Monster Hunt

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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Computer_Player »

Wow. This had some movement! I see that there is now an a Monster Hunt add-on on the 1.16 version, but its a 1v 1 modified one lacking some features. Its servicable enough and I am happy that it is even there, but dare I hope for a port of the old version with all the chaoticness? Its fun enough as it is though.

Also, I got 1.12 just to try out your changes Atriedes. I do hope to still have fun with this there!

Edit: I can't seem to connect to the add-on server using 1.12. How do I import this add-on into 1.12?
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by white_haired_uncle »

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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Atreides »

I believe it might be possible for someone to setup a 1.12 (or any other old version) alternate server? The official ones are only 1.14 and up. Soon to be 1.16 and up.
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Computer_Player »

Just played a 1v1 vs Atreides using the 2.0 version on 1.16. Very fun though I do believe the hero side is favored right now.. ofcouurse, I only played 1 game for now so more data would be appreciated. Thanks for the update for it Limabean. I do think the monsters should have reinforcements as well so that the heroes will have an event they have to plan for.

Attached is the replay and GG
2p - Monster Hunt replay 20240210-094222.gz
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Atreides »

It was a blast for sure. At the risk of sounding like a sore loser I do believe I read some post or mail that mentioned that the hero side might be a little favoured. I think though what is really needed is for a good player to give the Monster a proper try. At best I'm an average player and probably misplayed it pretty badly. (The replay shows my dopey attempt to charge into the centre town after having softened it up with disease - note how I went in without a pack of zombies or even any recruits... my excuse for the rush being that the elite woses had just arrived and I guess I paniced)

As promised here is the 1.12 (needs Wesnoth 1.12!) version with a few little buglets squished (it does fix the problem that survivors had with not getting their XP so that is worthwhile at least) and adjustments made by me:
A few little bugs fixed
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Computer_Player »

Nice thanks for the upload! By the way I had the chance to play as monster in another game with somebody new to the mode. It surprised me how hard it quickly became for the heroes when they didn't go for the village alert right from the get go. They were also confused on what to do at the start despite me telling the map objectives. Perhaps a label on the grottoes: Monster Grotto or something like that (or for the Monster, you can label the general as a King) would help make objectives clearer.

I would also suggest a tip on how to recruit as the monster, since it wasn't clear that you have to right click beside the monster to recruit their special units. A tip to turn on skip AI animation might be useful as well (not sure if this is already enabled by default by the map)

So some tips from what I have gleaned so far.

As Hero:

Take note of villages and alert them (by placing one of your units into them) as soon as possible. This means recruiting with that in mind from the start (i.e. scouts / flyers) as alerts give free additional units to fight the zombies with. Try to get someone/s up to the north and another into the forest for this reason.

If you feel that you can take care of the south east ai grotto with just your regular units, feel free to go send your leader some place else. The faster you can take care of the grottoes and put pressure on monster health by forcing them to buy guardians, the better.

Take note of the reinforcements at turn 9 and turn 13 and plan accordingly.

As Monster:

Get a rat as soon as feasible and disease the center city. Disease will take some time to work and so its good to have it working ASAP.

Always watch your health. Get +12 or +16 feeding so you can feed on the peasants to fuel your purchases. Beware of marching into the city too early or recklessly moving in the forest where you can get ambushed and trapped awkwardly with low health. For this reason, monsters may decide to teleport to the north east to also lay the ground work for the Turn 9 hero reinforcements. Alternatively, you could teleport to the south and aim for the grass land vils once the heroes have moved on from them and forgot to provide protection on the vils there.

On a last note- I am attachign the replay, but it was full of out of sync errors. We were able to play through it until GG by heroes, but I don't think we were seeing the same game. Not sure also what caused it.

P.S. Btw Atreides, what do you think about the Castle Rush strategy on the 1.12 version? Have you been trying it out?
2p - Monster Hunt replay 20240211-055310.gz
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Atreides »

Castle Rush, that sounds familiar. I think I read a post about it a while back. I don't believe I ever tried it. The Monster is not too complicated to play in the old version. Just hit those villages/castles/keeps and try and start a chain reaction where the new zombies can hit more of them. I remember I had worked out some stuff about which things were best to make as Monster. Maybe I even posted them here.
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Re: Monster Hunt

Post by Limabean »

Hi Atreides and Computer_Player,

Thanks very much for the feedback and replays. First, I've just pushed a small update adding much more thorough and organized how-to-play instructions to the 1.16 version. So hopefully first time players won't have as many unanswered questions. However, I would ask that any future feedback for thew new version goes to the other thread so it's not as confusing for readers: viewtopic.php?t=57193

My next goal will be to figure out what is causing the OOS you experienced. Thanks for posting the replay, as that will hopefully help narrow it down.

Lastly, I hear the interest you both have in the original version. To be honest, I'm more inclined to remake it rather than porting it to 1.16. The WML for the for the old version is truly horrific to look at... On that note, I will aim to make a 'new' 4p Random Map scenario with the same chaotic style of the original. I can't give you any promises for when, as real life is very busy. But I will work on it when I have the time.
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