, nice thing to combine Ancient Egypt's 18th Dynasty of Akhenaton / Echnaton with Wesnoth) are too slow.
- 6 movement points is not fast, as you posted someway earlier. 8+ is fast.
- Yes, 11 movement points (or 12) with a quick Tarkan is way too fast, but that gives no reason to cut all movement points down to 4-6. Imho that's just pointless.
- Bad choice of undergrounds throug the whole campaign. Yes, in the first installment we had very good underground for almost all units, because it was mostly flat terrain, but in this second campaign we are almost always forced to move units through terrain which cuts their movement to 2/3 or even 1/3 with bad defenses. Sure, it's playable and in every cave there are cave roads, but I don't think that this is a good solution itself.

3) Traits and other Improvements:
- Please delete the trait "ruby" for elementals, because this one (1) HP is so useless. Except for wisps every other elemental starts with at least 25 HP (Tidal), whereas the average lies beyond 30 and even the wisps have 20 HP. So, a special trait gives at best + 1/20 HP, at average + 1/32? The higher the level, the more pointless is "ruby", especially compared to enemy attacks (no enemy has an attack like 1-4 or 1-X) or the other traits.
- Btw, why rename the traits for elementals? For me it was and still is confusing why quick / intelligent and so an have the same (or almost the same) properties, but different names. That "trying to be different because more interesting that way"-thing just backfires like so many other things you tried to improve.
- Ma'at-Ka-Re-rians: I never wanted to play with them after the prologue because they're an awful week army. Just like the windsong (one good unit: Oathkeeper => Warmonger has berserk). I always and only play with elementals / undead / dwarves what made me now furious twice!
Especially the charriot, no good attacks, awful defenses (doesn't even serve as a good tank), bad movement costs and unfit for many terrains. Then, when they have horses (charriots) and an ancestry of steppe riders (or mongolias gold horde), why did they abandon horse riders? That goes against every military technique and the "horse rider" (with whatever weapons equipped) was the reason why charriots and the like weren't in use for the last 1500 years in our world (less flexible, more vulnerable, not possible to operate in large groups, prone to everything a single horse rider is not, etc.).
- AMLA's are great! Yours are puzzling me because
4) Trying to go beyond mighty:
- Although I love to have overpowered units and things like that, yours are ... well... I know you don't want to be another "Legend of Invincible"-clone, but seriously, a unit (dragon, myra+trident, akhen / merwe / etc.) should not be considered powerful because of an attack like 50-1 or 25-2. Sure, can deal great amounts of damage, but: can. If there's no hit, there's no damage. Akhens Ankh (30-1) quite annoyed me up to that point that I didn't even used that attack anymore.
- Powerful attack?
- Powerful attack imho: 5-10 way better than 50-1, the average damage is sky-higher. Or 6-10, better than 60-1. Sure, if a dragon or another overpowered unit hits, it slaughters every other normal unit, but if it doesn't... Well, that's just a big pile of meat and so are the playable generals. Using their "powerful" attacks is always a gamble and most of times a lost gamble,
Of course, the player can save/reload to hit every of his attacks and let all other powerful units miss theirs, but that's just a soft application of cheating, isn't it?
- Reason behind that: Sure, I understand that you want us to acknowledge and understand that great power doesn't come without grave responsibilities and wields great danger in its use, but these kinds of OP-attacks are rather annoying-attacks with nice graphics. Except for Mahyus' OP-attack I don't use any of those at all or just for fancy as soon as victory is guaranteed and if I can play a little bit around with remnant troops.

5) Suggestions:
- Movement points: 4-6 is ok if you help us walking faster on certain terrains. Your idea to improve that at the 2nd part is great Imho, because it induces a "learning-and-training-effect" which we know from reality. Why not applying it sooner or via AMLA? THAT would be great.
- Trait "ruby": Delete it, because "ruby=+10% of max HP" isn't better (gives a Djinn +6 or +7 max HP) because that equals at best "emerald". Why not giving more resistancies? Like "ruby=+10% resistance to the elementals weak-element"? Or giving all resistancies a +5% bonus? Sure, it seems like OP, but in reality this reduces incoming damage at best for 1-2 HP per hit and that's not something that can make an entire campaign suddenly easier-than-easy.
- Ma'at-Ka-Re-rians: Give us horse riders please! If not giving more movement points, then giving better defenses on terrains (sefet and khopesh are so awful, sorry) or just redo their attacks. Instead of 14-2, please 4-7, or 7-4, or 7-3 for their shield bash. The thing is the hit-function: No hit, then it doesn't matter how powerful it could be. It's the same with a Ferrari, if you're not driving it, it doesn't matter how many women you could attract with it because you're not attracting even one female. Please let us recruit mages, we have an academy and cannot recruit them? Why? Ok, veteran mages, say, level 2 for ... 50 gold? 80 gold? I think this would come close to your decision of "great power comes with a price", right?
- Windsong: Same goes here, although I know that probably it wasn't you who designed them. In comparison to the elementals I never wanted to use them, because elementals come with marksman and sylphs/zephyrs/djinns are OP through Campaign 1+2 because almost every unit is weak against cold and even undead are weak against impact. Yes, they have only 50% defence, but they move at 1 on almost every terrain and used right, they just kick ass. Especially troubling was that I had to wait for ages until I could recruit them, although it was said that Myra led refugees / windsong from here to there and everywhere.
- The Price for Great Power: Instead of LC, "Much-Damage"-1 and "specials-all-over", why not AMLA-ing them? Ok, saying "do it like Legends-of-Invincibles" isn't a good solution, yes, you're right, but with AMLA's we would pay for the power with XP and we get XP only through putting our most crucial units into danger. Another idea would be to immobilizie and / or rendering the unit vulnerable after it used such an attack, meaning, 1 turn after its use that unit cannot move and will take double damage. Or maybe even: if the attack was used too often, the unit gets "negative leadership" which lets nearby allied units fight worse (-10%, -15%, -25%, etc.) because they fear the wielder of such devastating power. Yes, I do not code LUA or WML, so I don't know if that's possible at all, but the easiest way is still AMLA-ing it: improvements for XP. This induces also an "learning-and-training-effect", which you could further strengthen by this: depending on their chosen path, the leader units get a strong attack at each level-up, but these attacks are flawed at the beginn and have to be improved themselves. Meaning, character A gets the attack "Starsong" which does 7-1 damage and has explosive with a negative marksman (always hit at 30%), at next level-up the player can choose to get another (maybe better) attack or to improve "Starsong" which deals then 8-2 with "always hit at 50%". The philosophy behind this would be: The unit trained this attack and is, by its next level-up, rewarded with the results of good training - or it is rewarded with a new attack that has been developed, because this unit felt that its first attack (Starsong) was a failure, thus developing a second (and, of course, also flawed) attack. But ok, I see, this is Wesnoth and not D&D 3.5 and foremost: it's your campaign and not mine.

