Forum Information for campaigns?

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Forum Information for campaigns?

Post by shevegen »

This is a bit of a loose suggestion or loose question.

I had a look at some of the campaigns (on the forum here) and I think it would be nice if a "general
header" could be added to all campaigns there (on the forum, on the very first page of each thread).

This information could include, for campaigns, the following (and possibly more):

- Created at: xyz
- Last updated: xyz
- Original author: xyz
- Current maintainer(s): (List here)
- Number of scenarios: xxx

And so forth.

My idea would be that a bot that can be run manually is adding that information.

I guess the information is currently available somewhere, and if not it can probably
be parsed from the webforum itself.

What would be the advantage?

Well, I think if we could run this on ALL campaigns, we could provide an initial
overview that is up to date (at the least once it is run manually, but you could
of course run it automatically at the start of each month or something).

This would help people quickly look for campaigns that still need help and
what not.

They could also browse the forum and see whether a campaign is active,
how many scenarios there are and so forth.

They can of course try in-game and such, but sometimes you may want to
first browse the forum and look how useful the campaign is. Sometimes
the original creator vanished, but someone else took over for some time.

Having this information for ALL campaigns at the very start would be convenient,
in particular because I have recently noticed some campaigns where the
original creator has long since retired, but a new maintainer took over, and
then the information on the first page is rarely updated (because the original
guy became inactive). Solving this via a script would be best, because we
could then just run the script again and again and not depend on manual
additions to that information.
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Re: Forum Information for campaigns?

Post by Lord-Knightmare »

I had a look at some of the campaigns (on the forum here) and I think it would be nice if a "general
header" could be added to all campaigns there (on the forum, on the very first page of each thread).
Seems like a task for Forum Mods.
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