6b. Soradoc

Feedback for the mainline campaign Eastern Invasion.

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6b. Soradoc

Post by Content Feedback »

(1) What difficulty levels and game versions have you played the scenario on?
(2) How difficult did you find the scenario? (1-10)
(3) How clear did you find the scenario objectives?
(4) How clear and interesting did you find the dialog and storyline of the scenario?
(5) What were your major challenges in meeting the objectives of the scenario?
(6) How fun do you think the scenario is? (1-10)
(7) What, if any, are changes you would have made to the scenario to make it more fun?
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Re: 6b. Soradoc

Post by Vendrick »

(1) Invasion, 1.18
(2) 7
(3) Clear
(4) Dialogue continues to be good, with Owaec and Dacyn clashing. I also like the Soradoc map; it conveys quite well the dire straits of Soradoc's defenders. Nice to see that Mal-Ravanal's enjoying the invasion.
(5) The two L3 Undead units are extremely dangerous - the resilient Necromancer (83HP!) and a Ghast. The Ghast can deal 45 damage at night, and the Necromancer 48. The narrow front, time of day, the Necromancer's high income and incoming reinforcements make this part extremely dangerous.
(6) 9 - the strong storytelling of the gameplay itself, the tactical options available and the tension between the bonus objectives make it the best scenario (so far).
(7) The achievement for not killing any of the undead leaders is strange because that's the easiest and worst outcome.

On the replay: If only there were some kind of fast, impact resistant unit that could hit the Undead during day time. At least I have the Dunefolk (until my gold goes negative and their mercenary trait flips from +30% to -30% damage).
Poison makes the AI play incompetently (spreading attacks and targeting Gweddry in particular) and I exploited that.
The Necromancer seems impossible to pull from his keep with bait and waiting out night for the kill probably wrecks any chance of killing the other undead leaders.
My mages really delivered on the critical turn to attack the Necromancer. The actual target is reduce the Necromancer to ~24 HP and cause him to retreat rather than attacking. I got lucky though and damaged the Necromancer enough that he checked out of combat altogether and got killed while still on the village.
I didn't account for the chance the ghoul would die on the attack and expose Gweddry to another hex though.
The heroic bait spearman disrupts the advance of Mal-Ravanal's ghosts really well, as the lead ghosts stop to capture villages.
I close out with a major mistake with Owaec, who could have been killed if hit he had missed the skeleton. I've decided to blame Yannic though.

An Archmage is probably the best bet for clearing out the Necromancer without the knights from Mal-Ravanal's capital. I should have given Gweddry's illuminate to a more expendable unit (like the Dune Swordsman) in the previous scenario.
EI-Soradoc replay 20240407-171308.gz
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