thanks for reading and keep up the good work!
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by derluna »

I have found a bug possibly.

After leveled up several times, my Merwe once get The AMLA and loses her terran defense.
She should have 40% in caves but 10% instead after leveled up. I have found the same situation in other sceneraios.
My current version is 1.12.6.
Just as showed in the attached picture.

I also attach my saves.
4-1 is before leveling up. 4-2 is after.

Please help me to solve this..
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by sreesreearul »

I do not think revansurik checks these forums these days. You can probably pm him. Or hopefully somebody else can help you fix it.
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by Sadaharu »

I've run into a gamebreaking bug in Crimson Earth.
Can anybody help? I'm attaching the start-of-scenario file. :(
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by Sadaharu »

^I solved the above (to a degree) by entering debug mode, switching Sadjet Merewi back to a human-controlled faction, and then spawning a few units right there to attack Suryen Werses and thus force the scenario to end. But that robbed me of what promised to be a great battle, as well as, I think, of a few lines of dialogue.
At least in ‘The Master of Four Lights’ Sadjet Merewi is now in my recall list (but she doesn't spawn like my other units).
I'll see how it goes.
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by revansurik »

Third time in row I'm saying this (I had to update the other campaigns as well), but long time no see folks! :lol:

Like I mentioned in the ASoF thread, I've explained the reasons of my hiatus in the Aria of the Dragon-Slayer thread so I won't repeat myself here. Without further ado, here's the changelog for v. 1.0.2 of War of the Jewel!

A little side note: WotJ is probably the buggiest of my campaigns (which is to say something :whistle: ) so there might be a few that I've missed this time. But I should be more active from now on (I know I know, I've said it before but that was another, less stable time :lol: ) so I'll pay more attention to feedbacks.

Code: Select all

Version 1.0.2

- Scenarios
   - Between the Mountains and the Wood: Violindë should now go for her keep if it's occupied at the moment she appears
   - Foundation Stone: killing the Skironian summoner causes all undead to be destroyed
   - Crimson Ice (I & II): small changes to map
   - Waters of Light: Akhen should now be able to arcanize waters
   - True Darkness: Stygia's darkness is now a little 'less dark' :P

- Units
   - Decreased attack of Sentinel and Migdol Guard by 1
   - Added 'shock' weapon special and 'skirmisher' ability to Chariot Archer line
   - Added 'shieldwall' ability to Migdol Guard and Medjay
   - Added 'marksman' and 'daze' weapon specials to Sefet line
   - Decreased movement of most Chomi units by 1
   - Decreased attack of Supreme Aquamarine & Crimson Spells by 10; added 'Unerring' weapon special to them
   - Changed Washraha Seeker and Washraja's 'illuminate' ability for 'leadership'
- Miscelanea
   - Minor changes/corrections to texts and character lilnes
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by Sadaharu »

Specific post for this campaign: has the problem with Crimson Earth been solved for 1.14 and/or 1.12? (see two posts above)
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by revansurik »

Sadaharu wrote: December 30th, 2019, 9:41 pm Specific post for this campaign: has the problem with Crimson Earth been solved for 1.14 and/or 1.12? (see two posts above)
So, I'd seen that post but that didn't happen to me... I did do a bit of coding to try and prevent that from happening, but if it keeps happening to you let me know and I'll try something else ;)
Author of the Dragon Trilogy.

If you enjoyed A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer and Soldier of Wesnoth, you may like my new project: Star of Chaos, a science-fiction mystery/adventure intended to be a trilogy
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by Sadaharu »

*starts downloading all 27.1 MB of WotJ*
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by Cashcam24 »

Evertime I try to load the scenario heir to the elements I get an error

The game map could not be loaded: unknown tile in map: (Rmp^Ma) 'Rmp^Ma'
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Re: War of the Jewel: SP Campaign, 1.11+ (Feedback & Reviews)

Post by hermestrismi »

I played the trilogy and I liked. Indeed, I fixed some bugs by myself (i m lazy and i m not actif on the forum). i wish u have another campaign in the same timeline of events. thank you
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