wesnoth.interface.game_display.unit_status with limited space

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wesnoth.interface.game_display.unit_status with limited space

Post by white_haired_uncle »

When the status field in the right panel contains too much to fit on the screen, an ellipsis (...) is created and you can hover the mouse over the area to get a full list of the tooltips. At least, it does so when something like slowed or poisoned (presumedly statuses which are built-in) is added. It does not seem to work if you simply add "too much" using wesnoth.interface.game_display.unit_status.

It's kind of hard to explain, so I'll try an example. Use the code below to add icons for unpoisonable, unplagueable, and undrainable. Only unpoisonable and undrainable will show, there will be no ellipsis, and hovering will show only the tooltips for the two visible items.

Now add slowed (via :unit status=slowed). You get the snail, the ellipsis, and you can hover to see tooltips for unpoisonable, unplagueable, and undrainable. Remove slowed and it's back to just the two being visible/available.

I'm wondering if this is just a limitation of the way the "ellipsis code" works, or if something is missing on the UMC side?

Code: Select all

local old_unit_status = wesnoth.interface.game_display.unit_status
function wesnoth.interface.game_display.unit_status()
     local u = wesnoth.interface.get_displayed_unit()
     if not u then return {} end
     local s = old_unit_status()
     if u.status.infected then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/infected.png",
             tooltip = _"infected: This unit is infected. It will become undead after death, unless cured by a healer or by standing on a village."
         } })
     if u.status.incinerated then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/incinerated.png",
             tooltip = _"in flames: This unit is in flames. It will lose 16 HP per turn, unless cured by a healer or by standing on a village."
        } })
     if u.status.unslowable then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/unslowable.png",
             tooltip = _"unslowable: This unit cannot be affected by slow."
        } })
     if u.status.unpoisonable then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/unpoisonable.png",
             tooltip = _"unpoisonable: This unit cannot be affected by poison."
        } })
     if u.status.undrainable then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/undrainable.png",
             tooltip = _"undrainable: This unit cannot be drained."
        } })
     if u.status.unplagueable then
         table.insert(s, { "element", {
             image = "misc/unplagueable.png",
             tooltip = _"unplagueable: This unit will not return as undead when killed by a plague weapon special."
        } })
     return s
Speak softly, and carry Doombringer.
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